Visual Novell Maker

white cotton panties, w00t!!

On other matters, I will definitely be creating a novel for VNS, probably a rather lame one though. A point-and-click adventure, I expect :) I want to push this thing to the limits :)

Also VirtuaLeech: just remembered, does the VNS file format include a version tag? Else you will get people using new VNS files on an older VNS.fxe that doesn't understand newer features. If not a version tag then some way of handling new features (ignoring them perhaps :))
does the VNS file format include a version tag?
There is a system variable called _version. So you get something like:

TEXTWRAP=Sorry, you need at least version 5 for this story to work
Should i release some images of my demo?

It would prob be better for you to release the pics of the program running then with my story loaded make it simpler.

I can do it if u want i have geepee32 and smc's setup on my pc

There are also gonna be some pictures in the GP32:Zine article that is going to be released very soon now :P

But if you want to release some pictures of your demo, sure why not?
Klown posted on Sep 6 2003 at 12:29 PM said:
I've never seen the point in hentai. If you want to see something that turns you on look at real porn, not a cartoon girl with pink hair and overlarge breasts who seem to enjoy being raped....
If you are trying to compare hentai and sex/porn you are indeed not getting the point. Hentai is not meant as an alternative form of porn. It's more of an addition to porn. You would never see someone reading porn in public while hentai is considered ok in some (mostly asian) countries.

It's just a more 'innocent' form of porn. Not a replacement for reallife porn.
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VirtuaLeech posted on Sep 8 2003 at 08:35 AM said:
It's just a more 'innocent' form of porn. Not a replacement for reallife porn.
Hentai means pervert or perverted, and a lot of it really is perverted with tentacles and stuff.
Not all hentai is like this, of coarse, but quite a lot is, so saying that it´s more "innocent" seems wrong to me.

But perhaps there´s a difference between manga-hentai and anime-hentai.
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Phil posted on Sep 8 2003 at 04:42 PM said:
manga hentai is flippin' nuts. it's all rape in stuff. anime hentai is mostly s.e.x and poses.
+ Tentacles

Day of the Tentacle should be a hentai-game. :P
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