doom V10

Im pretty sure V9 was the final version. Craig's been working on a port of herectic for a good wee while while now.
mmmhhh GpDoom has already some bugs and a very great bug (can't select episode 4 in Ultimate Doom)...not a V10 only to resolve that??
I was hoping for something like that...
but I think a speed boost is possible 'coz ROTT is running quite good @ 40MHz so why does GPDoom have to run @144MHz to be OK?
see you ;)
Check this site to download the shareware and alpha versions of Doom 1.

If you want the fullversion, doom2 or final-doom.....check your retrailer or the id-hp.

Other quite good WADs:

The Last Levels of Doom
Western Doom
GPdoom does not need 144mhz at all, the easiest way to speed it up dramatically is just to turn off the music (leave the sound on) the music takes up a huge amount of CPU power.

However it genrally runs at the max speed, at least all through doom1 it does.
