Looking For Help: Sponsors

Here's a fun fact for you, the lad that made the first one of those sites, the million dollar homepage, stayed in the same halls as me in nottingham university. Although he never came back after christmas.

Thats my claim to fame...
I never intended to clone milliondollarpage thingies :(
I just want to reach my goal...

call it scamming, call it whatever you like, but I am not forcing you to do anything. I even give stuff in return. I thought this would be a good way to raise enough funds for my GP2X.

peanutman posted on Mar 25 2006 at 10:48 AM said:
I never intended to clone milliondollarpage thingies :(
I just want to reach my goal...

call it scamming, call it whatever you like, but I am not forcing you to do anything. I even give stuff in return. I thought this would be a good way to raise enough funds for my GP2X.


I think people are interested more in donating to projects that they see exist... not giving cash advances.
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uhh... what in the heck are you programming anyway? There's no info on the site... I can see it now. My logo on the screen just before "Awesome Mega Calculator - Full Color Edition" boots up.

That's worth a $.50 donation! :)
peanutman posted on Mar 25 2006 at 09:54 AM said:
true... but I can't program the GP2X without GP2X... can I?
and there doesn't seem to be an emulator around either :(
Many people have developed their gp2x apps (or at least a large initial part of them) using the SDL libraries for the PC. It works.

Another thing you can do to get people more interested is present detailed design documents and/or artwork for your first gp2x project. If people find it interesting and they see enough preliminary work to convince them that it could actually get finished, they might be willing to contribute to the cause to help make sure it gets done.

But just begging like this isn't going to get you anywhere. You're not a compelling charity.
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Dzz posted on Mar 25 2006 at 04:23 PM said:
peanutman posted on Mar 25 2006 at 09:54 AM said:
true... but I can't program the GP2X without GP2X... can I?
and there doesn't seem to be an emulator around either :(
Many people have developed their gp2x apps (or at least a large initial part of them) using the SDL libraries for the PC. It works.

Another thing you can do to get people more interested is present detailed design documents and/or artwork for your first gp2x project. If people find it interesting and they see enough preliminary work to convince them that it could actually get finished, they might be willing to contribute to the cause to help make sure it gets done.

But just begging like this isn't going to get you anywhere. You're not a compelling charity.
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You will not believe it possible probably, but I had to study at the uni AND have a part time job as a programmer for half a year to be able to buy my GP32 (back then). What about finding a job yourself instead of trying to make others pity you and throw a nickel in your direction?
Don't get me wrong, I am into charity and I esteem it. I understand when people ask for money because they cannot afford an expensive operation or some similar necessity, but this what you are doing is ridiculous and really smells like a scam.
btw, why would someone "almost ashamed to ask" put so much work into a site built for the express purpose of doing so?
WhiteFalcon posted on Mar 25 2006 at 09:14 AM said:
Don't get me wrong, I am into charity and I esteem it. I understand when people ask for money because they cannot afford an expensive operation or some similar necessity, but this what you are doing is ridiculous and really smells like a scam.
But he needs the money to port Halo to the GP2X!
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