People lost and confused


May 9, 2003
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There has been an alarmingly increase of what seems to be off-topic posts. I didn't post here to bitch, I just want to know why people don't stop and read the title of the forum they're about to post in before going crazy with posts.
Here are some examples... 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th etc...
I just want to know what other's thoughts on this are. It doesn't bother me that much, but at the same time it does because the whole point of different sections was to organize posts, and as it seems people don't pay attention where they do it.
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That is part of the reason that I don't post very much here anymore; there just doesn't seem to be very many decent discussions going on. There are also too many newbies claiming that they know everything, but they are more often than not wrong. For example someone (who'll remain nameless) was telling everyone that
I am wondering if anyone knows where I can get Sega Saturn ISOs. Where can I download them? Even if they are abandoned ISOs, I dont mind. I will take anything. If you have any good ones, respond or send me a message. I am looking for Panzer Dragoon or virtua fighter or a sonic game, but like I said, I will take anything. Thank you.
and then says
I am just asking for a site for my private use. Sega Saturn company no longer exists...I guess you could say the same for SNES but nintendo is very well know. Sega saturn was short lived.
and then says
I know what abandonware means you pompus prink!!! you are pissing me off. There are some games that are ABANDONED, if you understand the concept, THEY ARE NO LONGER OWNED BY SEGA. thank you
It continues...

But the funniest thing is this guys signature:
"One who knows nothing can understand nothing." - Ansem
More than a little ironic :lol:
you know how when you go to the beginning of this site, how there is General Forums on the top and Dev. Forums on the bottom. why not an off-topic section under the dev. forum?
I guess, if its off-topic, then its allowed to be there, but since many were not in off topic, there should be more people cleaning up the board and moving stuff to where it should be. My favorite threads are the post whore threads, like blippeds, that they make stupid comments and reply to everyones reply wether its relevent or not. Hmmm i'm post whoring now :P
most of the stuff should be in the spam thread...that's why it was made, it always seems to be the same few people as well who aren't actually making a valid point about anything. and blipped is a knobber
There are also too many newbies claiming that they know everything, but they are more often than not wrong.

Absolutely. Newbies (like myself) need to understand that the people around them who are veterans of the Forums and are long time users whatever it is the Forum is based on know a lot more than they do. A newbie should come to a Forum and want to observe what is happenig and learn so that they will one day become a functional part of the Forum community.

BTW, I can't get enough of that dudes theory on abandonware.
Perhaps you don't see those lost and confused people before because we mods cleaned up / moved their posts quicker :)

I've fixed all the posts you mentioned and will try to be a little more vigile myself. Remember it is the holiday season, so a lot of us are partying and what-not, so you cannot expect us to attack these issues with the same vigor we usually employ.

However, I would like to comment...

That is part of the reason that I don't post very much here anymore; there just doesn't seem to be very many decent discussions going on. There are also too many newbies claiming that they know everything, but they are more often than not wrong.

The state of "newbism" is simple - you're new to the community. While one can have a vast array of knowledge about the community's subject matter, one is assumed to be ill advised. Just because one is new to a message board doesn't mean blindness to the matters of the universe. Additionally, just because someone has spent a long time in the message board, it does not give them any sort of vast knowledge pertaining to matters beyond what they read in the message board itself.

However, someone cannot know when they do not know something without first knowing what they do not know. Therefore, it is the fate of all people to ask what others may consider "stupid questions" and give to other questions what some may consider "stupid answers", until such knowledge in the field is gained.
i partly agree, generalnmx. but the 90% of (active) newbies on forums lack simple human logic, like reading the manuals, or searching the forums. OR READING THE TITLE OF THE FORUM for example. this doesn't just go for these boards, i've been on many where this seemed to be the case.
Up the mods! I think that we do an alright job here on gp32x. It's not ewasy, and sometimes things arnt as clear-cut as they seem. Also, unfortunately, there isn't alway a mod aropund as soon as a subject gets posted, so it may take time to be moved/edited/deleted etc.

We do our best :)
I'm not blaming the mods, in fact I feel sorry for them. I just wish people would think before posting. I haven't been here in a day or two, and I can't believe how many are in off topic now... :lol: people must have either started posting in the right places, or you mods moved a hell of alot of topics.