A cute 3D engine

no no... i dont want your avatar....... i was merely mentioning the ridiculousness of an avatar on the french site that you linked..... I like my avatar personally, but yours is alright too.. :)
:D Thanks for this comment, i've to add more option in the engine and optomose it ;)
Totally different, Doom is a raycaster engine this one is a polygone engine better like quake
Actually 133 mhz and full C working on asm version (math and pollyfiller) for speed up.

Run at 30/40 fps depending the zone (sometime more in little area)
just veiwed the video...great work..
are you planning to use this engine in a game of some sort..(silly question..i know)
if so..is it going to be commercal..(my guess)..or pd?
That video looks VERY impressive. Is that a quake level being played? As it looks very familiar. I can't believe this is only done in C. I can't wait to see how this turns out
damn with asm thats going to be great i dont see how quake 2 etc wouldn't be possible???
Certainly quake should be possible or that class of game
Very nice, it even has dynamic lighting. Ahh, it wont be much longer till handhelds have bumpmapping and reflection maps etc... :) I think a quake port is doable on that engine...
ThunderZ which Engine did you ported?
I don't have any 2d skils but my 3d Skills are average (- good at low pologon modeling).
I would really like to create something for the GP32 and my first project might be a game for this engine :-P

If this is only C just think what can be done with a ASM version! 3d on the GP32 is really close :D Keep up the good work this is great!
:D THX, for the asm fonction i'm working on it.

Well for the skill in 2D or 3D nor very good i'm not a graphiste at all :)
This looks darn impressive. Or perhaps a little bit more than that. Congrats on generating the first decent speed true 3D engine that uses textures for our fave handheld. (The first 3D non-textured, polygon-based, of course, that we've had access to is mithris' "15 day crap". This does look somewhat better than that. By quite some way!)

I'll be very interested to see how it works if asm is included in the mix. And also how it fares if you add things that need extra processing power in there (hordes of hobgoblins and the odd radioactive bunny rabbit).
Quality of the engine looks like quake... More than expected.
and speed is impressive also.

and I wonder, if you put AI monsters in the map and animate them, and even shoot at player, and put sound and a crap music, how fast it will be?