Goldeneye wad?


Still Fresh
Apr 8, 2003
Is it possible to make a Goldeneye wad add on or whatever so u cud play as bond and take on enemies that resemble the enemies in Goldeneye?

If I were to show that to ppl they wud b very impressed do u think thats at all possible?
You could make a goldeneye wad, yes, it would have to be Doom compatible so all the graphics wouldn't be near as good as the N64 version, but you could make it look as close as possible to Goldeneye.

I like Falkens Twilight wad, just wish he would complete it so you could finish lvl 2 without starting the game at lvl 3.
Well if someone cud work on making a rlly good one, well as good as possible that wud be rlly rlly kool!
I dunno for one of these GP32 competitions if sum1 cud try doing one I think it wud b pretty popular, just the idea of playing as Bond and using pp7 and Bond guns and killing Russian soldiers that wud b kool!
the one which is possible is much near perfect..
all weapons all levels i think (from the n64 version)
hope it gets its way to gpdoom
I'm working through some of the "multi wad" conversions and trying to make single wad files for GPDoom using Wintex with additional gfx etc. I'll let people know when I'm done, but my job is taking up a lot of my time (working for an ecommerce site in UK).

I have alien doom working on GP32, although there are some issues with sprites etc... I'll have a look at that Goldeneye soonish
So are these goldeneye TC screenshots for the PC?
And if they are what are the chances of porting that to the GP32?
That would be very awesome if someone could do that.

I loved that game on the N64. I got addicted to it one sommer. Played whole nights through with my friend.
4 player on Bunker or Facility was the best! Putting proximity mines in all the starting/respawn locations so that you'd kill someone and then they'd respawn and die instantly about 3 or 4 times. :P
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sweeet :D

and check out the silo movie Here