Will you upgrade

How many people are planning to upgrade their rams to 32mb. Will you

  • do it as soon as possible

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • do it when programs begin to show the benefits

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • do it when someone starts an upgrade service

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • will probably do it eventually

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • will never do it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Sep 7, 2003
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I was thinking of doing the upgrade soon (with help from professionals) and was wondering whether it was worth it.
I figured that if many people do it, the advantages will become apparent in the future such as with the release of optimised programmes etc.
However if nobody does it and the larger ram does nothing really, then i will probably just play safe.
Thanks for your answers. This is a very exciting develoment. :)
I will never do it, because I never want to alter my gp32 in any way. So one day, I will have a perfect, unmodded FLU and it will fetch loadsamoney as a vintage console. nerr! :P
Or you could do it and it would be even rarer........ You could then sell it as a "Super GP32" and make enough money to retire. ;)
I believe I have the skills to do it, but my GP would be a pretty pricey paperweight were I to screw it up. If it turns out that MameGP were to run bigger Rom games with 32meg fitted, I may just do it.
nah, I won't ever do it, and I will probably give up the GP32 soon. I am planing on buying a RCA lyra audio/video jukebox or an Archos av320 because I am more interested in movies and music than games and programming. :(
Hello and welcome, Deep Thought.

zboy, that's too bad, but I guess it's like that Apple Jacks commercial: we eat what we like! LOL. Hope you still hang out here if you do give up your machine.

My vote is no, never, because I know I do not have the tools, soldering skills, or gonads to pull off a ram upgrade. The only time I might consider it is after watching a step-by-step video of the process, and even then I'd wait for a working 64mb version.

Besides, everyone should by now realize all those old posts were right: the GP32 is dead, and everyone should send me their units for five dollars. Thank you.
he's right, the GP32 is dead, unless the GP32 gets released in Europe. If it doesn't, all you guys that say that it is not dead, well, look at this. It has been out for years, and for all we know only 15,000 have been sold and Gamepark has stopped production until april 2004. dead? I think so.
GP32 Will never Die!!! What do you mean by "The GP32 is Dead" People that say that are idiots :P ... Have you not Saw the HL 2D game that will most probably be released for GP32 and the New 3D Engines???? :D

The Commercial Game production is a little dead looking but who cares... I and most other people got GP32's for Emulation like NES, ATARI, Master System Etc Etc and theirs 1000nds and 1000nds of games for them consolse's. Also New DOOM Wads are being released which makes Doom into almost a New looking game. Homebrew games and ports are still being released.

In my opinion The GP32 Scene isn't Dead, Its Just begun B)
gamepark and thefore gp32 production may be heading towards death but i think it will be a long time before the gp32 scene itself dies out. somewhat like the dreamcast scene
so most people seem willing to upgrade in the end....... Its now just up to people to devise some uses for it...... It looks like it could broaden the horizons of our GP32s.
voted: do it when someone starts an upgrade service

I once tried a volt mod on my 3 weeks old epox 8rda mobo.... it died :(
When i get the guts im gona try and mod the flu switch, it turns on in my pocket wen im usin it as an mp3 player and drains the battery <_< so im on the look out for a more robust switch.