I Dont...(ah!)...i'll.... Ma.. Make.. It!!!1!&


Still Fresh
Jan 16, 2006
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O man. I ordered my GP2X on Sunday and I just cant wait anymore!!!!! How long did it take you to get yours? I used Fed-ex overnight..so..... Must it pass through customs or something? (ordered off GP32z.com) Man. I'm just so ef-in anxious to get it. Excited!!! Also just few questions I have a 2gb SD card will that work? I'v heard some dont work also 1 more thing is the sylbia card reader thing good? (please dont eat me)

EDIT: Theres supposed to be a 'think' after (ah!) and before (i'll)
Monday was a holiday y'know.

Where are you located? GP32z is in California.

2GB should work with the latest FW, but you may want to get a smaller card to do the actual update.

Never heard of that card reader ... I use a cheap-o SanDisc 5-in-1.
Monday was a holiday y'know.

Where are you located? GP32z is in California.

2GB should work with the latest FW, but you may want to get a smaller card to do the actual update.

Never heard of that card reader ... I use a cheap-o SanDisc 5-in-1.

Hehe I got the exact same one.
Model no. SDDR-99 :lol:
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I am still waiting to get a replacement unit for the one that bricked at startup (yeah I had it for like 30minutes) and I had one of the first Editions and pre-ordered long before it came out.

So stop your complaining! :P
O man. I ordered my GP2X on Sunday and I just cant wait anymore!!!!! How long did it take you to get yours? I used Fed-ex overnight..so..... Must it pass through customs or something? (ordered off GP32z.com) Man. I'm just so ef-in anxious to get it. Excited!!! Also just few questions I have a 2gb SD card will that work? I'v heard some dont work also 1 more thing is the sylbia card reader thing good? (please dont eat me)

EDIT: Theres supposed to be a 'think' after (ah!) and before (i'll)

1.5 months for me.
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is this the same moto man from benheck forums :D

Yup :D !! Is this the same Ando from the benh.... o wait ;)
nope its not the same ando but it may be the same turbo

O turbo! Hi. Anyone elso from benheck here? I'm betting Triton is because he seems obsessed with GP2X.

Also 1 more question to play quake i need to have the SDL libraries thing right? Or am i thinking of something else?
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SDL libs are used in NK's NES SNES and Neo geo CD emu and a buncj o' other stuff i think, his snes emu is kinda done though because there is now a better one
Never heard of that card reader ... I use a cheap-o SanDisc 5-in-1.
Hehe I got the exact same one.
Model no. SDDR-99 :lol:
Me too :lol:
Actually, i have a question about it:
Does it support 2GB cards? I couldn't find anything that said it didn't but for some reason I couldn't format a 2GB card with it. I ended up sending it back to the guy I bought it from (on ebay) and got a refund (short $15 for shipping!) but he said that it still worked fine for him :unsure:
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Never heard of that card reader ... I use a cheap-o SanDisc 5-in-1.
Hehe I got the exact same one.
Model no. SDDR-99 :lol:
Me too :lol:
Actually, i have a question about it:
Does it support 2GB cards? I couldn't find anything that said it didn't but for some reason I couldn't format a 2GB card with it. I ended up sending it back to the guy I bought it from (on ebay) and got a refund (short $15 for shipping!) but he said that it still worked fine for him :unsure:

Not sure? :blink:
I got a 1gig card.
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whee! lots of benheckers in this thread motoman and TT 1.0 woo! beetcha cvant guess who i am lol
O turbo! Hi. Anyone elso from benheck here? I'm betting Triton is because he seems obsessed with GP2X.

Also 1 more question to play quake i need to have the SDL libraries thing right? Or am i thinking of something else?

I am not from Benheck, but I am from Illinois though (Schaumburg). There is another dude from Lake Zurich here too. The GP2X must be getting popular to have this many in the same state.
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O turbo! Hi. Anyone elso from benheck here? I'm betting Triton is because he seems obsessed with GP2X.

Also 1 more question to play quake i need to have the SDL libraries thing right? Or am i thinking of something else?

I am not from Benheck, but I am from Illinois though (Schaumburg). There is another dude from Lake Zurich here too. The GP2X must be getting popular to have this many in the same state.

Hey triton anyone elso from Benheck here? :)

DaveC: Schaumburg, cool. Thats like a 23 1/2 minute drive from where I live. (I'm in Glenview a moderatly big town. Its by Niles)
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Mine was bricked out of the box, a bit of a depressing Christmas Day for me. Sent it back on the 28th December..........hubby just phoned...........REPLACEMENT HAS ARRIVED!!!..........I finally get to play with it!!!!!........counts down the hours, minutes, seconds till she leaves work......

BTW I am in the UK and ordered from GBAX, so I would be patient, as GBAX are checking every unit i would assume other suppliers are too.

I hope you don't explode in anticipation as that could make a bit of a mess!!!!
