TV Connection

a special card forg vga screen exists (i've got one), but I don't have plans to recreate it...
What about a VCR aswell, that would be cool.

Har Har Har

P.S how do i get a little picture next to my name?
zboy9 posted on Sep 10 2003 at 01:09 AM said:
Swiss cheeseman said he did it, and he made a super GP32
Someone posted falsly with my name and claimed that I was going to do all those stupid things he said. I ended up doing some crappy photoshop with all that stuff crammed into it. =)

I didnt make it, hell, I'm not a programmer, or even that experienced in tech, im mainly a graphic artist. =P

I would, however, LOVE to see a portable TV adaptor!
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hmmm tv tuner that'd be neat, if its at the right price i'd buy one, thing is they always tend ot cost as much as a handheld tv :rolleyes:

Now if you could record directly on to a an smc at the same time ;)
there should already be a remote control or something, I believe I saw an option for it in that new mp3 player..