Triple Triad Possible?

Very nice to see you can make some progress this fast... I wouldn't mind to do some content creation.. like researching for images (I don't know if I can really draw them ;D) and adding the variables.... and in case you want localisation I can transalte the app -> german once its done ;)
latest screenshot

adding card capture rules now. currently lets you go around selecting cards and placing them (code written for both pc and gp2x input depending on a compiler flag). Had to actually spend a while working on the SDK im writing to make this with (its just a layer ontop of SDL, but still) as sdl has no built in image flipping so i had to write functions to handle that for me, but now thats done it never has to be done again :)

When i have all the important rules applied I will do a basic ai which for all i care can just place cards randomly for now, just to get things going. then I can write a tile engine (my speciality :D no really, love those things.) and what not for the beginings of the "wandering" part of the game. Havnt actually tested this on my gp2x yet.. i'll wait until a bit more is done first i think ;)

Incidently, background is modable. That is, you can use an image in the background instead of blackspace. Didnt use one in the screenshot because i havnt actually made one that looks better than the black yet imho xD

edit: sigh, some things i forgot.

theres obviously no card spinning animation yet and player 1 always goes first. the hand cursor does get flipped to point the right way though and when you select a card to place it gets pulled out of your deck a bit like in the screenshot where player1 is currently placing a card.

when this is done, sure i dont mind people translating it to other languages :) and i may have requests for game resources like images later on if people are interested in that too :) thanks for the offers.
"Flipping" a card isn't too hard. Just do an animation to change the width to 1, switch the card image, and bring the width back out from 1. It's pretty cheap, but it should work.
latest screenshot

now playable with yourself or a friend. game doesnt end when you win of course, but the game is still "playable" ;)

yah I have a fair idea how i will handle card flipping etc, just havnt got around to it yet. going to go allow for the COMBO rule to be in play (simple case of recursion) and then.. well, its 4:30am so i might sleep but we'll see ;)
My gawd that looks nice !!! :)

just PM me if I can help ;)

yes indeed it does!! will there be an option to change the font for the numbers? perfectionism on my part.. but uh.. i dunno, it would annoy me. :D

im glad someone thought of doing this, i always loved this game in FF8, and if you could make a little rpg-style game thing as well, it would be even more awesome.. :D

good job! keep it up.. and get some rest xD
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*rubs eyes* oh man I just got up and its nearly 4pm x_x;;

thankyou for the encouraging comments all :) Yes, at the bare minium changing the font is a simple case of replacing the .ttf font file and at best by selecting a font you like from the menu (something i could implement).

i'm going to go and hunt for food and try and wake up properly then shortly head back to work :)
thankyou for the encouraging comments all :) Yes, at the bare minium changing the font is a simple case of replacing the .ttf font file and at best by selecting a font you like from the menu (something i could implement).

dont worry, ill just change the .ttf file, its no big deal. ;)
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win32 alpha

There, a demo. Compiled for win32 so no nix or gp2x yet im afraid, its just a test alpha.


do NOT expect:

polished graphics
sound effects
a menu
the rpg system
most of the game rules
intelligent AI
a bug free experiance

DO expect:
cards to be randomly given to you
the AI to place cards randomly
the game to be at least playable
progress :D

The only rule currently active atm is COMBO which means when you successfully capture a card the turn will be calculated again as if YOU just placed the card you captured, and again for any it captures etc.

It wont tell you when you capture, the AI places *instantly* (in the end i'll make it so he moves the cursor n chooses a card like another player) and when the board is full (ie, game ends) it will simply restart instantly - if you want to know if you won then take a look at your score and his before you place the last card and try to calculate the score after you place it ;)

This is basically a "proof of concept" and basically a REAL binary to proove im actually working on this and not just creating fictional screenshots or whatever.

Also, if anyone would like to create any game boards or backgrounds for the triad section of the game you can find the relevent media in the /images/ folder to use as a template :) I'm sure there are bugs but as far as im aware the basics of triad are fully playable. Report back with your experiances etc please :)



Please note I think i once noticed a card capture fail that SHOULDNT of failed. This could be a bug in code OR i could of made an error when creating the data in the .deck file meaning what the card image says and what the game thinks it says may not match. If you notice a card capture that didnt work then please screenshot immediatly and either post it online or send it to dave AT - ta
wow, i just downloaded it and it looks great! If I get time later I will test it more thoroughly, but I'm really busy right now.

I want a linux demo!!!!

*shuts up*

... okok, I am gonna reboot tomorrow ;D

Thanks for the demo, not as if we wouldn't have believed you you actually did some programming ;)
again, sorry to the *nix users :) But you're not missing out on much yet ;) There will probably be a long pause before the next demo (but not updates, i hope) because im not currently intending to release another until you can walk around, talk to someone, start up a game of triple triad, win/loose it, go back to map and repeat.

Today has been a good day though. not just for triad but for me, been a good mood all day and so has my partner etc, just one of those days I guess, maybe spring is near? :) But this has kept me motivated throughout the day to work on triad which was nice.

Anyway, tile engine!

tile engine

nono, the tile set is NOT mine. I just found it amongst some old rpgmaker stuff and thought "that;ll do for now". Obviously when releasing a final product it will need to have my own tilesets (or at least some i know the source of and have permission to use) - but im sure no one will mind me using temporary ones whilst i build the engine :)

Anyway, we have a fully featured tile editor there. It will load a tile sheet of any size (but assumes the tiles inside at 16x16) and let you place tiles from inside it. you can scroll around and what not. Now i can save off a few basic maps, get someone walking around it and implementing some sort of npc interaction to start games and from that point on it should be all down hill :)

i'll keep you informed.
woo! keep it up xD

im really looking forward to this, especially if you can implement all the rules and everything. :D
Keep us updated, I am really happy if we'd get a decent cardgame inclugind RPG-style-elements for the GP2X... as I said before, very, very nice ;D
I appreiciate the support :) We wont forget you had the idea snake xD

Dont be alarmed if i dont update every day. I will try to, even if its just to say "didnt get alot done today" etc etc, but sometimes I cant get to my pc or whatever :) But I will definatly be trying to finish this project.

Map editor is 100% finished and fully functional. I made a little map (much like the test map in the previous screenshot), save it off and moved it to the actual game engine. Added the loading functions and map renderer and now the triad engine is happily drawing any maps I throw at it.

I've decided the next job (which im about to start) will be the beginings of the npc engine. As the rpg section (or "wandering aspect" as im lovingly calling it) is not intended to be super bloated with tons of features and stuff (though things can obviously be added as updates when a solid engine is finished) the thing you will do most whilst walking around is interact with NPC's. So basically the NPC engine has to make up for any unsubstanalalities (yes.. i made that word up. ...i think) to do with the tile engine. Im expecting it to be the hardest part of the wandering aspect so I want to get it out of the way.

Will keep you updated, posting screenshots when appriopriate, expect a beta when the engine allows you to start a game of triple triad from within the wandering aspect.
let me understand... are you planning to develop a game like pokemon for example? like an "adventure" mode, yo duelling and getting cards?