The Hentai Novel Is Out!!!!!!!!

First this pinkish interface which drives me nuts
then no hentai novel to digest
who the fuck deleted the link to the novel?
oh my...
we are in the kindergarten.
Damn. I'm too late. This is what you get for trying (and failing) gentoo stage1-installs instead of constantly refreshing the gp32x main page. :(
Okay, Plan B.
Send me the link or the hamster gets it!
Please? :D

he said boobies. Tee-hee.
Ok guys sorry about this i will talk to the mods when i get home and see what we will do.

I did copyright the material (i got permission for the story tho ;)) but this was a remake i dont see any difference between this and a metal slug remake.

I did ask the company who made it but i never got a reply they said they will talk to the boss or whoever it belongs to but they never got back to me.

I at least tryed but i can understand gp32x stance so i will work something out until then just keep it in your pants ok :P hehe

so fi i get it right, mods edited the link cose u ripped gfx from a game called the Paradise Heights? cose i made a little research on that game, and it's declared as abondonware, so that takes off the problem no? and that's probably why the compagny didn't reply
NiN^_^NiN posted on Feb 1 2004 at 11:11 PM said:
until then just keep it in your pants ok :P
I really hope this is not aimed towards my hamster threat... :blink:

Anyways, thanks, NIN^_^NIN, for releasing this novel. Although I haven't played it yet I reckon it was a lot of work involved. The screenshots look nice. I understand you don't want to give the gp32x staff trouble. It's their server, their bandwidth, and your work (uhm... well... :rolleyes: ). Gonna have to respect that. At least until tomorrow morning. :lol: Good night, everyone!

motd: Nothing is eaten as eagerly as it's cooked.

AUUUUGH! Rabid hamster in my shorts! Getitoutgetitoutgetitout!!!!
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Well actually the file is on my server so there bandwidth wont be eaten up :)

I want to respect gp32x's wishes i did know this would kick up a little storm so i will see what we can do.

so fi i get it right, mods edited the link cose u ripped gfx from a game called the Paradise Heights? cose i made a little research on that game, and it's declared as abondonware, so that takes off the problem no? and that's probably why the compagny didn't reply

Well thats yes n no :P

The game has been abandonware for a while cause of it being warez the english company that released it doesnt have the right for it.

I'm not to sure if that means i have the right but the orignal japanese company who made it still sell the rights to it.

I did get permission for the english translation of the story yes but the graphics i dont have permission. I dont think cause the software was abandon means i can use it as the japanese company still has the right to it i think.

If someone can shead more light on if i can use the pictures or not please do but from what i understand i can't as the japanese company is selling the rights for someone to produce it if they ask.

How the hell do you run this novel anyways??? Nothing shows up

ok, since all the pervs are here, does the Adult Manga series (a ROM for SNES) work for any of you guys. On any SNES emulator, since it says press select to change pic, every time i press select, the pic never changes.
I haven't tried the game, but if it doesn't work, send an e-mail to yoyo about it.
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Come on, somebody host this damn thing!

Hell, I will host it on my FTP server if you want. Static IP T1, you sick bastards can download it 24/7 and not dent the bandwidth. PM me if you want to work something out.
i begin to doubt the game realy exists <_<
i mean, very few ppl have seen it yet. and everyone wants it.
if it continues like that the people wants even to pay for it in the end ;)
The game exsist u can go get the french version if u like from the france gp32 site and a german version is almost done.

only a few people got the game before the link got removed but rico hando virtua leech and almost all the gp32x mods can tell u it exsist as most fo them were my beta testers ;)

If i really dont get any response if a few days i'll release the link by email but id like to see whats happening with gp32x.

It was released on the front page by hando the owner yet it was taken down so i dont know whats happening.

The link still exsist on my server but no1 can remember the link so i'll wait n see what gp32x does.

And i know it was a joke but i wouldnt take money for it as i want it free and open sourced henced the translations :)

It does exits, and it was removed becuse it was mature... But the link should come soon unless we decide not to put it... (which I doubt) :)