The Vgpocket 50 Games


darkman unmasked!
Aug 16, 2005
Kentucky, USA

Some time ago there was a thread in here somewhere dealing with interest in this little unit. I picked it up this weekend. Here are my first impressions. My pic above is for size comparison. My digital cam is not very good with close ups. The One on the left is the Vg.

The “VgPocket 50 games” Review!
This is very impressive!
Screen: It has a hi resolution 2.0” color backlit TFT screen. Very impressive “GB micro” bright. You know the “GB with a brighter screen” bright. The screen is not recessed, so it would be easily subjected to scratches. It comes with a plastic overlay on the screen. I wished that the makers had made it clear so it could be used as a protector. I have kept this and am putting it back on after play until I come up with some money for a screen protector. I am sure that the GB Micro one would fit.
Controls: Very tight good responsive controls. There is the typical cross button, on/off button, reset button, and four other buttons with the familiar diamond layout. The unit fits my hands nicely with that controller layout feel. Everything is in the right place. EDIT: Clicky Buttons.
In the box: You have the unit itself. They come in many colors. I chose the white face plate. It comes with user manual, the cord for TV out and 3 AAA batteries. The cord seems very short, so plan on setting up close. They claim that you get 15 hours of gameplay on a set of batteries. I have not had a chance to check this out.
Sound: The volume control on the side is an act of mercy by the manufacturers. The sound is much better sounding over the TV speakers. And it seems like the same theme music is used for everything or variations there of. The tiny speaker on the unit seems to have a slight hum, but not that noticeable. It has a headphone jack. The sound is much better over headphones. NES quality game sound. That is the only way I can describe it. Game sounds from that period of gaming history.
Graphics: Wikipedia online claims that some people think that it has NES-on-a-chip technology. It is “NES style” graphics. The games are sharp and colorful. Is that scrolling going on there in that game? Yep! It shows some depth in a simple little game. Some games seem tiny on the screen, but playable.
Games: The games are built-in. No carts, no disc, nothing else to buy. I picked up the one with 50 games. There are three models. One with 30, 50, and 75 games. The more games built-in, the bigger the screen size. Go figure. Many of the games are clones. But it is definitely simple old school retro gameplay. Maybe even some old Atari gameplay here. There is Bump “n” Jump, Space Invaders, Battleship, Nibbles, Pong, Arkanoid or Break out, and maybe Xevious. They don't use those names, but you do see the similarities. Motor Rally reminds me of Hang On. There is even a Columns. “Earth's Star Fighter” has some really good power ups and is a real decent little shooter. Quickly becoming a favorite on this little thing. The manual gives you a good little description, along with gameplay and buttons used on each game.
Conclusion: I like it. I thought before hand, when I reluctantly purchased it, that I would maybe find a couple of games on here that I would like. I have found that, overall, it is packed with arcade fun. There is a lot of variety here. Simple little time wasters. A lot more than I expected. I feel, that for $29.99 USD, it was money well spent, if you like that “retro gameplay experience” to carry with you. Great for that “I am standing here waiting” sort-of feeling. The size is just right, a little bigger than a cell phone. Not as slim and trim as the GB Micro. I wished that it had a clone of centipede included. Which makes me wonder, what are the other 25 games that was included on the “VgPocket Max” with 75 games? I have yet to see the Max in any of the stores around here. I picked this one up at a local Gamestop.
$29.99 you say? That sounds very good for what you're getting. If I didn't have a GP32 I would get this for sure. Here are some questions:

- Does it save highscores for each game?
- What's the build quality?
- Are seven of these worth it more than a GP2X? ;)

- Alex
I want one :)
Does anyone know where I can get one in germany? Even those one ebay are not shipping to europe.
Fishbong posted on Feb 5 2006 at 06:13 PM said:
Which Handheld on this picture is the VgPocket? The right or the left?


I`m guessing the left one is the Vgpocket, As the right one is a GBA SP.

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I've been taking a look at these myself. There is a lot of buzz about them having an NES SoaC, and that the rom could be flashed with NES games that work immediately. I've searched the net and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of hacking going around, but from what I've heard it's at least a very fun little system.

