Basic Coding


Feb 21, 2003
I'm an old gameplayer and as such know basic pretty well.At work I have written a few basic games (hangman,Connect4 and suchlike).What I would like to be able to do is use my basic programming skills on my gp32.mayle a util that converts the old Dos QBasic into a gp32 executable file.If we can emulate a gameboy maybe someone could write something to emulate pc qbasic or convert it?Anyone know if this is possible-there must be a lot of basic programmers out there who could write some great content for the gp32.
Well, two options...

1) Basic emulator for GP32
2) Convert your Basic to C with a converter (many are available), then compile the C with your devkit, after modification.

Personally I despise Basic as it gave me a horrible foundation of programming knowledge, real languages are totally different in structure and format, memory management is more important, etc, etc... I strongly suggest you learn C, it's not hard to learn if you know Basic (except for maybe pointers), runs faster than interpreted Basic, and it generally cooler.

- Rico
Fash_FD posted on Apr 19 2003 said:
Would be a great idea m8...What we REALLY need is Blitz Basic for the GP32 :D
Would there be any chance of this with BlitzMax's CPU targetting? I know Mark, the maker, is targetting PC and Mac CPU architectures, but is it still possible for peopel to write targetters for other CPUs?
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