I'm Loving This Forum

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dcgm posted on May 4 2006 at 05:33 PM said:
This forum is addictive and it has a lovely cosy vibe. Nice to put your feet up and relax and read a few posts :P
Are you Klown? Your avatar and sig are both uploaded from his self-proclaimed "shitty personal site".....

The av says Klown, but the post, very, very different.

Anyhoo, this forum was boring without klown, weren't it not?

EDIT: Messed up the quote...added shit...
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Nova posted on May 5 2006 at 05:42 PM said:
Bizzaro Klown posted on May 4 2006 at 05:33 PM said:
This forum is addictive and it has a lovely cosy vibe. Nice to put your feet up and relax and read a few posts :P
Are you Klown? Your avatar and sig are both uploaded from his self-proclaimed "shitty personal site".....

The av says Klown, but the post, different.
they have the same homepage and similar "locations"

edit: same as nova
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My goodness the rude hostility in this forum is making me feel slightly more cautious about posting and visiting. Mr Rico kindly disproved these silly theories. I do not know who this other Klown fellow is and why he is mimmicking my personal web site. Needless to say if we are the same person I obviously must have some form of split personality disorder! :blink:
well, you're quite the actor Klown. Unless you explain why he (who joined a while before you) has the same homepage as you, you're under the radar!


Happy Magic Grand Land = Klown's location

Unhappy Dull Small Sea = Your location

complete opposites. Rico's wrong somehow.
Klown=satan? What is with the grudge against klown? There might be a perfectly good explanation for this, but it hasn't been put forth yet...
ha hah. Bizzaro Klown.

Not very clever at all I'm afraid. (Methinks someone's watched too much Super Friends as a kid)
daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 6 2006 at 12:42 AM said:
LOL his website is awfully nasty and uses cusses and such. Not quite your personality under this account, eh?
It appears you can read from internet websites. Incredibly astute of yo. My personality on my blog is vastly different as it is a place for venting. However, it is not proper to be offensive when on somebody elses site and therefore I am much more formal. If I may ask, why on earth did you just quote my real name? That's not proper ettiquete i'm afraid. I am however curious how you found my livejournal account.
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Bizzaro Klown posted on May 5 2006 at 08:02 PM said:
Indeed you are then. I'm sorry i've somehow caused you so much offense. I'm not this 'Klown' fellow and administratior Mr Rico has backed me up on that one. however you may believe what you will my friend.
You havent caused me any offense, Im just trying to get you to admit the truth. But again, whatever.

IPs obviously mean nothing. You could be in another country on vacation. simple.
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DCGM, I'm pretty sure you're wrong this time. Klown was a complete dick that had no brain whatsoever. No one liked him, he never made a post with any point behind it, and it's very clear from his website that he has some serious issues with intelligence and reasoning.

Bizzaro Klown, on the other hand, has been pretty nice so far. He's nothing like the incredible dipshit that Klown was (I personally hated Klown, and wished he would kill himself. Maybe he has by now). BK, may I extend a kind welcome to you and hopefully you can forgive DCGM for comparing you to the utterly useless mental defective that was Klown.
I for one don't really care, maybee Klown got a personality upgrade, and the IP address can easily different by connecting to another net via VPN.

Like I said I don't really care, as long as people are nice they are welcome to hang around in my books :) .
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