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Dec 17, 2004
Bonney Lake, WA
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I just loaded squidgeNgine and it is awesome. I love the menu just like the ssnes one. This will be a great emu with updates. The compadability was a little low (and some of my roms contradict Dave's chart e.g. "Tricky Kick" works great, while others he says work don't work for me). Every game that did load played like a dream 60-80 fps. I hope you intend to center it on the screen and compile this and ssnes to work w/ tvout. Keep up the good work squidge and everyone DL squidgeNgine!
Can we add that to the dictionary? "to pull a DaveC"?

Oh, and I haven't tried it either. I'm still using GPEngine.

My 4p.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:55 PM said:
thats only because you're pulling a daveC right now :P

I havent tried it yet

there. and so i put my 2 cents into this discussion

Why I don't get it? Do I start topics like this? I don't think so.
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 12 2006 at 10:16 PM said:
i was refering to being negative :P

It didn't seem too negative. He said it was great, download it now.

If he was negative he would say it isn't very good because there is no sound or something.
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DaveC posted on Feb 12 2006 at 10:18 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 12 2006 at 10:16 PM said:
i was refering to being negative :P

It didn't seem too negative. He said it was great, download it now.

If he was negative he would say it isn't very good because there is no sound or something.

hes talking about what nickspoon said not the first poster.
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DaveC posted on Feb 12 2006 at 10:18 PM said:
It didn't seem too me-like. He said it was great, download it now.

If he was me he would say it isn't very good because there is no sound or something.

I think daclassicgamingmaster was referring to me pulling a DaveC.

And I didn't edit that quote. At all. Ever.
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mooseknuckle2000 posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:47 PM said:
I just loaded squidgeNgine and it is awesome. I love the menu just like the ssnes one. This will be a great emu with updates. The compadability was a little low (and some of my roms contradict Dave's chart e.g. "Tricky Kick" works great, while others he says work don't work for me). Every game that did load played like a dream 60-80 fps. I hope you intend to center it on the screen and compile this and ssnes to work w/ tvout. Keep up the good work squidge and everyone DL squidgeNgine!

Don't know how many more updates this will get though. It seems he has interest in the gizmondo for some reason. Maybe he hit his head or something. http://www.gizmondoforums.com/forums/index...topic=5325&st=0

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Has Squidge gone over to the dark side? Maybe a Gizmondo told him it was his father. While he was on opium. Yes.

But seriously, I reckon Squidge won't simply abandon the scene. He's helped so much already. I really hope he stays.
DaveC posted on Feb 12 2006 at 11:32 PM said:
It seems he has interest in the gizmondo for some reason. Maybe he hit his head or something.


I wouldn't say swapping a dust gathering zodiac into a dust gathering gizmondo that bad :)
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Squidge posted on Feb 12 2006 at 11:49 PM said:
DaveC posted on Feb 12 2006 at 11:32 PM said:
It seems he has interest in the gizmondo for some reason. Maybe he hit his head or something.


I wouldn't say swapping a dust gathering zodiac into a dust gathering gizmondo that bad :)
Squidge how dare you leave the scene?!
Hasn't DaveC taught you anything about obediance?
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the 2x doesn't have to be his only passion, I just hope Squidge will keep up the amazing work we all know he's capable of on the 2x. Don't leave us Squidge!
@nickspoon: I was just recommending the emu...eat a dick
Hey, it's DaveC, take his words with a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper :) If someone said they were upgrading there PC, he'd probably think they were deserting the 2X :D

Have no fear :)
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