Whats your fav GP32 News Site?

Whats your fav GP32 News Site?

  • GP32Xtreme (www.gp32x.com)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GP32Emu (www.gp32emu.com)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GP32News (www.gp32news.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 4, 2003
Don't be swayed by the fact were on the GP32x message boards ;) Also reply with suggestions for each site, what there lacking etc?


gotta be gp32x, if only that it's the only one of the three where people post like more than like two messages a day.

Hando rocks

I'd have to say GP32emu, because it puts news up the fastest. Although, I think it should drop the message board, and just link to this one
Although last time I checked gp32emu didn't have the Ryleh port screenshot :) (Genesis)
edit - it's got the overlay from the console interface of the PC version, i don't know if the screenshot is totally real or not.
edit2 - it looks like rlyeh used the pc image but scaled it down, as a temporary thing.
Well, GP32emu does sometimes put news up faster. In the past few days, though, hando's taken over somewhat.
GP32emu has a nice design, although it's really annoying how when you click on a link in the sidebar, the sidebar doesn't show up on the page you come to and you have to keep on clicking "back" to go to the main page.
My personal preference is actually for the previous design that GP32Xtreme had (the grey, metallic one); I think this one doesn't look very good on an 800x600 resolution...
The boards on GP32emu are far too strict and unfriendly... so I guess I'll pick GP32X just because of that.

GP32News is good for their connections with Gamepark; every so often they'll put up a very interesting interview with Gamepark. Also, they're more connected to the whole francophone gamer scene, so occasionaly they'll have an update that the other two sites missed. They don't update quite as frequently, however, and I'm always confused by how they sometimes have "sticky news" that won't leave the top of the page; it frequently makes me miss the "new" news that are further down.
for strictly news, i went for GP32news, while there all great, GP32news is usually the first and they post more about the smaller stuff (take the new MOD player thats been released (and is awsome))

GP32x is my home page tho :P
Tend to find I come here because of the Forum, and it tends to have up to date nwes too. The other sites are good, but there's not much interest in the forum side of things cos it takes bloody ages to get a reply to anything!
My vote for gp32x, solely for this ubercool board which is the only GP32 board worth to keep a
browser window open the whole day at work. I stopped visiting several other sites on a regular
basis, just because of this board. I'm beginning to feel myself at home here.

/me makes himself comfortable on the board sofa. :D

The only thing I would criticize is that the site switches between two different designs. But you
get used to it. :)
Hi there :) Woulda posted earlyer but someone crashed into my phone pole and we lost connection for a week :(

Anyway, thanks for the replys its nice to see what people think :) Basically people like:

GP32Xtreme - Because of the message board, and normally keeping up with news.

GP32Emu - Because fast and most up-to-date news, but not the forum (which is getting more activity now)

GP32News - For connections with Gamepark and the ocassional bits of news.
