Sega Saturn

sand_man posted on May 16 2006 at 09:52 AM said:
I wish I had a Sega Saturn :( I remember back in the day I had the choice between a Saturn and a Playstation. You know which I chose ;) But I kinda regret it now because Playstations are so easy to come by but in a few years there will be even fewer Saturns than what there are now.

Would you be interested in buying a Sega Saturn?
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Japan RPG/Adventure:
- Magic Knight Rayearth
- Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean
- Panzer Dragoon Saga
- Grandia
- Lunar - Silver Star
- Lunar II - Eternal Blue

Tactic RPG:
- Shining Force III - Scenario 1 (2 and 3 aren't in english)
- Dragon Force

Beat 'em Up (most need the 4mb RAM extension):
- KoF 97
- Street Fighter Zero 3
- Marvel Super Heroes VS. Street Fighter
- Pocket Fighter
- DoA

- Radiant Silvergun
- Panzer dragoon 1+2
- cotton 2

Jump 'n Run/Plattform:
- Metal Slug
- Mega Man X4 (X3 is a very bad Port from SNES)
- NiGHTS (ok without analog-pad)
- Sonic JAM (Compilation of all Genesis Sonic-titles + 3D World + Extras)

- Decathlete (Athlete Kings)

- SEGA Rally
- Daytona USA Championship Circuit Edition

- bust a Move 3
- Columns Arcade Collection
remember that you will need to get a converter cart to play those games if you are using a PAL 50Hz system. It's totally worth modding the system with a 50/60Hz switch to get the most out of it.
i mean the "Sega Saturn Satellite". It's a card which disables the country-protection .. so you can play japanese games on european/us saturns.

If you're living in europe, i really advise you to do a 50/60hz mod. If your Saturn is one of the earlier models (Model 1 or early Model 2) the chance is hight, that you just have to shortcut the JP1 to get 60hz. I soldered a switch to it, to not confuse european games (games will run 20% faster). If you have a later model this methode isn't working anymore and you have to cut a line coming from one of the VDPs.

The 60hz Mod provides two improvements:
1. PAL Consoles will distort the image of NTSC-Games in it's vertical dimension
2. PAL Consoles run slower than NTSC Consoles ... this ends in slower gameplay, stuttering videos (Rockman X4) and asynchronous audio (Abert Odyssey, SF Zero 3).

... the 60hz Mod fixes this
Ravnos posted on May 16 2006 at 02:24 AM said:
I liked Iron Storm, if you can find it. It's kind of similar to Advance Wars IIRC, but I haven't played it in years. Turn-based strategy.

The Capcom 2D fighting games were also awesome on the Saturn. Street Fighter Alpha 2 in particular was great. The Saturn had a better controller for those games than the PSX, which helped a lot.

I seem to recall Iron Storm being the prequel to the exellent Panzer General series...
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Jarska333 posted on May 17 2006 at 11:31 AM said:
Ravnos posted on May 16 2006 at 02:24 AM said:
I liked Iron Storm, if you can find it. It's kind of similar to Advance Wars IIRC, but I haven't played it in years. Turn-based strategy.

The Capcom 2D fighting games were also awesome on the Saturn. Street Fighter Alpha 2 in particular was great. The Saturn had a better controller for those games than the PSX, which helped a lot.

I seem to recall Iron Storm being the prequel to the exellent Panzer General series...
Nope, seperate series.
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Not to threadjack, but i have a Saturn which i installed a US/Japan switch on the front. Any idea what worth? I never use it. Im not really planning on selling it right now, but probably will in the future.
grahf posted on May 17 2006 at 07:13 PM said:
Not to threadjack, but i have a Saturn which i installed a US/Japan switch on the front. Any idea what worth? I never use it. Im not really planning on selling it right now, but probably will in the future.
According to eBay, less than $40.
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iignotus posted on May 17 2006 at 07:16 PM said:
According to eBay, less than $40.
I might keep it and pick up a copy of Tengai Takyou IV, but otherwise i'll probably sell it.
I do have a copy of House of the Dead, that is a pretty fun game.
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Ravnos posted on May 17 2006 at 10:35 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on May 17 2006 at 11:31 AM said:
Ravnos posted on May 16 2006 at 02:24 AM said:
I liked Iron Storm, if you can find it. It's kind of similar to Advance Wars IIRC, but I haven't played it in years. Turn-based strategy.

