GP32 Wormlights

Would you pay £15 (P&P inc) for a GP32 wormlight?

  • Yeah I sure would!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • WTF? F*ck off TFC thats way too expensive!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Well, I say to him too good luck.
If he can do it. Or anyone...I encourage it.

TFC I emailed you about the connectors...I don't know of any other place. BUT I will keep looking.
Thanks to Dark_TB, He provided for me and the rest of the community another place to get these EXT connectors. this site is http//
Thanks again fellow GPer.

The site seems a bit pricey to me (compared to the Hong Kong company) BUT if anyone in the US wants these connectors this is the place to get them.

Also TFC, this may help you in the process, check and see what the shipping would be for you.

Sorry this is the right site name...
TJF I am in US, would you be interested in making a worm light for me? I got a GBA Gamester Flood Light, If I put some velcro strips on the back of it I believe it would work much better than a worm light but it would also be bulky.
Hi folks B)
If you live in UK there is a suitable connector you can buy from CPC Unfortunately i can't locate it on the website. Will post the code number on monday evening.
its a good idea, but the magic tube wouldn't work.

The reason is because it is a static non flexible light source. The ambient light would not stretch far enough across the GP32 screen to cover it all. The reason why the wormlight is used is for the flexible stem. It MUST be extended a little farther above the GP32's screen to cover the entire surface area. Remember the GP32 has a much larger screen than the GBA.

Its a good try though :D
I understand....
Maybe only some types of static lights like the GBA flood light works.
dunno....I know the light cut off happened to me with a light just like the cathode tube light. BUT who knows..

Wormlight it is. :-) :D
TJFBryant posted on Aug 30 2003 said:
Thanks to Dark_TB, He provided for me and the rest of the community another place to get these EXT connectors. this site is http//
Thanks again fellow GPer.

Sorry this is the right site name...
Yeah ive been there before, its a bit too expensive and the shipping to the UK makes it even more expensive :(

Anderson: Yeah ive been to CPC too, I also wasent able to find it on the site at all :( Some people say they don't sell them anymore, some people say they do?!? I dunno but if you find it please give me the code number :)


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I'm in the US, would love one, and would be glad to pay any shipping charges.
Yes ..since I need to buy more ext would then cost about 25-28 US dollars shipping included.

Flack is covered for the cost of about 20 US dollars because I already have a ext connector for him left over.

BUT, If I am to mass produce these also for the US, like TFC for the UK, I need to get more parts. That is why 25 is not what I want, its what has to happen if I am to make this work for everyone needing one of these Wormlights.
According to, £15 = $23, but £15 is including the P& say the lights would be around £13 which is $20. But then if im shipping to the USA then id have to add on another say $10 for around $30 all together.


P.S These are not exact figures......
Are these really hard to make? I like in America and I have access to tons of Worm Lights for only $2. How much are the connectors? Any soldering involved?
Woo took me a while to find this topic again ;) Anyway ive found all the parts I need for the wormlights at a good price, and have sent off a test model to an online shop which is willing to sell the wormlights for me, and he's happy with the quality of the wormlight. So once all the parts arrive I shall start mass-producing the wormlights! Also as ive found all the parts so cheap the wormlights are going to be sold at only £9.99 + VAT!

Keep an eye on for more news :)

If you don't mind me asking tfc, What is VAT?? I mean I have shipped FROM the UK before, but I NEVER had any additional VAT amount. I don't think, what is it?

ALSO, FLACK and SephirothIce. YourWormlight will be coming shortly. I am just waiting on the lights. I have the connectors already.
VAT = Value Added Tax, some people are not in the VAT area so don't get taxed. I don't really know where the VAT zones are, anyway im not going to have anything to do with the selling of the wormlights.
