GP32 MISC assembler for ARM

Things are going quite well. TIN is still focused on the GBA right now until I do a lot more research on the GP32. But everything is in place for GP32 code to be generated.

Rest asured, y'all here will be the first to know when I got something that will run ;)

Just wanted to keep everyone updated as to status so far. Version 1.4 of Dragon BASIC is taking some giant strides forward in terms of what it can do, syntax, etc.

Up until now, Dragon BASIC has (for the most part) been my own little language, using whatever syntax I liked at the moment. Well, I've decided that with the user base I'm getting, its time to go full BASIC. So there is full string and fixed-point number support in a BASIC fashion:

dim s$,k#

   s$ = left$("Hello, world!",5)
   k# = 2# / 4.5

After 1.4 is released for the GBA, that's when work towards the GP32 will probably commense in full. I'm also planning on trying to target the Zodiac ( as there seems to be a lot more going for that machine than the GP32. Do any of you here have a Zodiac that you can give opinions?

I can add little to the proceeding at this time, other than "woo-hoo".
Some updates for everyone...

First off, the Dragon BASIC website has changed. My service provider before screwed me and sold the domain name out from under me. Anyways, the new address is .

Next, I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some information before I get cracking here on some things: is it generall better code ARM or THUMB for the GP32? See, on the GBA, the ROM is 16-bits wide, so THUMB code executes about 160% faster than ARM code. If THUMB is better, alright. If ARM is better, I got some more work to do.

Also, all the documentation that I find for the GP32 is using C libraries. That's all fine and dandy, but doesn't help me at all. I need memory maps and assembly code. Anyone know where any of this is? Data sheets, etc...?

Have you been to the GamePark website? They have a coders section. Also, have you not had any luck from the GP32 yahoo Group?

jma posted on Feb 2 2004 at 06:14 AM said:
Also, all the documentation that I find for the GP32 is using C libraries. That's all fine and dandy, but doesn't help me at all. I need memory maps and assembly code. Anyone know where any of this is? Data sheets, etc...?

This is a problem I've been having aswell at the moment.... I've been looking for a hardware schematic and memory layout so I can start messing with some pure assembly fun but haven't had any luck :(
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