Gp2x - What I Think


Still Fresh
Dec 27, 2005
Is it me, or am I the only one to think that the GP2x is 'pants'? I know it's new and I was early in it's uptake, but to do anything simple like play a game, view a video (Ha that's a laugh!), is a joke, and what are video novels all about! As a Linux user I thought I could get to load a basic system and run it like a Linux distro. The screen resolution is rubbish. Anyone want to buy mine?

Rog (the disgruntled)
Is it me, or am I the only one to think that the GP2x is 'pants'? I know it's new and I was early in it's uptake, but to do anything simple like play a game, view a video (Ha that's a laugh!), is a joke, and what are video novels all about! As a Linux user I thought I could get to load a basic system and run it like a Linux distro. The screen resolution is rubbish. Anyone want to buy mine?

Rog (the disgruntled)
I think it's great! It's not that hard, surely? Perhaps you're not really the sort of person who should be an early adopter of a product like the GP2X?
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To play a game, you drag it onto your SD card, go to the game menu, and select it. If you think that's hard... what exactly are you doing with a GP2X? :|
This is too funny. How is it hard? And why is video laughable? I'm curious, what were you expecting with the linux 'set up' that you talked about? Did you want it to boot directly to a command shell (ex. bash)? This isn't the sharp zaurus or a linux PC, this is a video entertainment player (mp3, video, games, small utilities)
This is too funny. How is it hard? And why is video laughable? I'm curious, what were you expecting with the linux 'set up' that you talked about? Did you want it to boot directly to a command shell (ex. bash)? This isn't the sharp zaurus or a linux PC, this is a video entertainment player (mp3, video, games, small utilities)

He was expecting linux to be linux, like it is on the nokia 770 etc, but because "pick person to blame" hasn't released the sorce its crippled. So rather than working like a PC in an enviroment he understands its a black box, and clearly does not have the time/imitus to hack round propriaty rubbish.

Remember with linux on the GP2X expectations are different, and arn't being delived craig stated the reason being that people have asked for the source :)
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I really wanna know.

If you are a smart shopper.
AND you did your research thoroughly... you would know if the Gp2x is right for you. Why bicker and whine about what a system (that you purchased) you may have not completely understood what it was "all about?"

The Gp2x is just as good and better than the gp32. Perhaps in some respects better than the PSP. Like all other systems, the GP2x isn't for everyone.
He was expecting linux to be linux, like it is on the nokia 770 etc, but because "pick person to blame" hasn't released the sorce its crippled. So rather than working like a PC in an enviroment he understands its a black box, and clearly does not have the time/imitus to hack round propriaty rubbish.

Remember with linux on the GP2X expectations are different, and arn't being delived craig stated the reason being that people have asked for the source :)

Honestly this is my opinon: Yes the gp2x is open source (or is supposed to be), yes it runs linux, but honestly even without the source code for the kernel I don't think we've been doing that bad so far. I'm all for getting the source code for the kernel available, but I'm not going to sell my gp2x over it.
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In the developer section, there's a link to a Wiki page with a guide on how to compile your own kernel with the ~1.0.1 source. Not exactly current, but it's a start.
On platforms like these, we all tend to be forgiving; ie: If you're being critical, the 2x has a tonne of problems .. GPH is pretty clueless a lot of the time, and is violating the GPL so far; the video player _is_ crap and is either chuggy or crashy or can't play videos; people are having problems with their SD cards due to firmware, and can't even update the firmware.. some units brick themselves, and the joystick can be dodgy; one can go on and on.. the QA isn't all that great (ie: Imagine the shit that would come down on Nintendo if the NDs had these problems?)

So anyway, people forgive all these things.. because GPH is like our pet ;) They're cute, they screw around and bollox things up, but we fix things as a commnity; without the community, the devic would fail.. so we prop it up, and always have, and it turns out to be great fun.

