Don't Buy A 360 Yet

I dont see why anyone would want oen anyway.
Face it, most games are crap, and all games are overpriced.
Also it will be outdated as soon as ps3 is out, and ps3 will sell way better, wich leads to it getting better games.

Whatever you do, wait at least until after e3.
Vimacs posted on Apr 21 2006 at 08:04 PM said:
I dont see why anyone would want oen anyway.
Face it, most games are crap, and all games are overpriced.
Also it will be outdated as soon as ps3 is out, and ps3 will sell way better, wich leads to it getting better games.

Whatever you do, wait at least until after e3.
yep im waiting until afterwards. maybe something better will be released.

Oblivion is definitly on my 'to buy' list though (once i get it).
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Vimacs posted on Apr 22 2006 at 01:04 AM said:
I dont see why anyone would want oen anyway.
Face it, most games are crap, and all games are overpriced.
Also it will be outdated as soon as ps3 is out, and ps3 will sell way better, wich leads to it getting better games.

Whatever you do, wait at least until after e3.

It doesn't matter which sells the most units, it is the games that count. For me, the Gamecube had the best games of the latest generation, and Halo & MGS: Snake Eater are the only games on rival systems that outclass the Gamecube.

I am sure that PS3 will sell far more uinits than the XBox360 but does that matter? At the moment the XBox has one killer app - Oblivion - and we know next to nothing about the PS3 and so do not know if it has anything better than this... I hope it does as I do not expect there to be many XBox 360 games as good as Oblivion, so this may be as good as it gets (I hope I am wrong though).
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i played oblivion on pc, i realy dont see whats so great about it, first you get to a level where you nearly start to puke couse of teh translation (german only thing i gues) than you get more bugs. But tht realy ist that worse, you start playing, ride up a hill, "wow this looks fucking great", but as soon as you look farer away it looks like a n64 on lsd.
Anyway the first few hours its damn fine, gameplay wise, but than it gets just boreing.
It is hard to defend Oblivion from that kind of criticism. I think it is a bit like Elite - a superbly open game that is extremely addictive if you get into it, but perfectly understandable why some people would see it as a waste of time and effort.
WhizzBang posted on Apr 21 2006 at 08:31 PM said:
It is hard to defend Oblivion from that kind of criticism. I think it is a bit like Elite - a superbly open game that is extremely addictive if you get into it, but perfectly understandable why some people would see it as a waste of time and effort.

They said that about Daggerfall. Have you ever heard of it/played it? It's the thing they made before Oblivion/Morrowind...

I found Daggerfall, although crashy, quite open. It's just a matter of opinion.
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WhizzBang posted on Apr 21 2006 at 08:23 PM said:
It doesn't matter which sells the most units, it is the games that count. For me, the Gamecube had the best games of the latest generation, and Halo & MGS: Snake Eater are the only games on rival systems that outclass the Gamecube.

You know, i feel exactly the same way. I might not have bought a PS2 if it wasnt for Dragon Quest 8 (though i'm glad i have it for metal gear solid 2&3). While it doesnt have the quantity of PS2, the gamecube has a extremely high percentage of great games. I can see the gamecube being a collectors item in the future, whereas i just dont see that happening with playstations; although im sure a playstation that still works will fetch a good price :P .

Oblivion would have been a system seller for me, due to the great feedback. It would have, if it wasnt available for PC. I'll just buy that version instead. The way things are looking, by the time there is a decent game selection for 360, they will probably be shipping with the new processors anyhow. Sony better have a damn good selection of games by this holiday season. The new 360 processor is going to save Microsoft a ton, which will possibly result in a lower price point. Sony is still looking to be pricey at launch.
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well, fact is that ps3 HAVE TO win, there is no other option for sony, and i think its undoubtable that it will, it haves overall better specs and sonys wight behind it, as well as a loyal fanboy base, sure it will be to pricey at the beginning, but thats why i will just go for rev :-)
In my experience, I find that I prefer the ps2's games slightly more over the cubes.....and believe me, i dont want to turn this into an angry thread. I think some of us here can express our opinions in a mature fashion, so I'll continue :) .

i certainly like metroid prime, mario, zelda and all that jazz, but for me, games like gta, metal gear, kingdom hearts, FF, etc have always been games that I enjoy the most. I feel that at this point in my life, I really own the cube for the purpose of the zelda games; which is fine, as I find the 200 bucks or whatever for a new nintendo console worth it for a chance to play a legendary (no pun intended) zelda title. mario is great and all, but it's getting a bit played out IMO. Im biding my time until super mario bros 4 comes out (should be soon :D ).

xbox=meh. halo never really picked up my attention, so I stayed away.

Even though im sure it will be pricey, the ps3 should be a pretty darn good system, and I think anyone who is even remotely level-headed can admit that.

I will be getting a ps3 for the holidays 2006, and probably pay for a rev myself. Both sound quite appealing.

its true that the ps3 will outsell evey other "current" console (bar the ps2 as thats had a price drop in the us) as with all new technology ity will have lots of faults (a la slimline) so if you must get 1 (cant see why yet) then maybe you should wait otherwise even the gp2x "manufactering" would be classed as perfect in comparison lol.

I just hope on the revolution Project zero (fatal frame) games appear on it. as using that remote as the torch would be awsome.
people licking sony's asses again i see. when ps3 comes out ill say the same thing, their only decent game will be mgs3 for some months until devs get better at it. i can already see ps4.. whats that? wipeout 10? gran turismo 6? tekken 8 you say? oh dear.. is anyone seeing a pattern here? at least its not that bad for the 360
I've a feeling the PS3 might not do as well as expected from Sony.

Infact I hope the 360 wins this round, Sony need a bit of a kicking.
i used my xbox and my gamecube way more than i ever used my ps2, and im using my 360 more than any machine since the dreamcast, i agree theres nothing on the 360 that is a 'must have' game but for some reason im really enjoying games on my 360, ridge racer 6, tomb raider, fight night 3, condemned, kameo. next for me it will be a revolution, i wont be bothering with the ps3 though, ps2 and psp didnt really impress me.
i own the PS2/XBOX/GAMECUBE, if a game i want is out for all 3 systems, i get the xbox version. The PS2 held my attention for a good bit a time, i bought it at launch and it was probably a good 2 years before i bought the Cube and i bought the XBOX about 5 months ago.

With that being said, i prefer my XBOX, and even before i had it, i found my Cube to be my least played system. After i beat Tales of Symphonia, i just never bothered with it again.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Apr 23 2006 at 12:06 AM said:
supaimposter posted on Apr 22 2006 at 11:09 PM said:
the 360 is the bollocks
Do you even know what 'bollocks' means? :huh:
It's just like saying "The Xbox 360 is the shit!", as opposed to "The Xbox 360 is shit." Stupid, but under current vernacular, sensical.
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