Expect the new version of snes9xgp soon!

Azure, can you ask him at least why he uses the GPMM directory for ROMs? I fail to see the point (unless he can't directory change...:S)

Anyways, looking forward to SNES, it's my second most wanted emu behind Mega Drive!
Azure posted on Aug 23 2003 said:
It will be finished tonight or tommorrow, so its going in the contest soon.
I'm gone be up the whole night :D
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Official contest rules - latest entries Sept 30, can be released after submittal to the contest.

So if he finishes it and subs it to GP32Spain, it -should- then be public :)
If this thing is in fact as fast as he claims it is then I will have to buy a new 128mb smc just for it. I am really looking forward to it any speed increase would be really nice. I have been playing earthbound a bit recently and it is playable but even a tiny boost in speed would just make it rock. As for the gpmm rom directory that has always been a pain but that can be changed so its no big deal. The gamma correction will also be a nice addition if that is still included in this next release. When is the gp32spain comp over? I know it has been going on for awhile and it will be interesting to see the final results.
Ah, fast snes emu for gp32 = nice. But then again, I was just playing chrono trigger on my xb0x and got tired of it really fast...Today has been very boring though so it doesnt really matter. If im really gonna be happy with this new emu im gonna need some new games.
Will mario kart work in this version?

Yeah, but I hear that you have to wait a while at the first screen. And then
if it doesn't work, you have to restart the gp32 and try again :) But it
Azure says that the snes9xgp could be released today. Does that mean it could be available to the public today ?

Private beta 0.97f

This emu is getting better each time.

It always depend of the games tested.
But most of all works full speed or nearly full speed with default settings
( frameskip 3, no sound )

But i noted that games using mode 7 ( F zero, mario kart ) runs more faster.

some games still fully playable with sound like micromachine or Flashback : YES !

All my test are done on the same samples of game on each release that make
me see the new feature more easely.

We are expecting a public release soon as a final release from the author.
SNES9XGP team made a good job and we thanks them for what they did.

So, sounds pretty promising.

but not full speed with sound, but i never expected that :)
sensible GP32 posted on Aug 24 2003 said:

Private beta 0.97f

This emu is getting better each time.

It always depend of the games tested.
But most of all works full speed or nearly full speed with default settings
( frameskip 3, no sound )

But i noted that games using mode 7 ( F zero, mario kart ) runs more faster.

some games still fully playable with sound like micromachine or Flashback : YES !

All my test are done on the same samples of game on each release that make
me see the new feature more easely.

We are expecting a public release soon as a final release from the author.
SNES9XGP team made a good job and we thanks them for what they did.

So, sounds pretty promising.

but not full speed with sound, but i never expected that :)
Frameskip 3 with no sound !
This news sounds really disappointing. :( I think alot of people were expecting frameskip 2 with sound at least.
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tis still just work in progress. i'm sure that if it can be made f2 with sound then he'll try his best to do it, if it can't then it can't
Azure made us think it could be released today and it may run virtually full speed with sound. SnesEmu is alot faster and hasn`t been updated for ages. I can only hope a good Genesis emulator comes soon.

Forgive me if I sound ungrateful, my expectations were really high considering this could be the last version of snes9xgp
And even though SNES9X is supposed to be open source he apparently isn't going to release the source for the GP32 version, how nice. What a big waste of time.


I hope the sound emulation is better, I tried on the old version FF6 and it sounded like crap.

Could we expect fullspeed with sound at FS 4-5? I just want those RPGs.
craigix posted on Aug 24 2003 said:
And even though SNES9X is supposed to be open source he apparently isn't going to release the source for the GP32 version, how nice. What a big waste of time.


That at least you should be able to do something about, since it's pretty illegal. Contact him regarding the opensource issue, and if he refuses to release the source, send an e-mail to the FSF. They have a team of lawyers whose only job is to deal with open-source violations for people without the money to hire their own lawyers. :D
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craigix posted on Aug 24 2003 said:
And even though SNES9X is supposed to be open source he apparently isn't going to release the source for the GP32 version, how nice. What a big waste of time.


Yeah Intellico is an asshole. <_<
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