hack hack hack, the little machines fight back
Well, a few people have asked, so here's a picture of my "Travelling GP2X rig", which consists of a GP2X hooked up to a JOBO battery-powered datatank external hard disk:
This is an action shot of my GP2X copying a movie (UFO Series) from the datatank to its internal SD card ..
The Kinder-Egg cable, which I made in a few minutes, contains the needed details to handle the USB-Host port (silver cable) as well as Serial I/O (in case I need it on the road, heh heh..) and now gives my GP2X 60 gigs of hard disk space, as well as whatever I can cram into the JOBO's on-board card-readers .. so, 60gigs + CF slot + SD slot + MS slot +SM slot .. lets just call it 80 gigs worth of disk space for my travelling needs.
The cool part about this is thats all I need on my vacation: GP2X, Camera (Lumix FZ5), Datatank. We can watch movies, tons of them, play all the games I want, boot an alternative Linux config (I have a couple for the GP2X now), plug in a USB Hub, swap SD cards from the camera to storage to GP2X, etc. Great fun!
The only thing missing is my pimp-knob, which I'm going to go pick up from the workshop (where its being used to duplicate a few hundred more) tonight .. then I'm set! Woot for me!!
Anyway, here's hoping that GPH - or somebody - start manufacturing these cables so everyone else can do this just as easily .. albeit, minus the 'leet kinder egg, of course, heh heh ..

This is an action shot of my GP2X copying a movie (UFO Series) from the datatank to its internal SD card ..
The Kinder-Egg cable, which I made in a few minutes, contains the needed details to handle the USB-Host port (silver cable) as well as Serial I/O (in case I need it on the road, heh heh..) and now gives my GP2X 60 gigs of hard disk space, as well as whatever I can cram into the JOBO's on-board card-readers .. so, 60gigs + CF slot + SD slot + MS slot +SM slot .. lets just call it 80 gigs worth of disk space for my travelling needs.
The cool part about this is thats all I need on my vacation: GP2X, Camera (Lumix FZ5), Datatank. We can watch movies, tons of them, play all the games I want, boot an alternative Linux config (I have a couple for the GP2X now), plug in a USB Hub, swap SD cards from the camera to storage to GP2X, etc. Great fun!
The only thing missing is my pimp-knob, which I'm going to go pick up from the workshop (where its being used to duplicate a few hundred more) tonight .. then I'm set! Woot for me!!
Anyway, here's hoping that GPH - or somebody - start manufacturing these cables so everyone else can do this just as easily .. albeit, minus the 'leet kinder egg, of course, heh heh ..