Ttd2x Released


Solving your premature emulation since the Tapwave
Dec 2, 2005
TTD2X - A modified port of OpenTTD to the GP2X
OpenTTD Revision: R3353
TTD2X Version: 0.50,0,0,0,29,1097

Yay! An update to OpenTTD for the GP2X. I've named this port TTD2X. Lot's of stuff has been updated, including the previously buggy OpenTTD core. Things should run much smoother now, and TTD2X now uses the Minimal library for graphics output.
The controls are still a bit weird, as can be expected due to the lack of touch screen or mouse. Read the included readme.txt for the new controls layout.

Not many people (1) have donated for my TTD ports, so I'll see how this version of TTD2X goes. I've mostly been working on GP2PSX due to donations. It's sort of my way of telling which project I should work on more than others.

For those of you updating from a previous version, all that needs to be overwritten/updated is:
The entire LANG directory must be removed and replaced with the current LANG directory
That's all that's needed for updating from a previous installation. :)

I would really appreciate if someone formed of a list of bugs and improvements to TTD2X that I could go through and work on. I'm sure there's still plenty of work to be done on this port, I just get disorganized when it comes to finding bugs and keeping up to date on suggestions.

Time to enjoy some TTD! :)
Thanks for the update. To be honest, ive never had the pleasure of trying Transport Tycoon. I hope to now though. I think that may be the biggest reason in donation differences. Not everyone has played this game, and many younger kids dont even know what it is. Whereas with the PSX everyone knows what it is, and everyone is interested in it for different games.
Not many people (1) have donated for my TTD ports, so I'll see how this version of TTD2X goes. I've mostly been working on GP2PSX due to donations. It's sort of my way of telling which project I should work on more than others.

That's not the spirit. If you only code if people donates you, then write a program/ emu from scratch and sell it. It's not fair to get money from others people work.
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Now now he's only voicing his opinion on how he determins which is more highly sought after. I'm sure he'd continue to work on this just prehaps not as fast as the one people are "a$king" for.
TTD2X - A modified port of OpenTTD to the GP2X
OpenTTD Revision: R3353
TTD2X Version: 0.50,0,0,0,29,1097

Yay! An update to OpenTTD for the GP2X. I've named this port TTD2X. Lot's of stuff has been updated, including the previously buggy OpenTTD core. Things should run much smoother now, and TTD2X now uses the Minimal library for graphics output.
The controls are still a bit weird, as can be expected due to the lack of touch screen or mouse. Read the included readme.txt for the new controls layout.

Not many people (1) have donated for my TTD ports, so I'll see how this version of TTD2X goes. I've mostly been working on GP2PSX due to donations. It's sort of my way of telling which project I should work on more than others.

For those of you updating from a previous version, all that needs to be overwritten/updated is:
The entire LANG directory must be removed and replaced with the current LANG directory
That's all that's needed for updating from a previous installation. :)

I would really appreciate if someone formed of a list of bugs and improvements to TTD2X that I could go through and work on. I'm sure there's still plenty of work to be done on this port, I just get disorganized when it comes to finding bugs and keeping up to date on suggestions.

Time to enjoy some TTD! :)

Maybe you didn't get donations for this because as you stated the controls are awkward without a touchscreen. I still think is is cool to have though. Not sure why so many more like a PSX emu that will never have sound or be very smooth due to hardware limitations.

If you want to get rich from donations I suggest doing a fullseed with sound SNES emu. If you pulled that off you could retire, maybe :P
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Not many people (1) have donated for my TTD ports, so I'll see how this version of TTD2X goes. I've mostly been working on GP2PSX due to donations. It's sort of my way of telling which project I should work on more than others.

That's not the spirit. If you only code if people donates you, then write a program/ emu from scratch and sell it. It's not fair to get money from others people work.
you missed the point.
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TTD2X - A modified port of OpenTTD to the GP2X
OpenTTD Revision: R3353
TTD2X Version: 0.50,0,0,0,29,1097

Yay! An update to OpenTTD for the GP2X. I've named this port TTD2X. Lot's of stuff has been updated, including the previously buggy OpenTTD core. Things should run much smoother now, and TTD2X now uses the Minimal library for graphics output.
The controls are still a bit weird, as can be expected due to the lack of touch screen or mouse. Read the included readme.txt for the new controls layout.

Not many people (1) have donated for my TTD ports, so I'll see how this version of TTD2X goes. I've mostly been working on GP2PSX due to donations. It's sort of my way of telling which project I should work on more than others.