I'm going to pick up either the vg-2000 (VG Pocket, as pictured in OP) or the vg-3000 (VG Pocket Max). When I do, I'll post all the cosmetic and gameplay features I can.
In responce to Alex,
No it does not save hi scores. When you turn the unit off Hi Score data is lost.
The build seems fairly solid and sturdy. More so than what you would expect.
As for comparing this with a GP2X? I don't think you can do that. I do feel that any one who does have a GP2X and likes the retro gaming could own one of these also. I own the GP32 and there are a lot of times I would not take my GP32 out with me, but I would this. It fits nicely into your pocket. I feel that it is a worthy addition to my handheld collection. I really do not compare my handhelds. I like my Turbo express just as much as my Atari Lynx. Where does my DS fall in there? I like it too. I also like my "New Brighter" GB SP. I like my Swancrystal and my Neo Pocket color. I like my Nomad. Whenever I get my GP2X, I will like it too and I will probably use it mainly for Neo Geo emulation. Comparing the VgPocket to the GP2X is like comparing a raisin to a truck load of fruit. I like the raisin and I also like the fruit on the truck. ;)
Question : Any place to get that stuff in Europe ?

Only saw US stores on the net . but shipping(+customs) is way too expensive :(
Just found out that if you hold down the square and circle button when you turn the unit on, you get a controller debug screen. The controllers you see on the screen are two NES controllers! If you then press the square and the down button at the same time you can cycle through the colors with the square button. Reset button exits this mode.
List of games included in the larger 3000 version:

Balloon Catcher
Get it Right
Night Monster
Penguin Island - Not bad 5 mini games
Quick Match
Road Works - Great Puzzle Game
Sea Voyage
Smash Ball
Worm Catcher
Bandit Racer
Bridge Driver
Motor Rally
Race and Ram
Road Ace
Road Race
Road Rally
Street Bike Racing
World Racing
Air War - A bit like 1941
Earth's Star Fighter - Shooter with both air and ground targets
Mutant Hunt - Shooter with both air and ground targets
Quick Shot - Space Invaders Clone
Sky Fighter - Galaxian / Galaga clone
Starcraft Attack - Galaxian / Galaga clone
Boat Racer
Bulls-eye - Weird target shooting / dart like game
Free Throws
Knockem Down
Surfs Up
Target Shoot
Bird Craze
Bird Droppings
Butterfly Catch
Cats and Dogs
Chuck Holes
Dragon's Tail
Drop and Stock
Egg Catcher
Fire Fight
Flying Fish
Fungi - A bit like Pac Man
Fun Moves - Neat line 3 up puzzle game like Bejeweled
Go Ball
Go Bang - Go puzzle gang
Grow and Mow
Jewels - very fun puzzle game kinda like Tetris
Marble Max
Matching Diamonds
Paddle Ball
Patch n Go
Pool Pro - Decent pool sim for a handheld
Pop the Lop - whack a mole based game
Puzzle Box - neat maze / puzzle game
Rocochet - Breakout clone
Risk It - A Donkey Kong style game
River Racing
Sea Destroyer
Sea World
Sky Mission
Smart Monkey
Spin Ball - Neat maze puzzle game
Table Ball - Ping Pong style game
Tile Tizzle - Neat tile matching game
Wake the Baby

There seems to be 4 games on the 2000 version not included in the 3000 version:

Lawn Gems
Space Shooter
Sub Hunter

The information comes from this thread over at CheapAssGamer where they're already discussing hacking the thing to put NES roms on it.
how is the screen for blur? And how is it outside?

every time I see one of these I get closer to buying one, but since I've already got a gigabyte micro setup, it's a really hard sell. (I'm thinking I'll be waiting for clearance time)

seems like a miserable system to hack, but if somebody actually cared enough to build the flash a cable. Odd of them to use flash...
Reaperman93010 posted on Feb 6 2006 at 12:40 AM said:
how is the screen for blur? And how is it outside?

