c64 emu released

Only got my GP32 on Tuesday from Craigix, and so far I have been so impressed, from the speed at which I received it, (I now live in the USA though I am still a Brit) to it's current power and functionality. I can not believe that I can play PC games (ported), Speccy games almost perfect, sega master system games almost perfect (actually probably perfect), Gameboy (basic) slight sound distortion and speed (not much) problem on the same machine. That does not include the MP3's that are now at hand, though several have frozen the machine and the potential of DIV X movies (well maybe not movies on 128M) which I have not tried yet and now to top it all there seemingly perfect c64 (without sound) emulation. I have only tried Great Giana sisters as this is the only "disk image" I have. This does not even include any bespoke gp32 stuff which looks really good on stills, or the pc-engine which I have not even tried yet.

Thanks for the machine Craigix and thanks to the rest of you for making this a really superb buy.

I have not even mentioned Windups yet, oh I have now.

Buy one! :D
My, but MrT is a bit enthusiastic. I wish mine would come in.

Try www.c64.com. They have what appears to be a couple of million c64 games.
It has a link on the site to a site that apparently has some games...I dunno if it does or not. I also recommend http://cia.c64.org - although be careful cos' some of their files are PRG files, not yet supported (they're basically just standalone exe files rather than a disk image).

I haven't tested it yet but believe me I'm doing it riiiiiiiight now :) I want to play stupid things on it! Like Parky and the Submarine! It won't be the same without sound, but meh...I'll live :P

I'm looking forward to the day when I can play Monty on the Run full speed with sound on a handheld :)
Ok, I tried it...I only had 2 games that were .D64 and 8 letter filenames handy; IK+ and Robocop. IK+ loaded and ran fine with default frameskipping (it's a little choppy on the bonus stages because the animation is so smooth, but this is just cos' of the frameskip being too high). Robocop would not load. So it seems fine, I dunno why Robocop didn't work, but I think it's probably cos of the D64 itself (ie the crackers intro didn't work, or there was none and it couldn't handle it, or something). No sound is a bummer but hey, I usually play my GP32 in my local arcade or elsewhere in the city, where it's so loud you can't hear it anyway. (actually, you can barely hear a GP32 in the arcade, right next to the loudest machines...it's that loud!)

My verdict: Obviously needs work, but even the author acknowledges that...but for a first beta? Excellent! A job well done! One suggestion I would make though is to color 'reset gp32' differently to the rest, because I thought it was reset c64. D'goh. Yes it's stupid of me to do that...either that or make it say are you sure or something. Otherwise, I give it 321 stars!
Wow, this is proper retro heaven for me, love it. Yeah it's got some bugs, but just playing paradroid again almost made me cry, great work!!

Had a couple of games cause some exceptions and pop up the mr spiv bios monitor screen, couldron2 does it after about 3 secs of play each time and paradroid does it, well randomly i'm afriad.

But a fabulous emul, just what we've been waiting for, cant wait for aversion which can load .t64's

keep up the good work
Glad you like it. I'm going to take the risk and flash my firmware soon for the BIOS monitor. It should make debugging those crashes a lot easier.
It's a lovely thing - it gave me a real warm glow last night when I downloaded it and fired up Iridis Alpha :). It's still a little choppy for playing things that scroll at mental speeds (like Iridis), and (at least trying Iridis, Sheep in Space and Matrix) usually resets the GP32 after a minute or so's play, but for a first release it's pretty damn excellent, and I'm *really* looking forward to seeing it progress. I know there are a few people on the Llamasoft board who would buy a gp32 *instantly* if they could play their fave Commie games on it :).

(:-) - Yak
That's for sure, the mere mention of portable C64 before I got my GP32 would have made me drool! I mean, you can play the Speccy and C16 versions of your games anyway already...but only the ones that exist on those machines. Once the framerate picks up and it's stable it'll be great, sound or not!

The resetting thing seems more prone in some games...I noticed it happened a lot when I pushed start (either in the menu or exiting it). I think once it happened when I was going to change disk images. Also, some games run too fast (but only VERY basic ones, like Parky and the Submarine :P)...but it's very good. I especially like the way how shift stays down when you press it (because one of my favourite things to do when bored is load up Kung Fu Master and do the gun cheat. The sheer idiocy of the situation makes me laugh for hours!)

