Lik Sang Or Gbax?


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Feb 5, 2004
USA, Maryland
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Hi, I'm going to soon purchase a brand new FLU GP32 (I'm in the USA). The only problem is that I dont know exactly where to get it from. I _REALLY_ feel that it's necessary for it to OC up to 160-166mhz (for OpenSNES), but I cant afford the extra money to buy the guaranteed one. I want a fair chance at buying a 166mhz GP32, but I'm afraid that if all of the 166mhz ones on GBAX are being separated out and sold separately that I'll have a minimal chance of getting a high quality one there if I just get the regular one. Lik Sang, however, has a short warranty (or guarantee/whatever) from what I've heard and they charge 10 dollars more for the GP32 FLU than GBAX does. The only good thing is that it makes me think that I have a more fair chance of getting a 166mhz one there. Play-Asia wouldve been a nice alternative but they are out of stock. So is the GBAX non-turbocharged GP32 really luck of the draw? Who has bought it from there and if so what mhz are you recieveing from it? Also, the conversions from £ to $USD are way off, the Lit turbocharged one at GBAX would cost around $265 if the prices were exactly equal, and that is wayy to much for me. If I got say one that could only OC to 140mhz, how much would it generally be to get it professionally fixed to 166mhz (using Rob's method)? Lastly, do the 800 new GP32s from Gamepark have better hardware (can overclock to 166)? Am I more likely to get one of those if I order now? Thank you in advance for any help.
i hate play asia because they lost my order for a gp32. I don't no about lik-sang. I like gbax a lot. I would make some more money and buy one from them. I hope this helps.
I had the same dillema. I heard that newer GP32s were more likly to OC to 166 but I couldn't be sure the ones Lik Sang were new enough to be that lucky... the FLU is technically more expensive at lik sang but yet I still ordered one from them the night before last and take the risk.

What did it for me was that I started the transaction on both sites just to check the final cost and the final cost for a guaranteed 166 from GBAX was almost 70 bucks more! Waay too rich for my blood so I decided to take the risk which people hear had a tendancy to say was better than half. if it dosent well atleast I have one... I say it's better than not.
Heh... looks like Craig's bought himself a small issue with his offer of guaranteed 166MHz GP32s.

Look at this thread, and there's another one as well somewhere.

Craig is modifying GP32's according to my site, NOT pre-selecting GP32s that can do 166MHz. So if you buy an un-guaranteed one, you still have THE SAME chance that it will run at 166MHz, as you will if you buy one from lik-sang. According to Craig, your chance is about 60%.

I bought mine from lik-sang (I'm in New Zealand so lik-sang is the closest to me) and I've since bought a carry case, they've been fine to deal with.

If you can find a place that installs modchips in game consoles, then I'm sure they'll be able to do the cpu voltage mod for you... no idea what they'd charge though.
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I can't speak highly enough of gbax - I wouldn't hesitate recommending them.

I've got a voltage-modded FLU heading my way as we speak (my existing FLU only goes to 156, and I had some spare cash so thought "what the hell") :D

I just didn't think the risk of a 140 mhz GP32 was worth it, hence I shelled out more.
GBAX were great, apart from anything else, they were really friendly and helpful via email, and they even called me at the weekend to tell me the Royal Mail was holding my parcel at the sorting office so I had time to go down and get it...

im planning to buy a gp32 flu as well @ lik-sang (sorry craig, but the dollar - euro conversion)

Lik Sang, however, has a short warranty (or guarantee/whatever) from what I've heard and they charge 10 dollars more for the GP32 FLU than GBAX does

sorry if i read it wrong, but do you mean they ask 10 dollar more for a 166mhz (guaranteed) gp32 or 10 dollar is the difference between the non-flu & flu compared with gbax & lik-sang????
For what it's worth, I got my gp32 at Lik-Sang. It overclocks to 166mHz with no problem.
I bought mine at entware a long time ago and its only running at 144MHz :(
But its already good enough :unsure:
(In fact I will make the OC mod. B) ..)

see you :lol:
I got mine from, iam in the uk mind so made more sense to me

Id recommend if your looking for great customer service. I had a problem with my gp32 and they changed it straight away, no probs.

Both of the ones from them could overclock to 156mhz easily, iam using 1800mah batteries so dont know if that helps or not.

enjoy the way of the gp :)