High speed SNES


Still Fresh
Oct 24, 2003
With snes9x I can't seem to use the overclocked versions - it can't display the rom list properly. But I can use the 150mhz version of SNESfxe (no sound) no problem. So how fast can my unit go?
Have you tried running SNESEMU at 156mhz? Also, the reason why you can't run snes9xgp is because you have the roms in the wrong directory. Most, if not all, of the snes9xgp OCed emus detect the roms in the gp:/snes directory. So put your roms there and try the OCed snes9xgp. Start at 150 and work your way up until you find the highest speed you can run at without rebooting your GP32.
Thanx Azure, mate. Looks like you sorted me out. I'm up to 160 now.

How long can you overclock for before the unit burns out? All the old posts I used to read saying about how dangerous it was seem to have dried up. Is it safer than we all thought? Or are all our overclocked units going to die after a while?
ano its not dangerous.
the baddest thing that will happen to you is your gp32 restarting.
noone has noticed any damage on it, but there is no 100% guarantee
Yeah, OCing is safe. If you go too high the GP32 will just reboot without any harm done. And about that LCD sreen burning up from OC, I think that this just started when someguy OCed for the first time to a high state and noticed more, thicker, scanlines appearing (happens to me when I run at a high state for awhile) and got scared.
all those gp32 sites :) it's getting confusing :)
and wich snes emu is the best? snes9x or snesemu?
i tested snes9x at 166 mhz, and it seems to wrok fien (scummvm and doom also work at that speed, so that was expected) i'll try higher speeds tomorrow :)
IMO, snes9xgp is the best because it has sound, brightness option, the ability to actually save, and the ability to configure your controls. I think they are both roughly the same speed too.
My new gp32 crashes in doom at 166mhz- every time, it crashes 20 seconds into a game. My older gp32 ran doom at 166 like a dream- Now, im thinking of transplanting my new lcd monitor to the older gp32 ( I still have the parts )- I would imagine it could possibly reach the 180 benchmark!

erm.... maybe not :)

I can play the snes emu up to 172 mhz.

Azure said:
I think that this just started when someguy OCed for the first time to a high state and noticed more, thicker, scanlines appearing (happens to me when I run at a high state for awhile) and got scared.

I have this lines, when i use my ac apapter (? i hope that word is right :blink:).
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I can play the snes emu up to 172 mhz.

Azure said:
I think that this just started when someguy OCed for the first time to a high state and noticed more, thicker, scanlines appearing (happens to me when I run at a high state for awhile) and got scared.

I have this lines, when i use my ac apapter (? i hope that word is right :blink:).
I have it too when use ac adapter. Do you think it's dangerous < Do you think it could burn LCD I hope not.
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mine gp goes in snes9xgp up to 160mhz, at 166mhz it crashes after few seconds, at 172+ mhz it wont even start :o

(still hoping fSNES is going to released sometimes B) )
Has anyone else had problems saving states using their overclocked versions of snes9x? Whenever I save, if I try to load the saved file later all I get is a few of the usual words (although I do notice the word "corrupt" cropping up each time) followed by a reboot. In fact, I have this problem with the non-overclocked version too. Is there something wrong with the whole world or have I just made a schoolboy error?