fMAME32 review

Magic Knight

Oct 3, 2003
i dont see so much being said, but it's out there

whats the specifics ? whats the compatibility like ? up to which version ? are samples supported ? blah de rah.. this is the ultimate emu for the gp32 hands down, it's been reviewed but where's the stuff that matters ?
craigix posted on Oct 21 2003 at 11:26 AM said:
It runs the Z80 based games.

What are Z80 based games? Can you give some examples? Do they have decent graphics? I'm asking because I'm a MAME newb :D
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The older games use Z80's (I think stuff like Pacman, Pengo, and all of those blocky non-descript 8-bit games).

After that there's the 6502 based games (stuff like Ghosts 'n' Goblins and I think maybe even Gradius (even tho that pushes its hardware, whatever it is, a LOT) - 6502 games are basically the stuff around 1985. I imagine Bubble Bobble would be in this group.

68000 is the one that is most common in MAME, though. Unfortunately that works against the GP32's favour...I imagine the MAME core is rather unoptimized or something in this aspect. Games that use it include TMNT, the CPS-1 and CPS-2 games, Neo Geo, a few Namco games, Konami-GX games, all of Taito's F series games, there's quite a selection really.

Also I should point out that I doubt Atari arcade games could be run on GP32. The old stuff maybe, but there isn't much there to emulate (Vectors were big for them in the early days and they would look fugly on GP32!). The popular games...everything from marble madness onwards...had a massive and wierd resolution. I think it was 512x512.

So, in conclusion, Z80 games are completely possible. So are 6502 based games. You could do both of these with sound even. 68000 is pushing it, but some of the older stuff I think is possible - perhaps sacrificing sound or using MIDI emulation instead (which would sound horrible!). Just don't expect CPS2, NeoGeo or Taito F3 or Konami-GX emulation. Atari games are a definite no-no.
Atari games run on the GBA (Atari Anniverary Collection) so why wouldn't they run on the GP32? On the iPaq 3685 running Linux, the older games (including Atari and Vector games) ran fine.
I was gonna post the z80 games but the list is 2397 games :blink: :blink:

The old games run on z80 cpu like:
DigDug (uses 3x z80 chips)

Most of the classics will work and the 16bit games like ghost n goblins and bubble bobble etc will work but very very slow

bubble bobble uses 3x z80 cpu and a 68k cpu 2 so i dont know if that game is playable or not we will have to see.

I'll talk to rlyeh and ask him about it

tempest - nope, it's M6502 processor - MAME being a multi multi emulator

sounds like rlyeh has done z80 - this is good news - there's a lot of choice of classics and they are gonna look sweet on the gp. i guess each processor has its' own issues and we will never ever 'get' a MAMEGP which could play everything. I got 2.2ghz, stacks of ram and everything doesnt work on the PC, impossible without (if they happen) hardware addons for the gp

street fighter etc - sadly no. there are very very few games which are z80 which could be classed as 'fighters'. these (and many in mame) use the 68000 processor, which has been mentioned and it would be *superb* if this could one day be mastered

so for now - it's old school classics central - being an old bastard, i'm really looking forward to playing stuff on the gp32 which i used to spend 10p on - namely :

bomb jack
moon cresta (on xcade but no sound - gotta love the sound ! *if there is sound ?*)
kung fu master (i think ! - probably no sound but who cares)
super punch out (arcade version, not SNES, might be playable. sound extremely unlikely)
old school old school like : gorf, pacman, ms pacman, donkey kong - proper arcade versions mind you, not some stripped down conversion...

it will take a lot of time to work out what will and won't work. as mentioned again, there are 2,566 games listed in the mame32 z80 folder - dont know of a better source - problem is it lists the z80 as a sound chip, as well as a processor - so includes many games where the z80 is the sound chip, but not the processor (invariably 68000)

i would *guess* that at least 200-300 games will work and amongst them will be some stuff which will keep you there for years

fucking good release this will be - sweet
i would love to have portable versions of games like zoo keeper, jr pacman, gaplus (galaga 3), seicross (with the cool scrolling!) - punch out would be cool, phil stroffolino or whatever's his name made a punchout emulator for the GBA for a competition this year (and it's really cool!! no sound but who cares)

donkey kong jr, dk 3, moon patrol, zaxxon, mappy.. all those games are so much fun.

hopefully someone will break the 68k barrier and we'll get some sega system 16 games too, that would rock.
I really looove crazy climber and robotron but they are both dual joystick games :( .
Do any of you know if fmame32 will have remapable controls ?????????