Is This Better Than N-gage?please Let It Be...


Still Fresh
Mar 7, 2004
Well i got an ngage when it came out last year... A mistake... The system sucked... screen is small, controls horrible, and games suck, every one. I did put a gbc emualor on it with 2 games(super mario and megaman) it had gliches and no sound.. theere was nothiing i can really do with it so i traded it in... im not looking for a handeld to play music( i have an ipod) but im looking into this too play megaman x on go and joe and mac and other snes games. also looking forward to play sonic, and a good rpg by square. and my last reason im intrested is to watch naruto on the go and view some naruto manga chapters on this/ will this be worth my money or be like another n-gage? Im only 14 and speak english so i hope this system is easy for me.
yeah, this one sounds like it's for you. It currently has the best SNES emulation and you don't seem like you have money to blow on Zodiac and all it's (non-free) emulators. But keep in mind you have to know your way around a computer to get the best out of it. The SNES emulator is being updated with an ASM core as we speak, so it will be much faster at the next release. If you DO have money to blow around, though, I suggest you get a Zodiac. You pay more and you get more.
Better than Ngage? ya know, frankly a bullet in your foot would be better than an Ngage, so technically this being far better than a bullet in your foot by comparison makes it better than an Ngage.

Eventually SNES emulation should be near perfect(NES already is nearly) and there are plenty of RPGs you can play. And if your naruto eps are coming form online downloads it shouldnt be difficult at all to convert them for GPcinema.
ok kool but can some1 tell mi how this compares with nintendo ds and psp specs? i dont know that kind of stuff :blink:
Also, theres the added bonus of gba emulation coming out soon thanks to the similiarities between the gp32 and gba's cpus.
Keep in mind it's hard to really compare it to the DS since it isnt out yet but the DS has 2 Arm Processors (2 different kinds presummably for handleing action on the two screens) and have some sort of close vicinty wireless multiplayer.

Now the only thing that really gives the DS a leg up even without being out yet is that it will have nintendo games and a few by Sega and EA, but it probably wont be opensource (although that hasnt stopped the pocket snes people).

Meonlyeviler, becareful, while it's looking good right now let's wait and see the first beta before we say it's gonna happen this easy. I'm hopeful too but there's still apossibility of dissapointment on that new method for GBA emulation.
so is there anyway i will be wasting my money at all l;ike i did on the ngage? Im really protective on wat i buy know since the waste of $300 will this system die at anytime soon?
quick low down

nintendo DS vs GP32
2 screens vs 1 screen
2 cpus vs 1 cpu
media unknown vs SMC
no for details, release date etc vs it is out

PSP vs GP32
bluetooth, wifi, dvd derieved media, power level around ps1 to ps2 vs a two year old machine

Seriously look around google and find the specs yourself, the PSP and DS wont be released until 3rd/4th quarter tops and comparing them to a two year old machine is not really very fair.

In short: RESEARCH

edit: since most of the stuff is free and GP32 is almost sold out, I say it could die within the next year (personal opinion) but there is plenty for it already. In short, all you will spend on it is $300 and nothing else really
It's like every day that someone posts a topic asking about the GP32. I guess theres no writeup that explains the GP32 or something. yaustar is right about suggesting doin research, look at old threads in General Talk here

I do like my GP32 though :)
Just had a memory blockage there, took me 5 mins to remember my username! :rolleyes:

Right.... if you're into emulation the only handheld you should really consider is the GP32. Nothing special is happening on the Zodiac scene and the PSP doesn't look to allow homebrew stuff. And it's not out!

So get a GP32 and enjoy playable NES, Megadrive, C64, Gameboy, SNES etc etc games on a nice big screen with decent controls.

You could wait for the Zodiac to catch up, by why do you want to do that when the GP32 already has it all?? They're going relatively cheap on Ebay just now - they've dropped about £50 in the last 6 months. Get a FLU.
The N-Gage is an all in one device phone,MP3,Radio and Games so it cannot be compared to a GP32.

It does all of these functions well - games are good (emulation is quite good) but the screen is too small although it is very clear. Fifa 2004 is extremely playable and yes alot of the other commercial games are crap but the same can be said of any system.

For games/emulation however I am getting a 166 FLU - the GP32 screen is great!!
I know Craig has done a superb job on Doom and its one of the reasons why I am getting a GP32.

The N-Gage can do the same with sound (you can even rotate the display) - again though the screen is just too small for games like these although it looks impressive at first glance.

GP32 for games - N-Gage for convenience.
i borrowed a ngage from a friend for three days.... i used it for 1 hour and got bored. The only thing i would use it for is a mphone... which it also sucks at.

Also i couldnt even see if lara croft was a man or woman.


the gp32 wins. dot. punctuation. .
andmaz posted on Mar 8 2004 at 09:14 AM said:
The N-Gage is an all in one device phone,MP3,Radio and Games so it cannot be compared to a GP32.

It does all of these functions well - games are good (emulation is quite good) but the screen is too small although it is very clear. Fifa 2004 is extremely playable and yes alot of the other commercial games are crap but the same can be said of any system.

For games/emulation however I am getting a 166 FLU - the GP32 screen is great!!
I agree with andmaz. I'm happy with mine but I can see why it's not to everyones taste (although prefering a shot in the foot seems a bit extreme :P ). As a pure games console it's not up to scatch I agree. As an all-in-one device it's decent. I got mine for under £100 with the intention to use it as a series 60 phone.

Back on topic - get the GP32!
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...any serious gamer i.e. GP32 users would definately get bored with the N-Gage within an hour.

....but what I am saying here is that its an all in one product - therefore cannot be compared to the GP32 which is a given as being far superior for games.

Its a phone that plays games quite well plus you can listen to the radio at the same time - if the screen was the same size as the GP32s then it would still be inferior but not by much for playing games!