every time I see one of these I get closer to buying one, but since I've already got a gigabyte micro setup, it's a really hard sell. (I'm thinking I'll be waiting for clearance time)

seems like a miserable system to hack, but if somebody actually cared enough to build the flash a cable. Odd of them to use flash...
NO BLUR! I have tried to find it.
Flying Fish has three layers of scrolling for the water. With the fish jumping up and the action is to grab enough to reach the goal of the level. No blur here. This is fast action. It only has a pause in the music at times. I am thinking that the sound here is the sound of waves. Even in the Rainbow game there is a scrolling background, no blur. The fastest action is in the Duck Hunt clone, the shooters and the racing games, still no blur. This screen would have been better than the GB SP if Nintendo had not of upgraded their system with the “New brighter screen.” The screen on this system matches the SP and Micro. I know that it is hard to believe what I am saying until you see it, this screen deserves a better system than this. It amazes me that they were able to put it on this little machine. On the back it says “made in China.” I have messed with this thing all weekend. I already have a lot of favorites. I have had a lot of fun. I will have to wait until tomorrow to see about how it looks in the sunlight.
It would be very good if this thing could be hacked and true NES roms put on it. :)
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Looks OK outside, but you do get some glare. I think that is due to the shinniness of the plastic screen. Might have a little trouble in the shooters when there is fire from the other craft. A little harder to see. B)
i saw one of these, only it was the Mini version, had a 1.1" screen, but i think it only had 35 games for $23, i didn't get it because i wasn't sure how good the thing actually was and I don't like buying stuff without first reading reviews, but i think now i might just get it after reading this thread.
Angel posted on Feb 6 2006 at 12:23 PM said:
i saw one of these, only it was the Mini version, had a 1.1" screen, but i think it only had 35 games for $23, i didn't get it because i wasn't sure how good the thing actually was and I don't like buying stuff without first reading reviews, but i think now i might just get it after reading this thread.

You might want the bigger screen. The 2.0" or the 2.5" model.

Also I have failed to mention that the unit has an auto off if no one is using it for 3 minutes.
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Reaperman93010 posted on Feb 6 2006 at 02:40 AM said:
I've already got a gigabyte micro setup, it's a really hard sell. (I'm thinking I'll be waiting for clearance time)
How can you setup a 1GB Gameboy Micro? Are there flash cards that big for it? Damn, imagine all the portable GBA dumps :D

- Alex
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Alex. said:
How can you setup a 1GB Gameboy Micro? Are there flash cards that big for it? Damn, imagine all the portable GBA dumps :D

Supercard SD or CF card adapter. Big as you want. 256mb (megaBYTES not bits) is plenty big for me, holds about 50 games. It's absolutely brilliant.
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gaterooze posted on Feb 6 2006 at 08:16 PM said:
Alex. said:
How can you setup a 1GB Gameboy Micro? Are there flash cards that big for it? Damn, imagine all the portable GBA dumps :D
Supercard SD or CF card adapter. Big as you want. 256mb (megaBYTES not bits) is plenty big for me, holds about 50 games. It's absolutely brilliant.
yes, I'm a supercard user. It's the most compact of the SD-driven units, and I've gotten used to the incompatabilities and slowdowns to the point where I'm rather happy with it. with rom compression enabled, a gigabyte is an awful lot of gaming. Not to mention the emus/pics/text/movies/music-on-something-so-small-you-wear-it-around-your-neck aspect.

Venturing back to topic:
On these handheld Nes on-a-chip systems, if they're going to do one, why didn't they just put the garbage built-in games on a small SD/mmc so we can do what we *all* want to with it. Even china would have trouble manufacturing enough to keep up with that demand, and I'll bet it increases the production costs about $2. Seriously, why don't we see these? Most noac systems (not this one) are illegal enough already, what's wrong with the ability to play decent romdumps?

edit: wait, I figured it out why... If they made a good noac that was small and did everything we want, we wouldn't keep buying more of them. I must have about 15 noac-based systems kicking around here that give me varying levels of disappointment.
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