So if you come at it as a 'real product', then yeah.. theres a lot of annoyances right now. So give him some slack :)

The question is.. can you ignore the problems?

ie: I have no intention of using it asa a video player; there are better devices for that, and in my case I use a PDA. I only expect to dev for the 2x, and occasionally play some homerew on it.. I have no illusion that commercial apps will rescue it (they might, but I don't hedge on it).

So for people like me, who want homebrew and screwing around.. the 2x is _home_. But if you want serious big ticket stuff.. it is total junk.

Depends what one is looking for..

I wouldn't say Rog is wrong, if its wrong _for him_.


Heck, some of the prolems do hit all of us.. we just ignore them and think nothing of it; I've had my unit a week or so now, and am not really intereste din updating the firmware since they all sound like they have issues.. FW 1.0 seems to work for me, so I'm leaving it alone :P How many people ha ve had FW issues?

I'd like to know why GPH chose to use gcc 2.95 for their base internal platofrm;they do make a lot of odd choices :)

Ahh GPH, we love you for your flaws :)
Well said.

The only time I've used it for video and mp3 was the day I got it. I'm enjoying learning how it works, writing scripts, reading about the progression of emus etc. That's why I'm interested. I'm only ever going to use it for gaming too.

People are getting far to hung up on the bad points...
when the proper TV out cable is released I intend to fully use all the playback functions. popping a vid on the GP2X is much better than waiting 6 or so hours to encode and burn something to a DVD
I have no problems with video playback for all my videos encoded using mencoder. The same with mp3 and ogg - no problems at least not with 1.2.1 firmware.

Claiming that gp2x's screen resolution is rubbish is beyond my comprehension...
It's exactly (320x240) as it should be for such device and its main uses. It's best for emulators because most old systems have similiar resolutions. And having big borders or having to resort to scaling (even filtered) isn't that optimal as native resolution.

Only alternative to 320x240 could be 640x480.
Shame someone can't be honest without being jumped on isn't it ?
The facts are that the GP2X is not what it was advertised as on a lot of sites just a month or so ago, Maybe some people are not getting what they expected because of that.
I think you will find even Craigs site actually advertised the GP2X wrong (He did offer instant money back though so fair play)

Lets stop jumping on those who complain please, I'm fairly certain here and i'm sure some of you can back me up here that this is a General GP2X/XGP forum not a Anybody who doesn't like the GP2X is an ass forum.

Just want to add that even though i think the GP2X is cool, The ammount that have turned up on Ebay and believe it or not in the local pawn shop i saw one hahahaha does not look good at all, Unless that is there are a shitload of people who actually like losing money hand over fist.
Is it me, or am I the only one to think that the GP2x is 'pants'? I know it's new and I was early in it's uptake, but to do anything simple like play a game, view a video (Ha that's a laugh!), is a joke, and what are video novels all about! As a Linux user I thought I could get to load a basic system and run it like a Linux distro. The screen resolution is rubbish. Anyone want to buy mine?

Rog (the disgruntled)
I think it's great! It's not that hard, surely? Perhaps you're not really the sort of person who should be an early adopter of a product like the GP2X?

Edit: I misunderstood what Rog was complaining about and I apologize for the tone of my message (which I have left unedited above).

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We must be vigilant not to be 'fanboys' -- those who praise only, without critcizing.. ie: without being honest.

ie: The PSP is a great piece of hardware, but a fanboy ignores the fact it would've been better on SD rather than memstick, or that it would be better-still with a second analog, or no-Sony-bullshit towards homebrew, etc. So those who wank the PSP without being honest about it.. are fanboys.

Likewise, those who wank the gp2x without beinmg honest do a dis-service to the gp2x community -- ie: too many people will say 'buy the gp32 or gp2x always! it is th ebest!' are possibly scfrewing people, since they're providing the wrong info. It is always best to be honest, to provide the facts, so someone can decide properly if it is for them.

Thats why I joined this discussion.. we need to not flame people .. but to discuss honestly :)

(ie: This applies to XBox 360 fanboys, PS3 fanboys, etc etc.)


/me passes on the ironic opportunity to pee on the Amiga and praise the ST :)