Buying A Gp2x, Where To Buy From?

The GP2X screen is definitely better than the DS, but even the DS screen is better than the PSP, which I fins awful. DS is decent, 2X is excellent.
DBH posted on Jul 2 2006 at 12:56 AM said:
I played with a friends DS Lite today and thought the screen was pretty decent so if what everyone is saying hopefully when I get my GP2X I should see a much better image compared to a DS Lite?

Well no. The lite screen is as bright as the GP2X M2 on setting 2. On setting 3 and 4 it leaves the GP2X M2 in the dust making it look dim in comparison. But still the DS screens are lower res so that is their downfall.
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In this resolution (320x240) this is 76,800 pixel display. That's not nearly as many chances as say, on an LCD monitor that can display 1280x1024 (1,310,720 pixels) for ONE transistor to go bad. This is why you won't hear often of dead pixels on the GP2X.

Just buy one, you'll be fine.
Well here's the thing: if I do order it from Play-Asia and it turns out that the GP2X does have dead pixels, I can exchange it with them, but I have to pay for the S&H back to them. Given my budget, I have JUST enough to get a GP2X and the accessories I want for it. If it turns out that I do have to exchange it, I don't have the extra $25 to return it back to Play-Asia. I'd much rather pay a bit more to ensure that the screen is defective-pixel-free. Right now it's down to either Play-Asia or GBAX. Whichever one can ensure me that the device will not have deal pixels will get my money. I've e-mailed them both regarding the issue and I'm waiting for a response.

I know that the chances of getting a defective pixel on the GP2X is slim compared to other companies, but I don't want to take my chances considering my budget. At least Sony and Nintendo have free exchange policies, where they send you a box with a pre-paid mailing label. The GP2X is much harder to do that with.
Has anyone ever gotten "dead" pixels, or were the few cases (including me <_<) "stuck"?
F*** the ds. :angry: I had it for six months and played it like twice. :blink: I sold it for $80 to add to my gp2x fund. :D
Ah, I remember that thread i've started. Yeah, it was just dust. Depending on where it gets lodged and how the lighting is, it can appear to be a dead pixel. Otherwise, your chances of getting a stuck or dead pixel are low.
Alright, I just got my paycheck today and I've ordered the GP2X, TV-Out cable, carrying case, and AC adapter for $240 with S&H. I also picked up four 2700 mA batteries + Maha C204W charger with 2-day S&H from for $55. My girlfriend had purchased some RAM for her laptop and I leeched off of her S&H for a 4GB A-data SD card (used) for $68. Altogether that comes out to $363, nearly my entire paycheck. Much more than I had originally anticipated but I shouldn't need to purchase anything else for it (unless I want to get a breakout board for multiplayer).

Here's really to hoping that nothing goes wrong with the device or any of the peripherals. I'm really betting a lot of money on this one, I usually buy stuff in a retail store because I know I can return it, it's a lot different when you're buying it from somewhere in Hong Kong.
Already have one :). It reads the 4 GB card fine, and is even USB 2.0 for blazing fast transfers! I already loaded the cart with 1 GB of stuff (Neo Geo roms and some videos) and I'm trying to figure out how to load SquidgeSNES and find a NES emulator right now.