Xgp, Xgp Mini And Xgp Kids


Still Fresh
Dec 26, 2004
Corea, Daegu
Hi, long time no see ^^;

today, I had some information for GP32x

(i can't write English... sorry T_T)

first, XGP

Originally, XGP running Quake 3! (WoW)

but come the hardware bug...(T_T)

it's fixed very hard.... if that late E3....

although, software is complete, not fix hardware bug, not launching Game (OTL)

second, XGP mini

it's so cute ;D

maybe running coverted PDA movie (AVI)

color : red White black

third XGP kids

i' have not information,

maybe upgrade version GP32....

Do you have any question?
Acura posted on May 12 2006 at 12:57 PM said:
Do you have any question?

1.Where did you lean to speak such good english.

2. Whats wrong with the other threads with the same information (but in english) here or Here
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p00pty2 posted on May 12 2006 at 10:51 PM said:
Acura posted on May 12 2006 at 12:57 PM said:
Do you have any question?

1.Where did you lean to speak such good english.

2. Whats wrong with the other threads with the same information (but in english) here or Here

I don't think a hardware bug was mentioned anywhere else. The reason why Quake 3 was not on display.

You're attitude is very rude to someone who is just trying to inform us.

BTW, Acura, nice name. ^__^
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Acura posted on May 12 2006 at 05:57 AM said:
Do you have any question?
Maybe these questions aren't for you necessarily, but I do have some questions about the Gamepark product line.

Can all models run old GP32 software?

For those models that can run GP32 software, is ALL the old software compatible or only some of it?

If the Kids model can run GP32 software, how does that work given the screen resolution?

The Kids model will be available in July, correct? THat is only two months away.

What software will the Kids model come with?

Will there be commercial games available for the Kids model on its launch date?

When will a software development kit for the Kids model be released?

What CPU speed does the Kids model run at?

When will technical documentation be available for all of the models?

What are the specifications for the 3D accelerator on the XGP and Mini?

The Mini will be avaialable in September, correct?

When will a software development kit be available for the Mini?


There are of course many other questions but the launch for the XGP is so far away that we do not really need answers about that stuff right now.

Thanks to you or any other person who has information to share.
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p00pty2 posted on May 12 2006 at 01:51 PM said:
Acura posted on May 12 2006 at 12:57 PM said:
Do you have any question?

1.Where did you lean to speak such good english.

2. Whats wrong with the other threads with the same information (but in english) here or Here

I`m not sure if you are being sarcastic, rude or just genuinely praising the original poster with regards to your first question. If you are being sarcastic or rude i think it was grossly uncalled for and they deserve an apology. If you are genuinely praising the original poster, Then please accept my humblest apologies and forget the whole thing.

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Dzz posted on May 12 2006 at 11:28 PM said:
Acura posted on May 12 2006 at 05:57 AM said:
Do you have any question?
Maybe these questions aren't for you necessarily, but I do have some questions about the Gamepark product line.

Can all models run old GP32 software?

For those models that can run GP32 software, is ALL the old software compatible or only some of it?

If the Kids model can run GP32 software, how does that work given the screen resolution?

The Kids model will be available in July, correct? THat is only two months away.

What software will the Kids model come with?

Will there be commercial games available for the Kids model on its launch date?

When will a software development kit for the Kids model be released?

What CPU speed does the Kids model run at?

When will technical documentation be available for all of the models?

What are the specifications for the 3D accelerator on the XGP and Mini?

The Mini will be avaialable in September, correct?

When will a software development kit be available for the Mini?


There are of course many other questions but the launch for the XGP is so far away that we do not really need answers about that stuff right now.

Thanks to you or any other person who has information to share.

1. Can all models run old GP32 software?

No, XGP kids run old GP32 software

another machines not support old GP32 Software

XGP is not run XGP mini and XGP kids and GP32 game

(because each other difference OS)

2.If the Kids model can run GP32 software, how does that work given the screen resolution?

i'm no knowing, maybe original resolution (320x240)

3.The Kids model will be available in July, correct? THat is only two months away.

