Gp2x Break Out Box (finished Product)

is there any news on when the BoB's will be available to buy?

i hope its soon before i spend all my money!
I sooo want this, serial out, video out and external HDD all call to me. I hope it can ship soon :)
i guess there was a slight hold up due to merging with the official project, but now firmware 2.0 is coming out final tests should now be taking soon i hope
Sorry for the bump ... but I just now realized the implications of this ... MAME on my TV!

hmm. blew this topic off thinking I wouldnt want/need this, but i want working tv-out and still dont have a cable. Everything else seems frickin amazing, so I think you may have a sale from me :)

Im in the US....what would some reasonable shipping cost me, and about how long till I receive it?

And of course, when will it be officially available?

thanks techfreak!!

*explodes with excitement*
so is it fully complete now then?

can't you tell us what features it has or if anything differs from the previous design etc?
verry cool, hope i can order mine soon from my local 2x dealer (ed ;-)

will it be possible that one can use an external usb gamepad/joystick
with most of the games/emus?
guess it have to be supported in sdl to make it work easily.

would looooove to play VICE c64 games with my usb competition pro on my tv-set!!!
vic20-ian posted on Apr 28 2006 at 06:34 PM said:
USB Competition pro - Where from ? How Much?



usb comp pro manufacturer link

they are pretty easy to get here in germany, don't know about other countries, but i'm shure it's not too hard to get one there too.
price is around 14€.
works great and is really a blast fom the past !!! :-)

good luck!
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bah, tis annoying having to wait till at least the 20th of may since i just bricked my gp2x cos of the boot loader crashing on updating to 2.0 and now need to jtag