On platforms like these, we all tend to be forgiving; ie: If you're being critical, the 2x has a tonne of problems .. GPH is pretty clueless a lot of the time, and is violating the GPL so far; the video player _is_ crap and is either chuggy or crashy or can't play videos; people are having problems with their SD cards due to firmware, and can't even update the firmware.. some units brick themselves, and the joystick can be dodgy; one can go on and on.. the QA isn't all that great (ie: Imagine the shit that would come down on Nintendo if the NDs had these problems?)
So anyway, people forgive all these things.. because GPH is like our pet

They're cute, they screw around and bollox things up, but we fix things as a commnity; without the community, the devic would fail.. so we prop it up, and always have, and it turns out to be great fun.
So if you come at it as a 'real product', then yeah.. theres a lot of annoyances right now. So give him some slack
The question is.. can you ignore the problems?
ie: I have no intention of using it asa a video player; there are better devices for that, and in my case I use a PDA. I only expect to dev for the 2x, and occasionally play some homerew on it.. I have no illusion that commercial apps will rescue it (they might, but I don't hedge on it).
So for people like me, who want homebrew and screwing around.. the 2x is _home_. But if you want serious big ticket stuff.. it is total junk.
Depends what one is looking for..
I wouldn't say Rog is wrong, if its wrong _for him_.
Heck, some of the prolems do hit all of us.. we just ignore them and think nothing of it; I've had my unit a week or so now, and am not really intereste din updating the firmware since they all sound like they have issues.. FW 1.0 seems to work for me, so I'm leaving it alone

How many people ha ve had FW issues?
I'd like to know why GPH chose to use gcc 2.95 for their base internal platofrm;they do make a lot of odd choices
Ahh GPH, we love you for your flaws