Thats all nice, but this is the wrong topic as it has nothing to do with the GP2X. Post things like this in off-topic discussion.delaneyblues said:Ok here goes,
About me:
My real name is Leanne I am 28 and live in the U.K with my 3 girls age 6 and twins at 2.Iam a An Events Manager for a Blues Brothers Tribute here in the U.K and also a full time mum.I too like obviously many on here LOVE my Gp2x and got my F200 for christmas.
I would like to apologise for my moody behaviour as generally Iam not a moody person.I also apologise for my previous post taking up forum space,and i apologise for saying your all saddo's who cant get laid.
In My Defence:
Since i joined this group i have had nothing but sharp comments,and also had a post removed as i did something wrong but in my defence I ddnt even know what a 'rom' was,so wasnt aware Ihad done wrong.
As for the leaving post and coming back try knowing people are slagging you off and not going back to read what people have wrote its not easy (Maybe this is a woman thing).
Yes I totally agree that my spelling.grammer and punctuation is not the best and get lazy,I am usually on a twin mum forum and this is were my lazyness comes from as we just type away on there with no consideration for all the spelling.grammer and punctuation stuff. Im sure there is loads wrong with this post but im afraid Iam typing the best i can.
Iam generally a nice person but when you feel the whole world and his mother is 'off' with you its not easy to not get a lttle touchy (maybe an understatment).
So what do you say guys can we make a fresh start???????????????
Not sure if mod's can do this but it would help a great deal if my 'Thats It Im Leaving'post could be removed
Cheers Guys
Leanne 'Delaney' Blues.
Not related, but I'm guessing Blues was the last name rather than the genre of music.BaDToaD said:Didn't bother reading the post and follow ups that caused all the hassle but this is a cracking post lass. Anyone with the balls to write an appology like that deserves to be treated with some respect.
BTW I'm a great blues fan and have seen a couple of Blues Brothers tribute bands over the years. Keep up the good work. Bringing the blues to the youngsters of today is essential if we're gonna keep them alive(the blues AND the youngsters that is... they'll die of boredom otherwise
All the best.
Those can't be emulated on GP2X f200.wil hood said:just popped on to see what i missed?
been away for weekend train spotting,was going alright but some bully boys attacked us and ripped the hood off my anorak.they also smashed my thermos flask.but i did get some good numbers so it was worth it.just popped in now for 5 minutes to see whats happened since ive been away.anyway got to go back to my stamp collection for an hour then i will have a few hours playing with my warhammers.nice to see so many people on these forums are on my level.see ya my mums calling.
a quick question.can you emulate the ps3 or xbox 360 on a gp2x f200 ?
Go rent the film The Blues Brothers. It's a great film in it's own right. Hilarious in places and has just about the best car chase ever seen. Add to that the fantastic music and you have one hell of a Movie.ZXC3CD said:Not related, but I'm guessing Blues was the last name rather than the genre of music.