Show off with your GP32


Apr 10, 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
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Hi all!

This might be a somewhat stupid question... :rolleyes:

Assumed you just got your brand new GP32 and your friends were
barely impressed when you tried to convince them from the utter
uber-coolness of this toy... what would _you_ do to change this?

In other words, how do you best show off with your GP32? :D

- tapsel
Id start by watching some Lord of the Rings on it, then if that wasnt enough id start playing Day of the Tentacle or Sonic Chaos, followed by some Bomberman 94 and R-Type 2 :)

Then just for some good measure, start playing some MP3's :P

everyone ive shown this too has been well impressed, if anyone aint then there obviously a jealous GBA owner who wont be shown up :P
i showed off by playing doom while one played it on his GBA and just 0wned it in graphics terms:D

then i rambled on about all the other emus and roms and made much reference to the divx function which i haven't got working:)
Show them the math about how cheap it is:

$70(GBA)+5(GAMES)*$40 = $270
$250(GP32+MemCard...)+5(games just as good as GBA ones)*0=$250

Conclusion: GBA costs $20 more with 5 games, and with 10 games it costs about $220 more
tapsel posted on Apr 10 2003 said:
Hi all!

This might be a somewhat stupid question... :rolleyes:

Assumed you just got your brand new GP32 and your friends were
barely impressed when you tried to convince them from the utter
uber-coolness of this toy... what would _you_ do to change this?

In other words, how do you best show off with your GP32? :D

- tapsel
take gpscumm and DOTT ;)))
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As funny as this thread sounds, I agree -- most of my co-workers don't seem to "get it" either. "Why would you want something that plays old games instead of new?" one asked. Another said, "I listen to mp3s at work and the radio in my car, why do I need something to listen to mp3s while walking from my car to work?"

If you have to explain the cool factor of a retro handheld gaming device to people, they're not worth it.

First i'd show the nasty gba huggers the bigger screen I got. Plus the duel stereo speakers. (this is ofcourse IF i had a gp32, which i dont ). then I would show him some c64 games, then some snes, fallowd by scumm, and finished off with nes or gb. That will scare the PANTS off them. ARRRggg B)
Show them some fancy music video and then Shadow of the Beast together with Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition (both for the PC Engine). Finish with a demo of some gp32-specific game (they look really awesome graphics-wise)
and if that don't work, put half a brick in a sock and beat them until they see sense
I would dress up as a Monkey - give it a nickname and pretend to fuck it --(or actually fuck it depending on my mood)

My mates would be impressed anyway...hmph
Well, the GP32 is awesome if you are into retro gaming and/or GBA style games (which are basically the same... mostly good old fashioned 2D games). So if they aren't into that kind of gaming, or have a predisposition to hate handhelds, you're kinda out of luck. If they like FPS, show 'em the Doom, Wolf3D, etc. or if they're into adventures go the ScummVM route.

But more than anything else... if they aren't interested, so what. Yes, in theory you may someday be able to play multiplayer games via the RF attachment, but I hope you bought the GP32 for the gaming, not for impressing your friends!
Thanks for your ideas. :D

The guys in my office aren't GBA huggers at all, so comparing the GP32 to it wouldn't do much good.
Actually I own a GBA too, but I never had much fun with it except during military service, where it was
the only pastime activity I had. But still, everybody laughed at me for buying a Gameboy with 21 years..

So these people aren't GBA fans at all, but they grew up with console/arcade games too and they are all
into the open source scene (since we all work for a OSS company), so they should, actually, "get it".
I just want to prove them that the GP32 is a powerful and versatile gadget, and not a "childs toy"
like a GB. I think that a combination of DOOM, DOTT and MP3 should do the trick. ;)

And if not, I hope that the dev. scene grows fast, so that I can one day play "Happy Tree Friends"
Episodes on my GP32 with a SWF-player or stuff like that, which IT-guys usually enjoy.

What about Two Towers? Does DIVX look cool on it? I read that Matrix would be quite a blur, but TV
series should work fine... Somebody actually got it to work?
happy tree friends is hilariously good:D, you could just ask the owners if they would mind you downloading them and turning them into avis
Of course I bought it for the gaming!

I'm not big of a show-off, I just want to stop the stupid remarks I always get from
people for being so excited about this thing. After all, the GP32 is the perfect console
for me. I love retro gaming. I passionately play games which are way older than I am.
I even like the open source aspect of it... I worked with Linux for years, so the "as is" nature
of the software and the whole emulation scene is much of what makes the GP32 so
exciting for me.

It's just a pity that most of the emulators, even for very old consoles, are still in such an
early state of development. I would really hate someone looking over my shoulder, saying:
"What? You can't even emulate NES games at full speed with sound? Why didn't you
stick with your GBA then?".

Dunno... Am I the only one feeling that way? :unsure:


- tapsel

Assumed you just got your brand new GP32 and your friends were
barely impressed when you tried to convince them from the utter
uber-coolness of this toy... what would _you_ do to change this?

Divx pr0n. Duh.

Seriously, I use an "Enterprise" episode, then some Wolf3D and emu stuff.

Works every time.
edit: incorrect calculaton, omitting

Plus the ports are coming through fast, so we'll soon have Genesis, GBA, Atari and Neo Geo to show off :)

- Rico

p.s. R-Type never fails to impress.
Rico posted on Apr 10 2003 said:
I paid £120 + £30 for a 128mb card (inc. VAT), that's barely $100 (66% of £150, or whatever the exch. is)

Therefore I save tons of money.

Plus the ports are coming through fast, so we'll soon have Genesis, GBA, Atari and Neo Geo to show off :)

- Rico

p.s. R-Type never fails to impress.
Umm, excuse me?
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Shibaz posted on Apr 10 2003 said:
Umm, excuse me?
Ah I see. Converted the wrong way.

£150 is actually $236 so he was totally on point with $250.

Apologies, Shibaz and rcx21000 ... however Shibaz you could have been a little more descriptive than the vague "excuse me", I had no idea what you were talking about at first :)

- Rico
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