Wheew, Someone Put Win95 And Linux On Their Psp...


Recovering Sega Addict
Nov 14, 2005
Worcester, MA
Check it out. I was doing a search for a program that allows Windows to view Linux partitions, and something caught my eye.



WHAAADAYA think about that?

I think it's kind of cool, but I want to know why. Noone can afford a 2 gig memory card for a PSP, so I wonder what they'd do with it.


Edit: I'm actually very scared... The first picture has the word 'Microsoft' right next to the word 'SONY'. Two mean, mean corporate competitiors of the GP2X ideal.
this is interesting. to bad its in an emulated state though and probably won't have the full capability of the original win 95, because if it did, i'm sure the PSP could be the equivelent of at least a 133mhz machine and could be used to play some good old dos games.
Well, seeing as how he compiled it from a DOS emulator, apparently DOS gaming wasn't his aim, probably more like, "Look what I can do!". I mean, he has to have DOS running to install Windows 95 anyway. At least that's the way I did it back in the good ol' days.
Why the hell not? It should be fun to play with Windows on equally annoying hardware :)
the DOS thing exactly. If the psps clocking at 333mhz can run a version of dos at a comparable speed of even 66mhz, you open yourself up to TONS of great old games, like Halloween Harry, Biohazard, and pretty much anything made by Apogee at that time of the 90's.

I'd get at least a 512mb memory card if i knew i could run Windows 95 w/dos at a speed that equaled a 486, thats what i grew up with and know tons of great games that ran on that ol' computer.
I few months ago i saw someone who had put a version of Mac on it (around OS7, I think). Apparently bootup took something like 3 hours.
this "news" is from last years august/september.
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