
I am made of jellay.
May 29, 2003
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Lets cut the crap. Who would like to see a trogdor remake for the GP32?

If somebody wants to code it, i'm maybe gonna rip the sprites.

Oh, anybody that doesnt know the trogdor game go here.
Well, it is an interesting game to say the least. I didn't get much into the game but if all it is, is stomping on peasants and burning the buildings, it would get very repetitive very quickly.
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Oh, and it would be a neat idea but the actual game isn't all that replayable. I get bored after about 3 minutes of it.
Topic title modified as it messes up the rendering of some of the pages ('View New Posts' for instance).

Oh, and it would be a neat idea but the actual game isn't all that replayable. I get bored after about 3 minutes of it.

The trogdor game is repetive, but it's a fun game to play for fun's sake. Also AweXome Cross woulod be nice too!
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I emailed the creators several times asking for permission to do a remake of trogdor the burninator for the GBAX 15 days compo way back when.. never got a response from them.

Not sure it would be right to do without the artists' permission, but maybe you guys can deluge them with emails so at least we can get some sort of acknowledgement before anyone starts on the project.
Artist permission? We don't need no artist permission. TBC is not a big company, and since we're not selling the game, but freely distributing it for download on the internet.

And also, they might not even know about the GP32.
Not to be an ass or anything, but I don't see any coders wanting to put any time into this game, it fun for about 3 minutes then gets repetitive and boring. But good luck.