The Capcom 2D fighting games were also awesome on the Saturn. Street Fighter Alpha 2 in particular was great. The Saturn had a better controller for those games than the PSX, which helped a lot.

I seem to recall Iron Storm being the prequel to the exellent Panzer General series...
Nope, seperate series.

Em, reading that article, I could replace Iron Storm with Panzer General, and it would sound OK. :P

I still maintain it is a sequel, or "sequel", rights for world release bought by SSI. A sequel in spirit.
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(naw)mcx posted on May 16 2006 at 10:44 PM said:
sand_man posted on May 16 2006 at 09:52 AM said:
I wish I had a Sega Saturn :( I remember back in the day I had the choice between a Saturn and a Playstation. You know which I chose ;) But I kinda regret it now because Playstations are so easy to come by but in a few years there will be even fewer Saturns than what there are now.

Would you be interested in buying a Sega Saturn?

Possibly. But probably not right now. If it has a mod chip then I'm sold, otherwise I would have to give it a miss.
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god_at_hell posted on May 19 2006 at 10:32 AM said:
why not mod it yourself? A Modboard costs ~10€ inc. shipping.
I've got an early model Saturn, it's apparently very difficult to mod compared to the later ones. :(
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Ravnos posted on May 19 2006 at 06:01 PM said:
god_at_hell posted on May 19 2006 at 10:32 AM said:
why not mod it yourself? A Modboard costs ~10€ inc. shipping.
I've got an early model Saturn, it's apparently very difficult to mod compared to the later ones. :(

Yeah it is, I just use the disc swap method. Sadly this means I'm always in 50hz.

I'm always on the look out for a reasonably priced pre modded saturn, they used to be everywhere on ebay a few years ago, now you'll be lucky enough to find one.

However Saturn emulation is picking up, I'm currently playing panzer dragoon saga with no slow down at all.
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Twimfy posted on May 19 2006 at 01:01 PM said:
However Saturn emulation is picking up, I'm currently playing panzer dragoon saga with no slow down at all.
Someone wake me when Yabause reaches that state, it's the only Saturn emu I know of for my OS.
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Some other goodies:

Kingdom Grand Prix
Dungeons & Dragons Collection (unfortunately only disc 2 works with my PAL converter :( )
Castlevania: Nocturne in the Moonlight
Elevator Action Returns
Legend of Oasis
Shinobi Legends (apart from the live-action video bits)
Guardian Heroes (or whatever it's called, the Treasure beat-em-up)

and a stack of other great shooters...
Twimfy posted on May 19 2006 at 07:01 PM said:
Yeah it is, I just use the disc swap method. Sadly this means I'm always in 50hz.

With a modboard your always at 50hz too. The modboard doesn't replace the 60hz-mod ... like i stated before, to do this you have to shortcut a jumper or you have to cut a line and add 5V to one pin of the VDU1 it's different in the saturn-versions (early models ... easy 60hz-mod).

To the problem with Model1 Saturns and the modboard:
There was a modboard for the 20pin rubber-cable version (most Model1), but now you'll only get 21pin versions. There is a methode to mod the modboard to get it to run with 20pin Saturns ... look here

NOTE: There is another problem too. The CD-Drive has some revisions .. there're versions with a 32pin and other with 64pin cd-controller-chips. The 64pin chip sometimes causes problems with modboards ... although there's a bord which does quite well with this chip. Other Saturns have a flipped rubber-cable-connecten, so you have to plug the modboard into the mainboard with the connector looking away from the cd-drive ... this causes some problems with the lenght of the cable ... but it works ... it worked for me :).

The swap-trick is somewhat evil, 'cause it slowly destroys the cd-drive.
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