Do I Have The Best Gp2x In The World.


Nov 24, 2005
I have had mine for around 3 weeks now.

I love it, the battery life is great , around 4 hours on Uniross 2300mh.

(DRMD IS fantastic) !!!

The joystick is okay when you get used to it, the screen is excellent and the speed in which new emulators are showing up is excellent.

Sometimes you read all the negative stuff on here and think geeeez, but let me tell you its not all bad !!!! Yeah i do know that most of the negative stuff here is constructive , but newbies might be put off, so i say fantastic effort by GPH and i look forward to what the new year might bring.

In fact i love it so much i have installed the dev kit and intend to start doing some coding for it (i am a developer anyway's, though windows based, so this will me the first portable device that has made me sit up and say wow !).

Happy new year everybody.

Yeah it really does rock. :)

So it ain't perfect, who cares for the price I paid it really is a great system.

btw, are you the same 7zark7 from the EAB?
no i dont think i am :) , though i have signed up with that name for a lot of things :)
Yes, it's quite ok with me too.
The only thing I don't like is the joystick, but I'm getting used to it, too.

Anyway, the battery life could be longer... but hey, it w ill be longer SOON :) So what... ^_^

I hope the Gp2X has a long life... don't need another trashed handheld :/
you get four hours from DRMD with no overlock? try overcloking it to get frames of 60fps and see what you get then. I get around 1 hour with 2600 batts and yes i have tried loads of brands.

Just try it and let us know your results cause if you can get 4 hours with overclock im sending mine back.
why do you overclock it , everything i play with drmd works fine for me ??? gods, sonic , chaos engine, mega turrican etc etc.

quite happy to try it overclocked for you though ....

i guess battery life depends on how you play it, if you play one hour a day or so, i can go a few days without changing my batterys (always stuck at midum), but boy when it dies it just goes (that is a little annoying !).

you get four hours from DRMD with no overlock? try overcloking it to get frames of 60fps and see what you get then. I get around 1 hour with 2600 batts and yes i have tried loads of brands.

Just try it and let us know your results cause if you can get 4 hours with overclock im sending mine back.
What batteries and what charger?
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you get four hours from DRMD with no overlock? try overcloking it to get frames of 60fps and see what you get then. I get around 1 hour with 2600 batts and yes i have tried loads of brands.

Just try it and let us know your results cause if you can get 4 hours with overclock im sending mine back.
What batteries and what charger?
I get around that with Ansmann 2500mAh and a multiplex charger. And the batteries are still on third charge...
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I've never had to overclock to run anything on DrMD. I only need to for MAME (all newer Capcom games) and the TG-16 emu. I get about 3 hours average on my Energizer 2500mAh bats.

So how's 1Rover1 doing there, Zark? (P.S. The original Gatchaman that Battle of the Planets was taken from kicks the crap out of BOTP, way more violence and actual cursing, which was cut and filled with 7zark7 in BOTP. Check it out if you can. the DVD releases of BOTP contain the original uncut episodes.)
What about all of the other homebrew games we're probably going to get? :) Don't concentrate so much on DrMD. If you do, you'll probably end up missing out on a lot of other stuff. Though, DrMD is a pretty nice emulator (I use it on the gp32). It's fullspeed, but it has to do some frameskipping, which is perfectly fine with me. :)

I, too, have heard about the 'problems' of the gp2x, and all of the non-success stories here. I can tell you one thing, I was able to upgrade my firmware without any problems. In fact, it took maybe half of a minute... maybe less! I did have to reformat my 1gb SD card to FAT32 (instead of FAT) before it'd upgrade, but after that, it worked fine.

People keep complaining about the flickering and the scanlines of the LCD and stuff, but I really don't have a problem with it. I don't notice the flickering at all unless I have my LCD at a SUPER weird angle, and the screen is all black or something. I do see the interlacing, but it doesn't bother me at all, it's really no problem.

The thumbstick is... ehh... I don't really like it as much as the GP32's, but it certainly isn't bad if you get used to it. The button's pretty nice too, I didn't even know it was there when I first got it. :P

Battery life leaves much to be desired, but I'm sure GPH will extend it by upgrading the firmware. I kinda wish the low battery indicator worked, but I can deal without it.
I got uniross 2300mah's AND 2500's im STILL using my uniross 2500s! I played drmd overclocked a few days ago for about an hour, then i just tried out some more homebrew games. THEN i tried out ninja turtles 2, watched half of it. Yesterday i played drmd for about an hour and a half (yes, everytime i play drmd i overclock to 266mhz) I overclock drmd coz thunderforce 4 and aladdin in much much better on fskp 0. Not to mention MOST games, when you get hit you can actually dissapear on fskp 1. So i overclock drmd all the time now. Its perfect!

I still got the same batteries going. I bet they will run down sometime soon. But i got around 3 hours of drmd overclocked and half hour of a film (only tweaked the screen for that) and they STILL run. Not to mention i flashed the firmware with the SAME batteries.

Seriously guys, i am NOT joking. I mean, i was expecting this great big battery guzzler, coz thats what everyone has been saying! But i mean, its near enough as good as my gp32 was! If yours got bad battery life, even after firmware update (maybe mine is good coz i used the firmware updater? i dunno) i suggest testing it some more and if its still sucks, send it back. You never know, sony might of sneaked into gph and planted a few battery draining bugs inside a few units, maybe to make them more like the psp.. i dunno.
thats much more like the performance i am getting from my batteries (hey maybe its uniross LOL) so much for ansmann or whatever .... ducks for battery flames, seriously though there does seem to be a huge difference in what some people are reporting to what i am seeing on my unit !
I underclock my gp2x for drmd to 166 for most games, some games i even under to 150 to conserve battery :) And they still run at a healthy 60ish fps on 166. But for like sonic 3d blast i gotta go to 200 :)

How hoigh does ur unit overclock to? Mine goes to 300mhz and remains stable :P without freezing.
i have mine overclocked at 1.5ghz and running the snes emulator and gba emulator in sep windows whilst listening to mp3's :)

i have not overclocked mine yet, 300mhz is pretty cool, i thought 280 was the max.
What charger are you using. I get much better performance from my new intelligent charger than I did from my old cheapo effort. Even my old batteries last longer than they used to.
yes, the problem could be a charger. I also have more than 3 hours playtime with no-name rechargables (2300mha)

Not like li-ion, nimh batteries should be charged after using all remain power in them or you might get half (or less) charged ones.

The smart charger does drain power from the battery before starting recharge so battery keep being healthy, no memory-effect.

EDIT: and I dunno about the power comsumption of DrMD with overclocking, cuz I've never need ed.
What chargers are you guys using? I'm thinking of getting a new one but I wanna hear what you guys have to say about your chargers.