Ac Adapter


Oct 18, 2005
Anyone know where I can get a ac adapter? GP32Z is pretty expensive. Preferably, I would like from newegg but I couldn't find anything there. thanks
It's a very custom part, NewEgg would never carry it. :P They don't even have the GP2X. If you don't want to buy the adapter (Which is expensive everywhere), you find another brick with variable voltage or the exact voltage and current specs of the '2x and just get an adapter to the connector type of the '2x. Don't use a brick with too high or low voltage. But too high current is fine, it just won't necessarily be used (that's measured in Amperes, A. Voltage naturally is VDC.)
thats sort of what I meant. Where can i find universal ac adapters? I couldnt find them on newegg. the one I have is center positive which annoys me.
invinciblegod posted on Mar 31 2006 at 11:11 PM said:
thats sort of what I meant. Where can i find universal ac adapters? I couldnt find them on newegg. the one I have is center positive which annoys me.

Try Radio Shack ... they have everything :)
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nickspoon posted on Apr 1 2006 at 01:56 AM said:
If you've got a universal centre-positive one, you can just pull the plug bit off the end and turn it round.
so if I put it upside down in the wall socket it becomes center negative? Are you sure? How am I supposed to make the longer part fit?
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No, not upside-down in the wall socket. By universal I assume you mean the ones with several different voltages and switchable connectors. Pull the connector off and turn it round.
Oh I see. Hmm unfortunately, I don't know which is the "right" way so it is sort of hard to know which way to turn it. If I put it in the wrong way, the gp2x wont implode will it?

edit: ok I looked at it more closely and its like this

Plug from main part

- .
-neg +pos
- .

from adapter:
- .
- +
- .

the dots are what plugs into each other. So am I supposed to plug the + portion of the adapter plug into the negative portion from the main part to get center negative?
No, it just won't turn on. If it doesn't, remove it quickly and turn it round. It won't cause any damage to the console.
Heheh, good thing. Not all consoles have any sort of protective hardware. I connected reverse polarity to an NES once and the voltage regulator exploded like a little blasting cap. :P
Even the GP32 has reverse polarity protection, but unfortunately the protection circuitry destroys itself after it's saved the rest of the device, so it still doesn't work again until it's fixed.

The GP2X seems to be a little more sturdy.

Reverse polarity on caps are good fun though - I can't remember how many of them we have embedded in the ceiling at work :)