So How Old Are You Guys?

So fellow gp2xer how old are you?

  • 0-12

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  • 13-15

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  • 16-17

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  • 18-21

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  • 22-33

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  • 34-44

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  • 44+

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I'm 25. It's great that there's some young blood here who likes Nostalgia games!

Man, Whiskthecat, I just realised that when Wizball (my avatar) came out, you weren't born yet, that makes me feel old!

Look at me, using the term youngblood, I feel like Papa Smurf

You see, I'm even talking 80's Jargon!

I am 16, what you call "Nostalgia games" are (in my opinion) severly better than games by made todays standard. thats i like them so. :) . As a matter of interest we should have a poll listing people's favourtie consoles. i bet that most popular consoles would be the ones that were around 20-25 years ago, since every1 likes playing games from their childhood. My favourite console is the snes. Which fits with my theroy since it was big when i was a child (10 years ago).

I had been seeing all this computer revolutions from 8 bits era, then 16, 32 and what we have now. I must say the gaming didn't really changed that much (expect for fps and rts but they are stagnating already). Better graphic can be very seducing but it wears pretty fast... Then what we are getting in the end?

The same shooting, the same jump&run, the same racing - everything what we had years before. Just package changed... I remember first Quake1 and how latest one is different from playing standpoint? In both you shoot and has to run in 3d environment.. The pixel shaders aren't making any differences to playing.

Where are modificable levels? Where is proper global lighting and not those stencil tricks? Where are big numbers of characters at once and not this "no more than three bad guys and one room" syndrome?
(yeah - I know the SeriousSam and Painkiller being noble exceptions)
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Not being funny, but what section should this be in?

As a 36 year old I started out with Game & Watch (which we traded at school for other Game & Watches). Then Spectrum 48K (Manic Miner and Jet Pac were my first ever games on this computer - taped off a friend). Ultimate were the best developers at first for the Speccy in my opinion (until they made 3D games which looked great but didn't play as good - bit like some of today's games really I suppose). Then got a Megadrive. Then a Dreamcast (also bought a computer but never used that for games - prefered the Dreamcast). Then a Gameboy Advance and now a GP2X (which I still haven't managed to get working atall - am I getting too old or something?). Oh, the very first gaming device I ever had I have forgotten the name of. It was a bat the bricks out of the wall handheld which I spent absolutely hours on. Grey in colour and quite long. There were a few (and I mean a few - they didn't make more than roughly 3 other games for this device) more games you could get for it but they were all pretty dismall. Oh God, rambling, rambling. Where's my cocoa?

I remember looking in the computer mags at the screen shots of games for the Atari ST and being very impressed. Never got around to buying one (money in those days went on drink). Just wondering, what would you say is the best game on that system?

I remember looking in the computer mags at the screen shots of games for the Atari ST and being very impressed. Never got around to buying one (money in those days went on drink). Just wondering, what would you say is the best game on that system?

The best game? Hard to say, but I guess I'll go with the rest and say Xanon 1/2. :P
Some of my other favorites are R-type, leusure suit larry, speed ball (The bitmap brothers again) and Prince of Persia (First game I ever played!) though. :)
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I remember looking in the computer mags at the screen shots of games for the Atari ST and being very impressed. Never got around to buying one (money in those days went on drink). Just wondering, what would you say is the best game on that system?

The best game? Hard to say, but I guess I'll go with the rest and say Xanon 1/2. :P
Some of my other favorites are R-type, leusure suit larry, speed ball (The bitmap brothers again) and Prince of Persia (First game I ever played!) though. :)

Me is 16...
and I think we should open a fav-console thread!!!

but in the meantime I'll continue here:

My gaming history:

I was 4 years old : 286 (or thats what I guess) DOS/Win3.1
maybe two years later: something somehow faster
first Games: Aladdin (hehe), Raptor (still rules!) and Keen4 (they should release the source for the GP2X !!!! :) )

7 years on earth: own 166MhZ Pentium MMX Win95
played lots of Sega MegaDrive and now I play these games on my GP2X *sweeet!*
played lots of N64 - laughed nonstop when first playing SuperSmash Bros. ;) !

maybe two years later: Gameboy Color (only 4 games though)
I think the MegaDrive Games are better ;D but GBA might be cool!

12 years: 1.5GhZ P4 ( wasn't my choice, still using it today and its too slow ;D)
(WinME (*bluescreen*), SuSe9.1-2/WinXP -> Ubuntu5.10/WinXP
...fell in love with NeoGeo at the arcades (Metal Slug!!!!).. and Pump it Up!, so now that maybe even pydance gets ported... what else do I want?
played some GameCube... quite nice but not too amazing.

16 years: after having failed to get an own laptop and after my iRiver igp-100 got refunded because it was broken and they couldnt fix it (hehe) I saw the GP2X somewhere in the news and thought: "Hey I've heard about something like that, it plays my .OGGs and sweet(!) it even uses GNU/Linux and open source!!"

And indeed I have to say it seems as if there aren't many things the GP2X won't be able to do in comparision to a laptop !

So, well, my favourite console is... sorry guys, its the (preferrably AMD(!) ) PC ;D
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im 19 gonna be 20

man some of the people on this board are young, kids are getting more clever nowadays