New Super Mario Bros


MK1 first edition #299, still going strong.
Oct 19, 2005
From US, currently in Tokyo, Japan
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I just picked this up last night, and played for about an hour. Its the best mario game released since Super Mario World, IMO. Everything is familiar, yet at the same time feels fresh and exiting. They managed to cram it full of new moves and items, yet it keeps the traditional mario feel. I would recommend everyone who owns a DS to pick this up. And those who dont, its a perfect first game when you finally buy your DS.

Its not much of a review, but i just wanted to post something. I havnt gotten this exited about a Mario game since the first time i played Mario 3.
Seconded, I'll actually buy it when it's released oer here. (I was bring naughty and playing it on my M3 for a while.)
New-Retro is a fairly adequate description. I like all the little references to the older games... it is just damn funky.
Nothing major, but pay close attention to the tone of the music, all the enemies like goombas and koopas plus powerups like fireflowers *dance* on the cue from the music. My friend noticed it first and when I first saw it I laughed my ass off.
Mine should arrive Tomorrow (this) morning - I was expecting it yesterday but lately Royal Mail can't seem to deliver 1st class across the vast distance of ~12 miles in any reasonable timeframe. :angry:
I'm looking forward to playing it...
Man this game is AWESOME! I had it for a couple days and finally decided to open it. Been playin for almost 2 hours and got upto World 3. New Super Mario Bros. is IMO the best DS game I've ever played and may end up being my favorite SMB. game (will have to see once I complete it). This was the reason why I wanted a DS in the first place when it was announced during E3 '04 and let me tell you it is so worth getting a DS just for NSMB. (though there are alot of other great DS titles around B))

Right now I'm taking a break from the game because I don't want to beat it all on one night. The levels are a pretty good length like any other Super Mario game and though people complain that it's also "too easy", well just about every SMB. game I've played is easy and have a few areas that will give me trouble the first time I play it. The same can be said about NSMB. I also love the music, while different from previous titles, they are just as catchy and I can guarantee you will feel like humming some of the new tunes. So far though, this game seems excellent and I can't wait to play more of it later :)!

grahf, I haven't been able to try the multiplayer mainly cause I just started playing tonight and I don't know anyone else who has a DS around here (most appear to have GBAs or PSPs). I am hoping to be able to play against someone later on though (perhaps let them play my copy of the game and maybe convince them to get a DS).
With the DS Lite and Wii, and all these incredible games coming out recently (and the dearth of quality on other consoles/handhelds), Nintendo have really conquered the GAMING world again.
Ill probably pick up a copy for my sister, who i gave my old DS to when i got my Lite.

Whats great about classic mario, is you can pick up and replay a level for the hundreth time and its still fun. Its just a testament to great gameplay.
I love it but worry it is too easy. It seems much easier to me than SMB games of the past.

Oh well, at least it means I'll be able to complete it :)
I've had a go as far as World 2-1 and love the way they move to the music! I've been playing super peach princess today, it's well worth a go
I'm on world 6 and its still pretty easy.

Definitely easier than Mario games of the past imo. But maybe that is to be expected.
My 5 year old nephew was playing it today for a few hours, until he killed the battery on my Lite.
His response: "wow i really like that mario game you got" :D
Its crazy how watching him play reminds me of when i was a little kid myself, and first playing Super Mario Bros on the NES. I played it so much the first two days that i actually was hearing the coin sounds when i was trying to go to sleep :blink:
got mine yesterday, and like most of you im finding it easy (im making the point of finding all 3 big coins in each level to make it last) but its the most ive enjoyed a game for months, even years. ds is my favourite machine by a mile lately. (can you get to those cannons on each level map?)