Who's Dev'ing For This Machine?

I am PC demoscener and want make some demo for that XGPmini...
Anybody knows when is the launch???
I send 2 e-mails to Gamepark.Com and they didn´t reply...
So please write some informations ...
elan posted on Dec 2 2006 at 07:15 AM said:
I am PC demoscener and want make some demo for that XGPmini...
Anybody knows when is the launch???
I send 2 e-mails to Gamepark.Com and they didn´t reply...
So please write some informations ...
Sorry, but there is a chance that this system won't actually come out, I was just asking, in the first post, who would be willing to dev for it.
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Even me, I sent them two emails and got no reply! I'm skeptical and wonder how would they market their consoles if they don't reply to interested developers?!!

Vaporware? Maybe!
elan posted on Dec 2 2006 at 08:15 AM said:
I am PC demoscener and want make some demo for that XGPmini...
Anybody knows when is the launch???
I send 2 e-mails to Gamepark.Com and they didn´t reply...
So please write some informations ...
But feel free to join become a GP2X demoscener. :D
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Yono posted on Dec 9 2006 at 09:18 PM said:
elan posted on Dec 2 2006 at 08:15 AM said:
I am PC demoscener and want make some demo for that XGPmini...
Anybody knows when is the launch???
I send 2 e-mails to Gamepark.Com and they didn´t reply...
So please write some informations ...
But feel free to join become a GP2X demoscener. :D
Hear that, Epicenter, that's the sound of evil propaganda <3

- Alex
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Fargo posted on Dec 9 2006 at 06:15 PM said:
Even me, I sent them two emails and got no reply! I'm skeptical and wonder how would they market their consoles if they don't reply to interested developers?!!

Vaporware? Maybe!
I always get a reply when I e-mail GP, and I talk to them pretty regularly on MSN as well (it helps that I am in the same time zone as Seoul is.) There are a lot of people in the General XGP/XGP Mini forum who have e-mailed them and recieved prompt or reasonably fast replies, so they do seem to care a lot about public opinion (they've told me they want their design to be shaped by the developers who will code for the machines, the GP KiDS was just too late to change anything.)

GP expects to release XGP next year. However they are busy with finalizing GPKiDS in the meantime, as well as other things. They're taking so much time because they want to do it right or the machine won't be successful-- they had to start from scratch on the specs because of how much time elapsed, aging the hardware they originally intended to use. As far as I'm concerned, the more time they take to carefully plan out their design, the better.

Alex. said:
Hear that, Epicenter, that's the sound of evil propaganda <3

- Alex
Why did you just drop into this conversation for no reason but to flame me? Piss off and stop starting trouble.
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Epicenter posted on Dec 12 2006 at 08:42 AM said:
Fargo posted on Dec 9 2006 at 06:15 PM said:
Even me, I sent them two emails and got no reply! I'm skeptical and wonder how would they market their consoles if they don't reply to interested developers?!!

Vaporware? Maybe!
I always get a reply when I e-mail GP, and I talk to them pretty regularly on MSN as well (it helps that I am in the same time zone as Seoul is.) There are a lot of people in the General XGP/XGP Mini forum who have e-mailed them and recieved prompt or reasonably fast replies, so they do seem to care a lot about public opinion (they've told me they want their design to be shaped by the developers who will code for the machines, the GP KiDS was just too late to change anything.)
So, I need to talk to you first Epicenter before reaching GP?! :huh:

Anyhow, if you know an email over which I can get a reply, then please PM me.
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Epicenter posted on Dec 12 2006 at 05:44 PM said:
Er, read more carefully, I said other people have gotten replies too contacting their PR person.
That's nathan@gamepark.com
This is exactly the email that I have been sending to! I'll send one more email and see!

Very strange company :ph34r:
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He frequently apologizes for late messages due to being busy .. holidays, other projects to work on, etc. I guess being the only english speaker at the company is tricky, too.
24 hours have passed since the last email without getting any reply (the first was sent on 1/12). I'm giving up :(
You might, I don't know, send it again. Could've been caught by a spam filter. And it would take you less time to resend than to complain about it on a forum :)

By the way, what did you ask? .. Maybe I can answer it and save you the trip.
Epicenter posted on Dec 14 2006 at 05:27 AM said:
You might, I don't know, send it again. Could've been caught by a spam filter. And it would take you less time to resend than to complain about it on a forum :)
Do I need to flood this company with emails just to get a reply?! It does not worth it. I wont lose anything if they don't reply!
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No need to be so melodramatic. Again, I e-mail them all the time and nearly always get a response, and so have others on this very forum so I must assume the issue is something on your end, or there's just something tying up Nathan at GP and you'll get a late response probably with an apology for the delay. My attempts to contact GPH have never yielded a reply, ever. :P
Epicenter, since you always get replies, then you may email them and see what is going on?!
You may tell them many of the forum's members send them emails and don't get replies.
You may also ask them whether they'll release something in Q3, or in Q4... of 2009 :)

- Alex
They've already said they expect to be releasing the XGP in 2007, after the GPKiDS is 'out the door', and that most of its design is ready, and the remainder of what is to be done involves selection of an exact SoC. Beyond that aspect I'll have to ask for the OK before saying more, but I've posted quite a few e-mails in the General XGP Discussion subforum that might shine light on a few frequent Q's.