The Official Sony Bombed At E3 Thread


ARRR I'm A Pirate
Dec 9, 2005
Lake Zurich IL USA
If any of you watched the press conferece tonight you would know how disgraceful it was .

You can get the download here (after they post it )

They showed some weak ass games and a GT HD demo . They only showed like 5 playable demos and most of them sucked . The only real cool news I pulled from it was that you will be able to download PS1 games to your PSP at download stations for a fee . The speakers they had were terrible and struggled just to muster out the pathetic garbage they were spewing .

Ohh yeah official priceing $499 for 20gb and $599 for 60gb

I think you know how I feel , what did you think ??

Edit: I don't want to come off as an anti-sony fanboy I tried to sit back and take a neutral stand while watching this .
Shikaku posted on May 9 2006 at 12:07 AM said:
Will it change anything?

... no =)

Sony could sell boxed doo doo labeled PS3 and it will move every single unit on launch. ;)
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GT HD looked OK... It is about the same graphics-wise to PGR 3 for the 360.

$499 for the base system? I ain't buying it. I can get a fully loaded 360 for $400.

The Sony presentation sucked, the Nintendo I-gotta-go-Wii display was what caught my attention. (that and the Game Park booth) Too bad I couldn't go.
I don't think it really matters that the presentation was awful, The machine will probably carry it's own in the end. It's also usually the same that new consoles don't shine until they have been on the market for a while.

Usually the games that are available in the beginning never use the true potential of the machine as developers haven't gotten used to the new hardware etc.

Personally I like the Playstation consoles, I'm not a Sony fangirl here, and would love an XBox 360, I just can't afford one right now. Not only that, I know I'm going to save up for a PS3, not just because it's a Sony, it's also because I don't want an array of consoles all around my living space, and the PS3 is backward compatible with my old PS/PS2 software. Sometimes it's a case of "Better the devil you know".

I am planning on buying an original XBox though, they are cheap enough these days and it might be nice to play with one now and then :) .

Opps, going off topic there, sorry.
what warmfluffy says is poignant, its so hard to make the switch for 2 generations of playstation gamer, as it means throwing away all their old games. In reality, theyll probably hardly ever play any of them, butpsychologically its difficult to do i guess.
thelamer posted on May 9 2006 at 03:50 AM said:
The only real cool news I pulled from it was that you will be able to download PS1 games to your PSP at download stations for a fee .
Oh, and let me guess, there won´t be any of them in Germany until 2008, and then only 2 of them.

And if i finally get the opportunity to use one one of them, it will charge the full price and then refuse to let me download my stuff because i have an imported jap PSP.

Oh, but it seems that zodttd is moking good progress with his emu. You know what? Screw Sony.
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So if there is no dual shock, that means that there's gonna be no rumble at all?
Nova posted on May 9 2006 at 04:50 PM said:
So if there is no dual shock, that means that there's gonna be no rumble at all?
Correct! On the wireless motion sensing ones at least. (The rumble would interfere with motion sensing)

So .. unless there are old-style stick ports included .. :huh: .. Can't .. :blink: .. quite .. :wacko: .. see .. ;) .. any on the pictures :rolleyes:
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