It's not correct information, uncertain

I know nothing beyond that...
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Hey I like XGPmini and XGPkids. Will be XGPkids compatible with old gp32???
Hey I like XGPmini and XGPkids. Will be XGPkids compatible with old gp32???

Acura posted on May 13 2006 at 05:56 AM said:
No, XGP kids run old GP32 software

another machines not support old GP32 Software
I take this to mean that the XGP Kids does, the others do not.

What's strange is that Acura assumes the XGP Kids will run GP32 software at 320x240... but the XGP Kids screen is 220x176... Either a misunderstanding or completely inaccurate information.
Scalling 320x240 to 220x176 will look terrible and be almost impossible to use (text).

I think the XGP is an interesting device, but they've confused the whole issue by having three flavours; and none of them are compatible with each other!
Plus, if there's no homebrew and few commercial games, it's worthless.
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Hahahahaha guys! I win, you lose!

My message:
Hello. Is there any news for the XGP’s? I heard they might not be released because you do not have any investors. Is that true? If not, when is the approximate worldwide release date?
Thank you for contacting GAMEPARK Inc.

First of all, we didn't attend E3 for investments. We were there to display our new products coming in this year.

XGPkids, the youngest brother of the 3 new products from GAMEPARK Inc., will be released in mid Aug.

The other 2 devices will be released at the end of this year.
Which means I will only have to wait until October-December for the XGP Kids! Now I DO have something to wait on.
Yes I do. As you can see, they stated the release date is mid-August. I said I just have to wait until October-December, and I guess January.
if things work out well as gamepark planned, pre-order will start right before or after game convention in Germany. Oh btw, they are attending gc germany so if you are interested, please go there and get some information about XGP. And don’t forget to share it with us.
I would say it get's released or finally declared vaporware when Vista is released, and if this is too soon then I am sure we will be able to play Duke Nukem Forever on it ;) !
Here are some questions about the XGP Kids that Gamepark answered:

1. You can copy the content in SMC into your PC. And then transfer the copied content into SD card. But in order for you to play the games for GP32 with kids, you have to modify the source codes of the game. This process will not be done by GAMEPARK but hopefully by developers.

2. XGPkids were made to be more portable then GP32. The specs of these two maybe different but the performances of the two would be similar to each other.

3. XGPkids last about 8 hours when it were used to play music.

4. yes, the SDK for kids will be released as well as XGP, and mini.

#1...ouch. Ouch indeed.
I have questionable information from my friend that states the XGP Kids will sell in 4 or more colors, including black, white, silver, and red. Also, they are planning to sell them in both online and offline distributors in North America. I can't be sure about this because my friend stupidly deleted the email, and because offline distributors in NA is just plain crazy.
An e-mail I received from Gamepark:

"Dear Matt Goode

Thank you for contacting GAMEPARK Inc.

As you might know, we are developing 3 different model this year. The first and
second model of our product line(XGP and XGPmini) should be released at the end
of this year. There is a chance of applying some major modifications to the
first two model, so the release date "might" be pushed to next year. The last
one, XGPkids, will be launched in mid-Aug or end of Aug."

Nothing too interesting or new, but thought i'd share it :)
next year ?? surely it will be slightly outdated then, if there keeping the same spec's that is.

whatever happend to the june or july release date
There doesn't look for any potential for this unit to use a main 920T processor spec'ed at 266 MHz. MagicEyes only offers VRENDER3D units (the SoC of the XGP/XGPMini series..) with 200 Mhz spec'ed processors. The 940T is entirely absent, I do sort of wonder how video performance will be on XGP units next to '2x ones given this fact-- though I will admit my knowledge of 940T involvement in video decompression is sketchy. If this can be offloaded to the GPU and this is done (I doubt GP or MagicEyes would do this themselves..) it could achieve the same performance, but it may lag behind on some things, really.

VRender3D does look like a pretty solid SoC, but I do hope in the next generation of systems from both companies, if they have one, we see some more next-generation technology. 400 MHz+ ARM9 parts, maybe ARM11s sporting hardware floating point units, that sort of thing. The XGP's just an incremental upgrade from the '2x for those OK with losing the 940T...