For those of you updating from a previous version, all that needs to be overwritten/updated is:
The entire LANG directory must be removed and replaced with the current LANG directory
That's all that's needed for updating from a previous installation. :)

I would really appreciate if someone formed of a list of bugs and improvements to TTD2X that I could go through and work on. I'm sure there's still plenty of work to be done on this port, I just get disorganized when it comes to finding bugs and keeping up to date on suggestions.

Time to enjoy some TTD! :)

Maybe you didn't get donations for this because as you stated the controls are awkward without a touchscreen. I still think is is cool to have though. Not sure why so many more like a PSX emu that will never have sound or be very smooth due to hardware limitations.

If you want to get rich from donations I suggest doing a fullseed with sound SNES emu. If you pulled that off you could retire, maybe :P

Do you HAVE to be an ass when talking about ANYTHING but SNES emulation?
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When my 2x arrives on wednesday, this this will quite possibly be the first thing i try out :D

EDIT: I've had a thought, how much work would it be to implement a track build mode like the one in Chris Sawyer's Locomotion?? I.e. the analog stick would pick a direction and then a key would place a the tile automatically moving the build cursor on to the next tile? Something like that would suit a mouseless version of the game great!

TTD2X - A modified port of OpenTTD to the GP2X
OpenTTD Revision: R3353
TTD2X Version: 0.50,0,0,0,29,1097

Yay! An update to OpenTTD for the GP2X. I've named this port TTD2X. Lot's of stuff has been updated, including the previously buggy OpenTTD core. Things should run much smoother now, and TTD2X now uses the Minimal library for graphics output.
The controls are still a bit weird, as can be expected due to the lack of touch screen or mouse. Read the included readme.txt for the new controls layout.

Not many people (1) have donated for my TTD ports, so I'll see how this version of TTD2X goes. I've mostly been working on GP2PSX due to donations. It's sort of my way of telling which project I should work on more than others.

For those of you updating from a previous version, all that needs to be overwritten/updated is:
The entire LANG directory must be removed and replaced with the current LANG directory
That's all that's needed for updating from a previous installation. :)

I would really appreciate if someone formed of a list of bugs and improvements to TTD2X that I could go through and work on. I'm sure there's still plenty of work to be done on this port, I just get disorganized when it comes to finding bugs and keeping up to date on suggestions.

Time to enjoy some TTD! :)

Maybe you didn't get donations for this because as you stated the controls are awkward without a touchscreen. I still think is is cool to have though. Not sure why so many more like a PSX emu that will never have sound or be very smooth due to hardware limitations.

If you want to get rich from donations I suggest doing a fullseed with sound SNES emu. If you pulled that off you could retire, maybe :P

Do you HAVE to be an ass when talking about ANYTHING but SNES emulation?

DaveC made a clear statement and he is not behaving like an ass (in this case :P).
It`s true that people will only donate if they find anapp that is really awesome to play around with, like DrMD, or a PSX emu, or, like DaveC said, a fully working SNES emu.
I would really like to have more fun with OpenTTD or TTD2X but I dislike the controls and I even more dislike the switching between the 4 screen parts. I hope there will be an option to scale it to 320x240.
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Just to clarify things. I will continue my work on TTD2x regardless of donations. This project is out of love not money. I appreciate people acknowledging my work whether positive or negative and I'm always trying to improve my ports. My comment was just aimed at me wondering if people are interested in this project.

I really shouldn't talk when I'm sick.

Gandalfjip: What happens when you try to run it?
Just to clarify things. I will continue my work on TTD2x regardless of donations. This project is out of love not money. I appreciate people acknowledging my work whether positive or negative and I'm always trying to improve my ports. My comment was just aimed at me wondering if people are interested in this project.

I really shouldn't talk when I'm sick.

Thanks for clarify that :) and excuse me if I sounded a bit harsh.
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Yay a new Version, great work!
I will try it asap, btw i planed to Donate for the first Version but somehow I didn't get around getting the Paypal Account up, maybe i manage it today :-)

Oh and a600, people like you really deserve some slaps, who are YOU to tell people what they can do with their work and what not?
did you EVER do something useful to have the right to criticize anyone else?
I would really appreciate if someone formed of a list of bugs and improvements to TTD2X that I could go through and work on. I'm sure there's still plenty of work to be done on this port, I just get disorganized when it comes to finding bugs and keeping up to date on suggestions.
Let's everybody add their bug reports & wishlist to the TTD2X page on the Wiki :)
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Oh and a600, people like you really deserve some slaps, who are YOU to tell people what they can do with their work and what not?
did you EVER do something useful to have the right to criticize anyone else?

Umm, he did ports for Interlogic and Dodgin' Diamond 2, interpreters for Hexen and Heretic and updates to Rick Dangerous and Pituka <_<

"I will use Google before asking dumb questions"
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