can any-one confurm any amiga emu in dev....
this is my all time fav computer/console/handheld...
swos....alien breed-tower assult....speedball 2.....
i so badly need an amiga emu...pls...pls...pls
also i think it could be pc play's amiga rom's at full speed....
and look at doom on the gp32.....better than any amiga 500/600 wise!!
i also think if gbc/snes and megadrive can be done....why not amiga 500/600.
mame's also being done for the gp32....think about that one.
i am not old enough to remember the amiga but doom is pretty impressive, BUT it is not running on a pc emulator :rolleyes: it was a port made from source code!!!
all i'm saying is...if you can port a game like doom...and have it running as good as it dose....
maybee amiga emulation is possible....
that's all guy's
nerd of nerds posted on Oct 9 2003 at 05:56 PM said:
i am not old enough to remember the amiga but doom is pretty impressive, BUT it is not running on a pc emulator :rolleyes: it was a port made from source code!!!
all i'm saying is...if you can port a game like doom...and have it running as good as it dose....
maybee amiga emulation is possible....
that's all guy's
You could certainly port Amiga games if you had the source. But I doubt running doom is analagous to running an emu of a system like an amiga... Always remember there's ~7-10 opcodes used in an emu (possibly a lot more... I know it's a fair few though) for every 1 on the real system.
That said, a binary translation uses ~3 (according to an article linked to from Slashdot a week or so back), but those, i suspect, are damn hard. Source porting, of course, is best, and results in brilliant achievements like Doom. But that sort of thing isn't analagous to an emu.
If Doom ran at 10 times the speed it does, then it might be....