Openglad2x V1


vultum stultum habes
Nov 4, 2005
Essex, UK
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It's me again, churning out releases faster than you can say "Hey, that last release was crap!" This time, I've got a port of Openglad, a remake (using the original source) of FSGames' Gladiator, made in the mid '90s. Some of you may remember Gladiator. I don't, but it's still a fun game to play. The idea is to hire a team of soldiers, mages, elves and all sorts of other creatures to fight with you against other teams, winning gold, score and experience. You can then train your team with the gold you earn in different scenarios. The game runs fullspeed with sound. Also, if you want to make your own scenarios, you can use the scenario editor for Windows/Linux, which you can download at

Get Openglad2X.

Post your comments, feedback and bug reports here.
I love gauntlet style games. Thanks for the port!

Its awesome how much having sdl and linux are speeding up initial developement of games.
I had no clue what this game was... until I saw the screenshot. I distinctly remember downloading the this game (it was either shareware of freeware) and enjoying it a fair bit although I never got very far...
Wow, that was wierd...
Anyway, it seems to run great, from what I have played...
Wow, A very old classic brought back again. If you havent played it, try it now!

Old Skool action at its finest (well sorta... :lol: )
the controls are alright, I was able to play without looking at the readme. It looks like Nick took the time to translate most of the controls to the buttons for the on screen text. there are a few confusing parts, like that select = 'esc' and b='go', but it seems to work pretty well.
I need to go read the readme though, because I couldn't figure out how to train my troops...
Oh God, I absolutely love this game.
Thank you so much for porting it. :D
I can't wait until I get unbricked for this gem. Seriously, for me this is more fun than Quake. In fact, I think I'll download the Linux version and play right now.