
Astropath posted on May 18 2006 at 06:39 AM said:
Okay, it works, and no flicker either.
Great! No, I don't really need the weird nhdat file, I'll just mark it down as a bizarre internet occurrence for now. Thanks for your help!
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Dzz posted on May 18 2006 at 04:42 PM said:
No, I don't really need the weird nhdat file, I'll just mark it down as a bizarre internet occurrence for now.
Just note that initially, the program did work with 606k nhdat file - I mean, loaded dungeon and all. This was the one on which I first observed flicker with nh0.2 version a few posts above.
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Dzz posted on May 18 2006 at 12:42 PM said:
Astropath posted on May 18 2006 at 06:39 AM said:
Okay, it works, and no flicker either.
Great! No, I don't really need the weird nhdat file, I'll just mark it down as a bizarre internet occurrence for now. Thanks for your help!

Wow, i'd like to see your "small changes" to fix the lcd flicker, your nethack port is the first gp2x app with absolutely no flickering at all

good work Dzz
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Have anyone mentioned problems with saving/restoring? Or am I the first to encounter this?

In other words - Nethack 0.2 with flickerfix on FW 2.0.0 doesnt preserve game save if the console is switched off.

Now step by step:

I run NH from scratch (after installation), it offers me to type in a name.
I choose "astro"
I choose class, race, sex and alignment. "Neutral male human Archeologist".
I play the game for some time.
Then I choose "Save & Quit". The game asks me: "Really save? A-yes, X-No"
I choose A-yes.
Message on top: "Saving..."
Back to system.

Now, without turning the GP2X off, I do some stuff (watch video, read e-book), then I run Nethack again.
On a name selection screen it offers me: B - "astro", A - done, X - erase, Select - letter
I select B
And the game is restored, saying "Hello astro, the human Archeologist, welcome to Nethack!

However, if I now turn the GP2X off, and later on I turn it on and attempt to run Nethack, this is what happens:
On a name selection screen it offers me: B - "astro", A - done, X - erase, Select - letter
I select B
And the game goes on with new character creation - asks for class, race, sex, ali (while remembering my last choices), shows me word from Camaxthli, and starts me in a new dungeon with new chara.

My files:

nhdat -------- at 601,332 bytes
nethack ------at 2,992,836 bytes
repeat.dat ---at 14 bytes
1lock.1 -------at 4,533 bytes

and two tilesets
Astropath posted on May 19 2006 at 01:37 AM said:
Have anyone mentioned problems with saving/restoring? Or am I the first to encounter this?
Thanks for reporting this; I'll look into it this weekend!
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Astropath posted on May 19 2006 at 12:35 PM said:
nickspoon posted on May 19 2006 at 02:42 PM said:
Maybe you're not using sync.
Am I supposed to use some kind of additional soft for apps to save files?

The way the GP2x deals with SD cards, it doesn't actually write to them when it says it is, a lot of the time. In order to get it to do so, either the coder, or you, in a script, need to run the command (anc correect me if I've got this wrong) sync() . That makes it actually finish writing what it's got cached in memory to the card.

This is done, iirc, to make things faster when dealing with the SD card, but does leave possibilities for the data not to be written if you just suddenly switch off, or don't sync() it.
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first off congrats on being made a guru dzz you definitely deserve it.

the updated gpe fixes all flickering problems for me as well. i haven't had any problems with save games even after turning unit off.

i'll be on the lookout for bug but haven't found anything so far.
jbrodack posted on May 19 2006 at 08:05 PM said:
i haven't had any problems with save games even after turning unit off.

Uh, oh. Might it be my SD-card?
I have Transcend 1GB card.

And Dzz, how do I run this sync() script, is it somwhere in FAQ?

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Now, my Nethack continues to act up :)

Okay, now it won't save at all. When I give command "Save and quit", then it tells me "Really save?" (A=yes, X=no), I choose A.
Then message on top goes like:

Cannot open save file.

On and on this happens.
Okay, I now will try quit without saving and reboot.

Okay, quit without saving worked. I should have been put into hall of fame (as I finished the game by quitting and survived).

Nope, same answer "Cannot open save file".

Okay, let me make a new installation.
I'll report what happens.


Okay, I destroyed the old installation (I stored it, actually, on my PC, if anyone would be interested in debugging it) and installed it from scratch.

Then I made a sync script (actually, copied one from Wiki), this one:
# lets get a directory listing onto our SD card of the GP2X
ls -laR / > /mnt/sd/ls_laR.txt

# sync the SD card so that everything is written.

# return to the menu screen
cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

I run the Nethack, created new Archeologist (my fave class) and then saved and quit.
Then I run the above script, switched GP2X off, then turned it on, and the save file worked!
Finally, I'll be able to get into some serious Nethacking!

Thank you, guys!
Why do you do the directory listing?

Isn't that gonna take a long time, before it actually ever even gets to the sync?
RiX0R posted on May 22 2006 at 02:46 PM said:
Why do you do the directory listing?

Isn't that gonna take a long time, before it actually ever even gets to the sync?

Uh, it's from the example from Wiki. I guess I will just remove everything before word "sync".
My first attempt in Linux, I'm compete newbie in Linux, don't forget :)
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This thread got me started playing nethack on my comp even before my gp2x arrived B)

Now that I've been playing it a bit on my gp2x I thought I'd list some of the things i found missing
  • Select multiple items to drop at once. It's a pain to drop many items one at a time.
  • Drop gold. This got me in to trouble when I got teleported in to a vault where a guard later came in and ordered me to drop the gold I picked up. :o
  • Throw items besides weapons. A fourtune cookie told me that dogs can be tamed by throwing food at them, it would be nice to be able to test it. Perhaps it would be usefull to throw gold as well.
Can't think of anything else at the moment that hasn't already been mentioned.
Anyways, this is an awesome port, thanks for your work Dzz.
Also I'd be more than happy to help out with some coding as I was planning to code for the gp2x anyways and this would be a nice project to start out with :)

Another bug report for ya - I had it crash on me when I attempted to go to the second level of the Gnomish Mines. By crash I mean that it locked up, froze - my batteries were fine.

A very convenient thing to add would be some key combination to scroll back the game messages. You know how it happens - you do something, a few lines of text queckly scroll through message bar, and you go blind :blink: without knowing what caused it... In original Nethack there was a way to see game message history, I've already been through couple of situations where I needed it.
A very convenient thing to add would be some key combination to scroll back the game messages. You know how it happens - you do something, a few lines of text queckly scroll through message bar, and you go blind :blink: without knowing what caused it... In original Nethack there was a way to see game message history, I've already been through couple of situations where I needed it.
Good point, I had made a note at one time to add that. Perhaps since the L button is a shift, the L button plus the joystick could be used to scroll through the message history.

Thanks everybody for your patience. I have several projects that I'm working on and Nethack doesn't get as much time as it should.
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Ok, I'm going to buckle down and work toward getting this thing good enough for a public release over the next couple of weeks. It's been a while since I asked this, so if those people who have tested this recently want to list the things they think are most important to make this releasable, go ahead. I'm not just asking to repeat stuff that has already been posted (I can read :) ) but basically I'm just calling for input again.

Thanks everybody! I haven't worked on this much recently but now I'd rather get it done than leave it in its current "almost ready" state.