C64 emulation was one of the main things I was looking forward to for GP32, and finally it's becoming a reality! :) I love every C64 games...even the bad ones...which brings me to the question: why did I put alice in videoland on my GP32?
Be sure and change the default frameskip down from 5 to 2... everything I've tried becomes lovely and playable at that rate. If it weren't for the resetting I'd've probably been playing Commy games all afternoon ;).

(:-) - Yak
Well, I'm sure snaff'll fix those problems as soon as he can. The source is on the page, maybe someone else will even...the resetting was a bummer and I thought it might have been my batteries for a bit...but frameskip 2 or 3 works best in most cases. And now I have to ask myself: why the heck was I playing Parky and the Submarine earlier? If you look up that game in google, you get about 15 hits or so. And at least two of those hits are me asking "WHERE IS THE SUBMARINE? I CANNOT FIND THE SUBMARINE!"

Every so often I look at the GP32, play a game for a few minutes, it resets, then I turn it off again...then I either just load up CCS64 or I go play the Dreamcast or something.

There it goes again!
Flashed my gp32 bios and used the monitor to track down a bug. Frodo beta 2 is up now and should be mor stable. Let me know if there's any more resets, but hopefully it's all groovy now and I can get back to work on the sound. :)
[much hugs and fluffy love to Snaff]

You, sir, are a most excellent gentleman, and I thank you muchmode for this goodness :).

(:-) - Yak
Ditto, and I present you with the award for speedy updates of GP32 programs because that was VERY fast :P keep up the good work!

:D :D

Damn, this thing is pure sex in a box :).

(:-) - Yak
I woulda played Revenge too (and Revenge 2 too!) but I only got a T64 image of it I think...it's surprisingly hard to find only D64's. I bet it's on one of the Blast From the Past collections somewhere, but...there's about 300 of them! I haven't got the patience to go through each of them every time I want to play something! Especially since they're full of wierd things like...um...ok, I guess you can't get much wierder than *that* anyway. :)
Hooray! Good ol' Llamasoft :) I found my Iridis Alpha .D64 lying around...I'd put up some .D64's for easy use up on my website, just to help people out, but the legality of the distribution is always something that requires searching for. For example, First Star stuff - wasn't Spy vs Spy 3 on a cover tape at one point anyway? Besides, by the time the page is up and running, the emu will have T64 support :)

I think Anticipal would kill the emulator though...scrolling's waaaay too fast in that...Cippy on the Run is gonna be psychotic :)
Yeah, I released all the old games as freeware ages ago for people to use in the emulators, so there's no dubious legality about taking Llamasoft games for use on emu websites or distros or whatever.

I've been playing Iridis and Ancipital fine at frameskip 2; Batalyx works well too, although you have to overlay the virtual keyboard to switch between subgames, and one time the virtual keyboard broke when I did that.

(:-) - Yak
Oops! I confused Batalyx with Anticipal! Both were/are great games, but I still have no idea what a Batalyx or an Anticipal is!

Yak, I've been reading your site since when it was back at netcom or whatever...I think you were in the US at the time. It was quite a marvel at the time to find someone who not only made the games, but openly supported and enjoyed the emulation of them as well! Almost as exciting as finding about emulation itself. Of course, things have progressed a lot since then and it's not really as unique as it once was. Sort of. It was good to see someone who didn't just automatically think "emulation = piracy" (which in some more recent cases is a fair view), and/or not denying the public 15 year old software for free, since it obviously isn't going to hurt sales, damage reputations and so on. I mean, fair enough with console software, but computer software? I don't expect my C64 tapes and disks will work too well in another 10 years time!

I dunno if it did this in the old version, but in beta3 I was just playing rotmc and the screen kinda...went off centre. The whole emulator, not just the game! By that I mean, the bottom left is in the top right and vice versa! It's sorta playable still..ok, maybe not. This bug is trippy! I'm sure it'd be fun on some games but on revenge? no :)

And yeah, the sound needs work, obviously, but it actually sounds okayish on some old games. Sounds more like a C16 than a C64, though. Not that there's anything wrong with sounding like a C16. :) All the same, it's progress and it definitely makes some games more enjoyable, and most oddly of all, there's no significant speed difference! That's always a good thing in my book! :) I'd give some praise, but that'd be laying it on a bit thick, so err...yep. It's good. And it's nice. :)