Joystick Won't Move Right

Steve Warner

Still Fresh
Nov 28, 2005
Tucson, Arizona, USA
After several furious rounds of GODS using DrMDx, my joystick stopped responding when pressing it to the right. I checked the Test Mode and every other joystick position works fine. But the right position is now dead. I took off the default joystick cap and pressed the copper pin to the right as hard as I could get it and it did finally recognize it. But every other position simply needs a light press in order for it to be recognized. Anyone run into this problem before? And more importantly, anyone have ideas on how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.
i assume this is a GP2X problem, not GP32 - maybe if you want people to help you should post it over in that forum I guess..
Damn, another one who can't read. I propose a 4-week ban.

- Alex
Crap, was this a gradual problem or did it happen all of a sudden? I find it hard to press left, but it's been gradual, and it seems to be getting worse.

Cut the guy some slack, maybe he didn't even know about the GP32 and thought 'GP' and posted there.

A lot of people are getting more and more issues with the stock joystick. It simply isn't man enough for the job, and it is unusable as it doesn't always go where you want it to, which rather defeats the object of it.

Unless GamePark provide better joysticks/D-pads(?), (CraigX is hinting there might be some update/news in a couple of days), you will be forced to consider an alternative method of input, or replacing your Gp2x. If GamePark don't provide D-pad update packs, look at my topic below - gives clues on how to make your own (mine works fine).
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nickspoon posted on Apr 3 2006 at 10:59 AM said:
Careful bacteria - you keep posting about your D-Pad mod and I might have to write a bacteria emulator :P

Hopefully that would generate even more replies then on my topic than it has got so far, a good thing, right? Bacteria doubles with strength and size with every division! Wahooo - the world is under my command (or might have done if it wasn't for those meddling kids)... :blink: ahem, back to Planet Earth again <_<
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Well, all GP2X's come with a two year warranty, so if my stick craps out I'm going to get a new one, not buy one. If a mod comes out that's easy to install I do that, as I don't want GPH to go under because of a mistake like this.

I think trying to get a stick that has 8 directions for a handheld that does not have a 3D processor was a mistake. 4 directions is enough with two directions pressed at once to make a diagonal direction.

If GPH fixes this in a revision of the GP2X I hope it's just a dpad. On their next handheld I hope it has 3D and then it would make sense to put a 8 direction stick.

second exodous posted on Apr 3 2006 at 06:14 PM said:
Well, all GP2X's come with a two year warranty, so if my stick craps out I'm going to get a new one, not buy one. If a mod comes out that's easy to install I do that, as I don't want GPH to go under because of a mistake like this.

I think trying to get a stick that has 8 directions for a handheld that does not have a 3D processor was a mistake. 4 directions is enough with two directions pressed at once to make a diagonal direction.

If GPH fixes this in a revision of the GP2X I hope it's just a dpad. On their next handheld I hope it has 3D and then it would make sense to put a 8 direction stick.

I agree with you. It would be wonderful if GamePark replaced their crappy joystick with proper D-pads - but this is unlikely (I hope to be wrong, CraigX mentioned news in 2 days time - let's see what it is) as all their existing customers would demand one of these as free to replace the stock joystick (unfit for use, etc), this would potentially kill the profitability of GamePark and could thereby kill the GP2x. If they sell "upgrade" D-pads for people to buy and install, it would kill everyone's warranty, so that can't be it. Humm.

If this is the case, and what GamePark does is to give better joysticks for new customers, or D-pads for new customers, the existing many thousands of existing users will be stuck with what they have as "pre-final systems", and be stuck with their supplied crappy joystick. In this scenario, the best solution is to make your own D-pad (oops, nickspoon, I have done it again!) ;)
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ralp99 & Alex: Grow up. I posted in the General GP2X forum because it's a general question. Yes, I requested help, but the Help forum is described as "a forum for very new users" which I am not. Proposing a ban because I posted in the General GP2X forum and not the GP2X help forum is precisely why I don't frequent these forums. It's populated by a bunch of elitists who have nothing better to do than jump down people's throats.

To everyone else, thanks for the comments. So is the general concensus that it's a hardware problem and should be returned? Anyone take a crack at their own hardware mod to fix this type of problem? I know some have successfully added external joystick support, but I don't want that. I just want to be able to move right.
bacteria posted on Apr 3 2006 at 05:08 PM said:
It would be wonderful if GamePark replaced their crappy joystick with proper D-pads - but this is unlikely (I hope to be wrong, CraigX mentioned news in 2 days time - let's see what it is) as all their existing customers would demand one of these as free to replace the stock joystick (unfit for use, etc), this would potentially kill the profitability of GamePark and could thereby kill the GP2x. If they sell "upgrade" D-pads for people to buy and install, it would kill everyone's warranty, so that can't be it. Humm.

If this is the case, and what GamePark does is to give better joysticks for new customers, or D-pads for new customers, the existing many thousands of existing users will be stuck with what they have as "pre-final systems", and be stuck with their supplied crappy joystick. In this scenario, the best solution is to make your own D-pad (oops, nickspoon, I have done it again!) ;)

Hmm, what they could do is release another revision with a dpad and something else, like more memory, faster processor, so they could call it the GP2X2 or something. Then they wouldn't have to replace all the old sticks. They would however have to fix the units that are failing right now though. I did notice that I don't press as hard on the stick when it has some grip on it, like the Plasti-Dip coating, maybe they should just bite the bullet and send out replacement caps to save the control sticks. They better do it fast if they want to save them though.

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Sometimes the pad is pushed down too far and that will prevent one of the directions from working, try unscrewing it a bit and seeing if that helps, also there are various replacements available, I myself bought some PSP replacement pads made of rubber and engineered them to work in place of the stock cap.
Quite possibly won't help in your situation, but I've found that after reassembling the unit after having it apart, that I have to tightly squeeze the case around the joystick sometimes to get it respond well in all directions again. Usually I need to tighten the screws too as I didn't get them in all the way also, but that's beside the point here.

There is a piece on the case under the joystick that pushes up on it. It seems, at least in my case, that piece must be firmly against the bottom of the joystick assembly for proper operation. I assume it helps the assembly not to move around any.

Anyway, might not be your problem at all, but I thought I'd at least throw that out there as a possibility.