GBAX GP32s pre-flashed to MFW?


Mega GP Mania
Feb 3, 2003
To solve the Gamepark always being down problem I am thinking that I might preflash every GP32 to MFW before it is sent out unless someone requests that its left alone.

Gamepark has been down a long time this time and people who don't know how to use MIRC are in trouble (some have returned their gp32)

It will take no time this end, just a case of opening each GP32 and putting in an SMC which does everything in about 30 seconds.

Is this a good idea do you think?

Part of the fun is getting to do some of this stuff yourself. Fighting with it trying to get it to work is what helps some people learn the ins and outs of the console. I guess however people won't know what they're missing so it won't do any harm.
I would like to mention that when I registered my GP32 and tried to receive my free launcher about 10 months ago....The registeration went through, but I was never able to DL the Free Launcher nor the WIN USB Drivers.

Thankfully, at the time I was able to do a little research and find that a website had a page that was able to give you the drivers needed and the Free Launcher specific for your GP32. At the Time, you didn't need to register at GamePark.

I dunno if this site is still open, and I wished with all the goodness in my heart that I could remember, to help everyone thats having trouble. Alas, I have forgotten.
And it Pisses me Off!!

Does ANYONE remember the name of that webpage??
If so, it might help.
I believe it used to be a site you could go to that was seperate from GAMEPARK, BUT run by GamePark. It was a backup plan of sorts if the site were to ever go down or if the DL's didn't work.
I found out about this site on Don Miguel's GP32 help site.
Maybe this will help....
Has anyone but myself done this almost a year ago?? Someone must have done the same as me!
Thats an excellent idea. Another option is the european firmware, but I heard that is quite premature.

Hmm, how about customising the firmware for gbax? Like, have a gbax logo at boot or something?

EDIT: To add to that, if you were going to edit the firmware, you may as well take out Winups, as it isnt usable out of the box anyway.
pre-flash to multi-fw... install wind-ups with desktop background but go to default firmware to start with... include an updated instruction sheet telling noobs how to use multi-firmware/windups/pc-link...

i've got mine, so it doesn't matter... :P
pre-flash to multi-fw... install wind-ups with desktop background but go to default firmware to start with... include an updated instruction sheet telling noobs how to use multi-firmware/windups/pc-link...

i've got mine, so it doesn't matter... :P
Yeah, the instruction sheet thing is a good idea. Be sure to include all the info you can think of in it.
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If you're going to pre-flash the firmware, remember to give them a copy of the default firmware in case they want to use it for some reason.

Additionally, I think you'd get even more buisness if you could offer the extra 32MB upgrade as an option as well (if you can find a reliable modder) :)

If more people have 32MB GP32s, we'll probably see programs coming out which support it.
Good idea. *VERY* good idea.

Only issue that might arise is that some people would expect more than Pacrom on first using their GP (it's not exactly the best thing to see when you start up - although I'll be the first to admit its possibly my favourite one). If you could get Gamepark to give you a decrypted Freelauncher and get that hacked in too, you'd solve this - people wouldn't be put off by bleakness as they wouldn't need to be. And they'd still have the option to try it out as and when. Admittedly, it wouldn't be quite as nice a solution as having the official firmware with a file browser and .fxe loading available, which would pretty much be ideal, but it'd be kind of useful for the newbie.

That said, the space in the FW is tight as it is; not sure either how you'd get a freelauncher or hack it in. Hmm....
this is just what it needs though if i'd just received a gp32 i would prefer the euro firmare as its so slick maybe you could also drop the beta mp3 player in there aswell?
Only problem with the Euro FW is that it doesn't have perfect .fxe loading, and I don't think anyone's patched it in the same way as they have wind-ups yet (it had the same problem until patched). If anyone DOES manage that, then EuroFW + the latest beta of K2YAA's mp3 player + pacrom (for compatibility if anything goes wrong - patched, idd) + menu would make a pretty sweet combination.

Maybe a .gdb stub and PC-Link in there too for additional developerness for any dev'rs who want to get a ready-flashed one.

Anyone know how much space those lot together (compressed) would take? (i.e. under 512kb)
Well if you just stick it as an option for when you buy the gp and explain why it's a good idea then people could choose for themselves if they want it flashed. You could maybe even charge a few quid for the privilege :)
Yeah i suppose because it would also help tghe people who want t5o learn but cant be arsed really to look on the internet how,Very good idea oh Craig pleassssssssseee bring some official games out because i dont wanna pay £50 for taxes and customs please

Thanx from Toe
Is the MultiFW 100% 'safe'? Some people have reported problems with Windows XP according to spiv's site, and he doesn't actually recommend the image being flashed onto GP32s. IMHO it's not a good idea to pre-flash GP32s with unofficial, untested software (even if it may have been tested more than the official one for all we know) - but I could see it being a good idea if it was an option customers could specify when ordering. Best of both worlds then.
With a failed multifw flash under my belt, I would highly suggest the The euroFW. though flawed in the area of not loading a few fxe's I have yet to experience a failed flash using it. Also, it seems like it would be the ideal candidate for the pre-flashed package. It would take craig only a few minutes to do and it would take new users a few seconds to install the usb drivers and start downloading games!- Also, you can use an entire SMC for software.

i atleast would go for multifw2 .. or wait for spiv to release the multifw3 he has been working for some time ;)

multifw is way more tested then orginal or eurofw ..
and since failed flash wont be problem when graigx flashes there wont be any problems with that..

maybe you could give a choise between multifw2 and eurofw even thought i still dont suggest anyone to use the eurofw..