Joystick Replacement


Jun 6, 2003
Sheffield, UK
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Take a look at this, it's to show you how nasty the stick is that comes from GP, the one i have used makes game play so much easier, it feels better and is more accurate.

I ripped it from an old PS2 pad, an old Mad Catz retro pad.

It took some cutting down but not much.

Apologies for the grainy pictures.


Take a look at this, it's to show you how nasty the stick is that comes from GP, the one i have used makes game play so much easier, it feels better and is more accurate.

I ripped it from an old PS2 pad, an old Mad Catz retro pad.

It took some cutting down but not much.

Apologies for the grainy pictures.



How about some details? :) I've heard of the retrocon mod but I can't find any real info on it.

Speaking of which, how come everyone else has those cool raised screen covers? :o I've been using a generic radioshack "cut to fit" LCD sticky-cover
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Those are too high though increasing the dead zone, also old ...
Those are too high though increasing the dead zone, also old ...

Since when is posting something you've done that's been done before not allowed? I mean, people urge all the devs to make their version of an emulator, even if one is already out, why should this be different?
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Relax, I just said it was old ... it's been done before many times, with pictures.

Why post images of the exact same mod, done in exactly the same way, with no alteration, or customization to differentiate it from all the other exact same mods?

... sorry if I come off as bitter, but I'm old :lol:
I did one too, but I managed to put the stick lower on the shaft after my initial mod. Also lower on the metal shaft than these pictures show. It works a lot better with less 'dead-zone'.

Yes, I too altered the hight to sit lower ... BIG improvement :)
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Hehehe, looks like i got carried away with my botch job, I didnt realise it had been done before, musta missed that post, anyway I wasnt making a point on what I had done, I was making a point that the origional stick is rubbish and 10 mins work with a craft knife can improve the gaming experience on this wonderful little machine.


Does anyone know where I can get one of these retrocon pads? Most stores don't seem to carry them anymore, and I can't find any on ebay.

Does anyone know where I can get one of these retrocon pads? Most stores don't seem to carry them anymore, and I can't find any on ebay.


Try Gamestop; I got a 'used' one there for ~8 bucks ... though it was marked as used, it was never opened ... the plastic pack was just scratched and dirty-looking ...

The best thing is, the 'Con has 2 analog sticks, so you have a spare in case you goof up ;)
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Word of warning, Do not get the new microcon (as suggested in another thread), the stick looks the same but it is completely different on the base.