Oops! I confused Batalyx with Anticipal! Both were/are great games, but I still have no idea what a Batalyx or an Anticipal is!
Yak, I've been reading your site since when it was back at netcom or whatever...I think you were in the US at the time. It was quite a marvel at the time to find someone who not only made the games, but openly supported and enjoyed the emulation of them as well! Almost as exciting as finding about emulation itself. Of course, things have progressed a lot since then and it's not really as unique as it once was. Sort of. It was good to see someone who didn't just automatically think "emulation = piracy" (which in some more recent cases is a fair view), and/or not denying the public 15 year old software for free, since it obviously isn't going to hurt sales, damage reputations and so on. I mean, fair enough with console software, but computer software? I don't expect my C64 tapes and disks will work too well in another 10 years time!
I dunno if it did this in the old version, but in beta3 I was just playing rotmc and the screen kinda...went off centre. The whole emulator, not just the game! By that I mean, the bottom left is in the top right and vice versa! It's sorta playable still..ok, maybe not. This bug is trippy! I'm sure it'd be fun on some games but on revenge? no
And yeah, the sound needs work, obviously, but it actually sounds okayish on some old games. Sounds more like a C16 than a C64, though. Not that there's anything wrong with sounding like a C16.

All the same, it's progress and it definitely makes some games more enjoyable, and most oddly of all, there's no significant speed difference! That's always a good thing in my book!

I'd give some praise, but that'd be laying it on a bit thick, so err...yep. It's good. And it's nice.