
I have tried a few more rounds of Jazz Jackrabbit using openjazz on the pc.

I can't make the airjump anymore, I have tried a number of times but am getting tired of it (or rather my arms are). I don't think I made this clear though: I couldn't make Jazz jump while in the air in the entire level, only at the part with the springs.

I did manage to get Jazz stuck into the wall at the part with the springs and have been able to jump up the wall at the part I mentioned in my previous post. Obviously collision detection isn't working properly and this could explain the airjump.

I purposely decided to make this a seperate post instead of editing the previous one so no need to remind me of the edit function ;)
Alister Thomson updated OpenJazz!!

Updates include some minor restructuring, properly functioning springs, solid platforms, joystick support, and a reduction in floating point variables to two.

I've updated OpenJazz32 so enjoy. Download link is in the first post.

edit: Don't forget to copy the included file openjazz.000
Hmm, well I've found a few problems, probably not endemic to the GP32 version (I haven't played the Windows version yet).

1) The bees in the 1st level don't seem to fly anywhere, they just kind of hover.
2) Jazz doesn't jump high enough (how high should he jump? In the very beginning of the 1st level there's a pine tree on your right which you should be able to jump onto fairly easily from the ridge on the left which you start on, and from the tree up&right to a secret passage (as long as you keep your speed up). Right now you can only jump onto the tree with great difficulty, and you can't jump into the secret passage at all)
3) After about half a second of holding down the fire button, Jazz should begin to auto-fire. It makes your thumbs hurt less. ;)

Otherwise, though, this is very nice. Fullspeed and with music! :D The physics are mostly correct I think, except for what I mentioned above.
Why are the new gp32 releases no longer apperaring on the gp32x front page??

Gp32 spain still does!
Also, Jazz doesn't jump higher when he runs faster as he did in the original game.

But as Talyz said, you can't blame anyone because this is after all an alpha version. The game isn't very playable yet except as a tech demo - a few important things still need to be fixed. Powerups don't work, and the bonus level in World 1 is really messed up. There are lots of bugs really, but again this is only an alpha.

I do hope that it gets updated some day, though. :)
cozmic posted on Feb 6 2006 at 09:41 PM said:
Why are the new gp32 releases no longer apperaring on the gp32x front page??
Gp32 spain still does!

We also do, but it looks like me and hando are the only newsposters left, and I didn't have much time during the last days, so I could only check the new releases, not new releases hidden in old threads ;)
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EvilDragon posted on Feb 9 2006 at 03:12 AM said:
cozmic posted on Feb 6 2006 at 09:41 PM said:
Why are the new gp32 releases no longer apperaring on the gp32x front page??
Gp32 spain still does!

We also do, but it looks like me and hando are the only newsposters left, and I didn't have much time during the last days, so I could only check the new releases, not new releases hidden in old threads ;)
I will newspost if you want, I waste far too much time on here.
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Esn posted on Feb 7 2006 at 01:44 AM said:
Also, Jazz doesn't jump higher when he runs faster as he did in the original game.

But as Talyz said, you can't blame anyone because this is after all an alpha version. The game isn't very playable yet except as a tech demo - a few important things still need to be fixed. Powerups don't work, and the bonus level in World 1 is really messed up. There are lots of bugs really, but again this is only an alpha.

I do hope that it gets updated some day, though. :)
It gets updated every now and then, but to have a complete version might take quite a while; the author had to rewrite Jazz Jackrabbit from scratch since no source code was available :rolleyes:.
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EvilDragon posted on Feb 9 2006 at 11:06 AM said:
If anybody wants to help: PM hando, it's his site, he's the one in charge here, not me :)
hm. I am thinking about it, I am not always on, but when I am awake - and at university, I do tend to check every 15-30 minutes.
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