How Many People Still Prefer The Gp32 To Gp2x

Which console is your favourite/which console do you still prefer?

  • GP32

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  • GP2X

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GP32 most definitely, I still use it much more than my GP2x (for DrMD atm), Mainly because i seem to have mislayed my GP2x. I still would use the GP32 more even if the GP2x wasn`t on the missing list. I just can not get used to the GP2x, The stick, The battery life, The boot time, It just doesn`t seem right (Mmmm, Quirky).

GP32 on the other hand:

1) Instant on,
2) Great battery life,
3) A joystick that works,
4) Screen (Blu) thats on-par or betters the GP2x
5) Almost perfect Megadrive, Sms, Nes, PCEngine, Atari ST, And playable Snes emulation.

I :wub: my GP32, And nothing i`ve seen yet can replace it, Yet!, Though i do have my eyes on the XGP-mini.

Whilst the GP2X has it's faults, I believe the original GP32 also had it's share of faults which weren't really ironed out until the release of the BLU.
The original NLU with it's original BIOS was pretty awful, the FLU made it slightly nicer with a lit screen and the BLU is the ultimate incarnation of the GP32.
I originally bought the FLU when they first came out. It was a great little machine. I was quite use to "front light" screens as my GBA had a similarly equipped Afterburner light.
My FLU only overclocks to 156Mhz which was a bit of a pity - not sure what was consider a good overclock speed - perhaps 166Mhz?
When I bought my BLU GP32 I was really quite impressed - this is what the machine should have had in the first place! On top of that it seems to overclock happily to at least 166Mhz - I haven't tried it beyond that.
Looks like I'm going to go through the same path with the GP2X - I'll end up buying a revised version if/when it comes out and I'm sure the remaining hardware issues will be resolved and the machine will be quite awesome.
Tough call... I would say my GP2X but only just due to ScummVM talkie and NeoGeo emulation. However the joystick and the number of great original homebrew games on the GP32 would be my main reasons to go back to it.
WhizzBang posted on Feb 21 2006 at 06:56 AM said:
I also prefer the GP32 for the reasons already stated.

I do initially find it hard to go back to my GP32 though because my FLU screen is nowhere near as good as the GP2x screen. Can anyone tell me how the BLU-GP32 screen compares with a GP2X screen? I am considering buying a BLU GP32.
Same screen but it looks nicer on the GP32 BLU.
The GP2X has an interlace update (is this for TV-Out compatability?) and as a result flickers like a bugger!

If you are after a GP32 BLU - you won't regret it. However, I don't think you'd regret getting a GP2X either.
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As yet I don't have a GP2X so I am not qualified to vote until I have both machines.

I am also waiting for the bugs to be ironed out, or am I really waiting until I have a few spare pennies :)
A lot of people seems to love the 2X and it has every right to be loved, it is after all (on paper) a excellent device that has no viable competition (aside from maybe PDAs), but one that suffers from reaching for the stars with short arms.

So many people say they're waiting for "the official release" and "waiting untill the bugs are ironed out" ...but this IS the official release, it was "released" since january. It's a small company, the release isnt going to get much wider than it is already. Also what happens if there isnt really anything GPH can do about some of the bugs? Battery life can only improve so much through software manipulation, the joystick unless they can increase the accuracy of the hardware through software (again there's only so far you can go with this if the hardware is made a certain way) than it will always have an annoying deadzone or be somewhat inaccurate. FW updates never fix anything without breaking something and half the people who know about it are screaming for sourcecode every month that if it ever gets released could create new kinds of havok from well meaning devs trying to create patches to fix the issues.

Anyway what I'm getting at is the problems with the 2X seemingly will requires more than just a FW upgrade, while the '32 just did what it did with the only real hardware issues being the changes in the screen manufacturer/lighting style (I'd say the 2X needs a recalling but it would destroy GPH and that's unacceptable because no one else would attempt what they have). The future of the '2x is only brighter than the '32 because no one makes the '32 anymore and I find that sad.
Alpha2 posted on Feb 22 2006 at 08:11 AM said:
A lot of people seems to love the 2X and it has every right to be loved, it is after all (on paper) a excellent device that has no viable competition (aside from maybe PDAs), but one that suffers from reaching for the stars with short arms.

So many people say they're waiting for "the official release" and "waiting untill the bugs are ironed out" ...but this IS the official release, it was "released" since january. It's a small company, the release isnt going to get much wider than it is already. Also what happens if there isnt really anything GPH can do about some of the bugs? Battery life can only improve so much through software manipulation, the joystick unless they can increase the accuracy of the hardware through software (again there's only so far you can go with this if the hardware is made a certain way) than it will always have an annoying deadzone or be somewhat inaccurate. FW updates never fix anything without breaking something and half the people who know about it are screaming for sourcecode every month that if it ever gets released could create new kinds of havok from well meaning devs trying to create patches to fix the issues.

Anyway what I'm getting at is the problems with the 2X seemingly will requires more than just a FW upgrade, while the '32 just did what it did with the only real hardware issues being the changes in the screen manufacturer/lighting style (I'd say the 2X needs a recalling but it would destroy GPH and that's unacceptable because no one else would attempt what they have). The future of the '2x is only brighter than the '32 because no one makes the '32 anymore and I find that sad.
Too be honest, the only thing to wait for is the GP2X devs to release a better firmware imo.
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i would have to say gp2x, it looks nicer, and it doesent look like a game boy wanna be :P

but i do agree the gp32 is a great machine, which i shall never part with! but as i said, gp2x in my opinion is far better :)
Talyz posted on Feb 25 2006 at 05:48 AM said:
trooper posted on Feb 21 2006 at 01:44 AM said:
Though i do have my eyes on the XGP-mini.
XGP-mini? Have I missed something here? :huh:
Here you go.

Judging the better console based on looks is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Sure, the GP2X has a sharper design, but that doesn't mean that the GP32 is a 'gameboy wannabe' with no style. And even if it was, show me another handheld on the market today besides the PSP that sports a screen as nice as the 32's - WITHOUT SCANLINES! :P

- Alex
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Huxley posted on Feb 26 2006 at 12:33 AM said:
My GP2X plays Neogeo games full speed with sound.

GP2X > GP32

For example?

My GP2X plays all MAME games from pre-1986 very well at a low clock speed, but after that it usually takes some tweaking. I have tried a couple of Neo Geo games but they were unplayable, although they did load and run a at a slow speed.
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Blazing Star, Street Hoops, Samurai Showdown II, Windjammers. I'm sure there are more, but these are the one's I've been playing recently. And it's not just the old very much depends on the game. Blazing Star is a great shooter from 1998 that really pushes the Neo's hardware, yet it's close enough to full speed with sound @ 250Mhz on the GP2X. Astonishing.

EDIT: Make sure you use a lower sample rate...NeoStuey wrote a Selector config script you can access with a press of the Y button, or I hear the new RageX frontend offers a similar option, although I haven't tried it yet. That should speed things up quite a bit.

DOUBLE EDIT: The sound on Street Hoops is hilarious. Worth the admission price alone :D
Well I just dusted off my GP32 and fired her up...I'm in love again. Time to update a few of my GP32 emulators I think, lets see if I can squeeze a few more fps out of DrMD. GP32 forever!